World Day of social justice

20 February 2009

On November 26, 2007 the General Assembly of the UNO by initiative of Kyrgyztan made a decision on declaring February 20th the World day of the social justice. The resolution project elaborated in joint authorship of 80 states was adopted unanimously.

The document accentuated that the social development and the social justice are the preconditions for the maintenance of peace and security in a particular country as well as part of the relationship between the countries. It was also noted that the important conditions to ensure the social development and the social justice were the economical increase, peace and security as well as the human rights observance.

It was also mentioned that the globalization and interdependency owing to trade, investments and capital flow as well as the achievements in the field of technology including the information technology, reveal the new opportunities for the world economy increase, the improvement of the quality of life in the entire world.

The resolution acknowledged the necessity of further efforts of the international community in order to fight misery, provide the employment for all, the equal rights for men and women, social welfare and social justice for everybody.

For the first time the World day of the social justice was celebrated on February 20th, 2009.


Lit.: Всемирный день социальной справедливости [Электронный ресурс] // Организация объединённых наций (ООН). 2013. URL: