The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR issued a decree “On the allocation to Komzet of vacant lands in the Amur region of the Far East”

28 March 1928

March 28, 1928 the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the allocation to Komzet of vacant lands in the Amur region of the Far East for the needs of the continuous settlement of toiling Jews."

In the early 1920's there have been much discussed the plans of land-utilization by toiling Jewish and finding of a territory where they could settle compactly. To address this issue was created a commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee. June 14, 1924 at the suggestion of the Commission under the Council of Nationalities of the USSR Central Executive Committee was established the Committee for the Settlement of toiling Jews on the Land (KOMZET), and in 1925 - the Society for Settling Toiling Jews on the Land (OZET).

Komzet addressed the issue of settlement of working Jews in the Crimea, Azov swamps and Altai. In the spring of 1927, was chosen an alternative - the resettlement of Jews to the Far East. The area for future colonization was defined - Birsko-Bidzhansky. In August of that year it was visited by the expedition of agricultural scientists led by B. L. Brooke, as well as representatives of KOMZET and OZET. The Commission generally welcomed the prospects of the future colonization area.

Once the materials of the expedition were summarized, KOMZET resolved "to ask the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee to allocate Birsko-Bidzhansky area to KOMZET and to start settling toiling Jews there." The decree of 28 March 1928 satisfied a request of KOMZET to allocate it approximately 4.5 million hectares of land of the Far Eastern Amur region and sanctioned a mass migration of the Jewish population to the Amur region.

In May 1928, first transports of immigrants arrived to the halt Tikhonkaya (now Birobidzhan), where they immediately took up the development of the natural resources of the area.


Lit.: Диманштейн С. М. Еврейская автономная область — детище Октябрьской революции. М., 1934; Еврейская автономная область : энциклопед. словарь / отв. ред. В. С. Гуревич, Ф. Н. Рянский. Хабаровск, Биробиджан, 1999; Развитие Еврейской автономной области (конец XIX в. — 1934 г.) [Электронный ресурс] // Еврейская автономная область. 1999-2014. URL:


From the Presidential library materials:

Биробиджан: от заброшенного полустанка до центра Еврейской автономной области, 1937 г. : [фрагменты кинохроники]. СПб., 2010;

Бирско-Биджанский Район Дальне-Восточного Края : труды экспедиции 1927 г./ Комитет по земельному устройству трудящихся евреев при Президиуме Национальностей ЦИК СССР (Комзет) ; под ред. проф. В. Р. Вильямса. М., 1928.