Anniversary of the coronation of Peter II, the Russian emperor

6 March 1728

On May 6 (17), 1727 died the Russian empress Catherine I. She left a will making the only legitimate heir to the throne the grandson of Peter I, Peter Alexeevich.

On the following day after the empress’ death the members of the royal family, the generals, the member of the Supreme Privy Council, of the Senate and Synode along with the Guards swore allegiance to the young sovereign. On February 4 (15), 1728 Peter II came to Moscow for the coronation ceremony which took place on February 24 (March 6), 1728.

The coronation of Peter II was the first one in the history of Russia conducted in accordance with the ‘established rite’. The previous Russian rulers took the throne going through the coronation the rite of which Peter I had used with slight changes to lay the emperor’s crown on Catherine I. The coronation rite for Peter II was also based on the rite of the Russian sovereigns’ coronation taking into account however the experience of the European countries such as France, Sweden, the Holy Roman Empire, Denmark. 

For the first time to the traditional emperor regalia such as the mantle of gold brocade lined with fur with eagles embroidered on it, the orb, the scepter and the brilliant crown were added the national flag, the sword, the seal and the diamond chain of the order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The rite was complicated by the addition of the 100th psalm which was performed in front of the entrance to the cathedral. The coronation was carried out by the archbishop of Novgorod Feofan Prokopovich.

The manifesto issued in honor of the ceremony stated the decrease of the tax burden and the mitigation of punishment for the condemned. In addition 37 people were promoted in ranks, common people were given the entertainment and the fireworks were held on the Tsaritsyn meadow.

Thirteen years old emperor led to the throne with such a great ceremony could not rule by himself. He dedicated almost all of his time to the amusement. As to the state at first it was ruled by the count A. D. Menshikov, then by A. I. Osterman and the Dolgorukie. With the death of Peter II on the night of January 19 (10), 1730 the kin of Romanovy in the male line was interrupted.


Lit.: Голованова М. П. К истории формирования комплекса регалий и утверждения государственной символики Российской империи // Государственный историко-культурный музей-заповедник «Московский Кремль». Материалы и исследования. Вып. 13. Петр Великий – реформатор России. М., 2001; Попов К. М. Чин священного коронования // Богословский вестник. 1896. Т. 2, апрель – май; Токмаков И. Историческое описание всех коронаций российских царей, императоров и императриц. М., 1896; Ульянов О. Г.  Коронация // Москва: энциклопедия. М., 1997.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Арсеньев К. И. Царствование Петра II / сочинение Константина Арсеньева, читанное в собрании Императорской Российской академии 2 июля 1838. СПб., 1839;

Долгоруков П. В. Время Императора Петра II и Императрицы Анны Иоанновны. М., 1911;

1727 года. Блаженныя и вечнодостоиныя памяти ея императорского величества, Екатерины Алексиевны, состоявшияся указы по кончину ея величества. Такожде Манифест о принятии россииского престола, всепресветлеишаго державнеишаго великого государя, Петра Алексиевича Втораго, императора и самодержца всероссииского, и присяга в вернои службе его величеству, и публичныяж указы по нынешнеи 728 год. СПб., 1728.