Birth of Alexander Myshlayevsky, military man and historian, General of infantry

24 March 1856

Alexander Zakharjevich Myshlaevsky, military leader and historian, General of Infantry, honored professor of the Imperial Military Academy was born 12 (24) March 1856.

Alexander received his primary education in a classical grammar school in Zhytomyr. Then he graduated from the Mikhailovsky Artillery School and Nicholas General Staff Academy. In 1891-1893, Myshlaevsky was Junior Clerk Office of Military Research Committee of the General Staff.

In 1892, Alexander Myshlaevsky was promoted to colonel, and in 1898 he was appointed Professor of the Nicholas General Staff Academy of the department of history of Russian military art. In 1899, Myshlaevsky took over as chief Military Science Archive of the General Staff, and in 1901 was promoted to major general. In his writings on military history of Russia Alexander Zakharjevich supported the Russian military-historical school, defended the original and distinct way of development of Russian military art. He had made a great contribution to the methodology of the military-historical science. In the published collections of documents he developed techniques and methods of archaeographic processing and publication of archival documents.

In 1905, Myshlaevsky was appointed duty general of the General Staff, in May 1908 - Chief of the General Staff, and in March of the following year - Chief of the Main Department of General Staff. While on this post, he developed "proposals to transform the central military management in order to eliminate major drawbacks of the existing organization of the War Ministry." In 1909, Alexander Zakharjevich was appointed commander of the 2nd Caucasian Army Corps. In December of 1912, for distinguished services, he was promoted to general of infantry.

At the beginning of the First World War of 1914-1918, Myshlaevsky was appointed Assistant Commander in Chief of the Caucasian Army, Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov. However, after unsuccessful actions near Sarikamish (Sarikamish operation) in March 1915 he was dismissed. A few months later, in July 1915, Myshlaevsky was again appointed to serve at the disposal of the Minister of War.

In November 1915, Alexander Zakharjevich was appointed chairman of Metallurgical Committee and authorized for the metallurgical industry of the Special Meeting on national defense. From August 1916 he had worked as mainly authorized to supply metals.

After the February Revolution, in March-June 1917, Alexander Zakharjevich served as commander of the military district of Kazan. And in December 1917 he was the chairman of the Caucasian military-historical commission to generalize the experience of the First World War on the Caucasian front. Myshlaevsky is the author of several papers and publications on Russian military history, particularly the history of the Great Northern War and the War in China of 1900-1901.


Lit.: Брусилов А. А. Мои воспоминания. М., 2001; Залесский К. А. Кто был кто в Первой мировой войне. М., 2003; Мышлаевский Александр Захарьевич // Большая советская энциклопедия. М., 1974. Т. 17.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Мышлаевский А. З. Пётр Великий. Военные законы и инструкции : (изданные до 1715 года)/ [сост. и авт. предисл.] Ген. штаба полк. А. З. Мышлаевский. СПб., 1894;

Мышлаевский А. З. Пётр Великий. Война в Финляндии в 1712-1714 года : Совместная операция сухопутной армии, галерного и корабельного флотов. СПб., 1896;

Мышлаевский А. З. Собственноручное письмо графа Ростопчина – генералу Барклай-де-Толли 25 июля 1812 года // Русская старина : ежемесячное историческое издание. Г. 30 1899, Т. 99, кн. 7-9, июль-сентябрь. СПб., 1899;

Отечественная война 1812 года. СПб., 1900. Отдел 1: Переписка русских правительственных лиц и учреждений. Т. 1, ч. 1, Подготовка к войне в 1810 г. / Издание Военно-ученого комитета Главного штаба ; под ред. Ген. штаба полк. Мышлаевского;

Отечественная война 1812 года. СПб., 1901. Отдел 1: Переписка русских правительственных лиц и учреждений. Т. 2, Подготовка к войне в 1811 г. : (январь - май месяцы) / сост.: состоящие в Воен.-учен. архиве ротм. Перевощиков и шт.-кап. Иванов ; ред. ген. шт. ген.-майор Мышлаевский.