The Day of cultural worker

25 March 2008

The Day of cultural worker is the professional holiday of the workers of culture of the Russian Federation. It is celebrated annually on the 25th of March.

The proposal to establish this professional holiday was advanced by the Culture and Mass communications Minister of Russia Alexander Sokolov in December of 2006 during the meeting of the State Council covering the issues of the state support for the traditional culture of the Russian Federation. The initiative arose from the numerous requests coming from the regions as well as recommendations expressed at the meeting of Coordination Council for Culture composed of the leaders of culture bodies of all the regions of the Russian Federation.

On August 27, 2007 the Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree ‘About the Day of cultural worker’ establishing March 25 as the date of the professional holiday.

In his congratulation speech addressed to cultural workers on March 25, 2009 the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev noted that ‘the preservation and increase of the cultural heritage of Russia and all the peoples of our country is one of the government’s foreground tasks. Today it is very important to impart love and honor for the national culture to our youth, to create the appropriate conditions so as to provide the equal access for all the citizens to its resources and seek new forms of popularization of our great cultural traditions’.

Cultural workers have their trade union – the Russian trade union of cultural workers which has been operating since 1991.


Lit.: О Дне работника культуры: указ Президента Российской Федерации от 27.08.2007 г. № 1111 // Собрание законодательства РФ. 03.09.2007. N 36, ст. 4366; Российский профсоюз работников культуры: сайт. 1991-2019. URL: