The Treaty of Stolbovo between Russia and Sweden was signed
On February 27 (March 9), 1617 in the village of Stolbovo near Tikhvin was signed the peace treaty of Stolbovo which ended the Russian-Swedish war unleashed in 1611.
The negotiations about the treaty conclusion began in December of 1616. The Russian delegation was headed by the count D. I. Mezetsky, the Swedish one – by the armies commander Ya. Delagardi. The role of negotiator played an Englishman John Meric.
Under the treaty the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus acknowledged that the new House of Romanov had the right for the Russian throne. Russia got back Novgorod and the whole Novgorod patrimony including the Old Russa, Ladoga, Porkhov, Gdov, Sumerskaya volost. However the Izhora lands occupied by the Swedes including the fortresses of Ivangorod, Yam, Koporie, Oreshek and the town of Korela were gained by the king. The population of these lands wishing to retain the Russian citizenship could leave the frontier territories within the period of two weeks.
Besides loosing the access to the Baltic Sea, Moscow was obliged to pay to Sweden a great sum of 20 thousand silver rubles. In the beginning of the 17th century this amount was equal to 980 kg of silver.
According to the treaty the parties restored the free commerce. However the Swedish merchants were not allowed to transport their goods to Persia, Turkey and Crimea via the Moscow state, as well as the Russian merchants were restricted to convey as transit goods to the countries of the Western Europe via the Swedish territory.
In spite of the hard terms of the treaty which were revised only after the Northern war of 1700-1721 its conclusion was vital at the time. Moscow avoided fighting war on two fronts simultaneously and could now focus on the struggle against Poland which pursued its efforts to raise to the Russian throne the prince Vladislav. The treaty of Stolbov was the first step on the way of stabilization of the foreign and domestic position of Russian after the end of the Time of Troubles.
Thus, by the end of 1618, the territory of the Russian state was freed from enemies, except the lands obtained by Sweden under the Treaty of Stolbovo, which remained in possession of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the Truce of Deulino of 1618.
Lit.: Из Столбовского мирного договора между Русским государством и Швецией // Русско-шведские экономические отношения в XVII в. М.; Л., 1960. № 1; Пидотти Г. А. Реальные памятники Столбовского договора // Известия Всесоюзного географического общества. 1941. Т. 73. Вып. 2; Рябов Д. С. Русско-шведская граница по Столбовскому договору 1617 г. [Электронный ресурс] // Гатчина сквозь столетия. 2004-2016. URL:; Сташевский Е. Очерки по истории царствования Михаила Фёдоровича. Ч. 1. Киев, 1913; Якубов К. Россия и Швеция в первой половине XVII века. М., 1897.Разд. 1. 1616–1618 гг. Извлечения из статейных списков и дел, касающихся заключения и ратификации Столбовского мирного договора.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Полное собрание законов Российской империи, с 1649 года. СПб., 1830. Т. 1. № 19. С. 177-192;
Лыжин Н. П. Столбовский договор и переговоры, ему предшествовавшие. СПб., 1857;
Якубов К. И. Россия и Швеция в первой половине XVII века. М., 1897.