The first printed paper of the Tobolsk Province – “Tobolsk Provincial Bulletin” published

9 May 1857

April 27 (May 9), 1857 was published the first printed newspaper of the Tobolsk Province - "Tobolsk Provincial Bulletin" (1857-1918).

The appearance of the newspaper was preceded by a long break in the periodicals of the Western Siberia. The initiator of the "Tobolsk Provincial Bulletin" was the civil governor, Victor A. Artsimovich. He managed to organize and arrange the publishing activity. The first members of the editorial staff were the people close to the governor in spirit and ideological principles. Artsimovich compiled and organized the circle of the original authors. The governor studied the completed article, and authorized the publication of the material.

The paper had been published daily from 1857 to 1918. The "Bulletin" consisted of two parts. The official part contained regulations, orders, regulations of local and central authorities, information on appointments, moves, layoffs, awards officials, the news of the upcoming auction prices, the official statements. The informal part featured the materials on economics, statistics, ethnography, history, local history, information on various expeditions, archeological digs, meteorological observations, announcements and advertising. In 1893, the official and unofficial parts were merged, making it possible to publish applications: "Agriculture and Handicraft Industry Department " (1896-1906) and "School Division" (1907-1917).

The "Tobolsk Provincial Bulletin" had brought together a significant team of authors: M. A. Smolensky, titular councilor of the provincial administration: his articles were of the nature of economic reviews; K. Ya. Von Colin, colonel of gendarmes, who wrote regular reports on the local provincial administration; I. Lisitsyn, Inspector of the Tobolsk District Religious School, the author of notes on local history. A significant contribution to the development of the newspaper had made such authors as E. Anuchin, P. Golovachev, A. Dmitriev-Mamontov, A. Dunin-Gorkavich, A. Ikonnikov, V. Ilyin, A. Krylov, K. Krylov, K. Nosilov, I. Slovtsov, N. Chukmaldin and many others.

The public of Tobolsk had high hopes for their own edition. In the late 1850s - early 1860s the "Bulletin" were engaged with the organization of scientific resources of the Western Siberia. Tobolsk newspaper had become the regional enlightenment center. Education concerned the current state of the economy in the province, natural resources, various aspects of the history of Western Siberia, ethnography, folklore, and linguistics. Owing to the fact, the newspaper had attracted known historians to contribute to its edition. Among this kind of authors were: Alexander Sulotsky and Nikolai Abramov. Its pages knew the first publications of young Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin, prominent social activist, future ideologue of the Siberian social movement.

Editors of the newspapers often changed, which had a certain impact on the content of the informal part of the publication. This eventually led to a decrease in social orientation of the "Bulletin" and as a result, in their popularity. From 1880-1890's "Tobolsk Provincial Bulletin" lost its social significance, its circulation dramatically decreased, popular authors disappeared from its pages.

In 1918 the paper ceased to exist.


Lit.: Александрова Н. Н. Общественная жизнь Западной Сибири в середине 50-х — начале 60-х гг. XIX века: по материалам «Тобольских губернских ведомостей»: дис. канд. ист. наук: 07.00.02. М., 1996; Александрова Н. Н. Становление первой государственной газеты в Сибири («Тобольские губернские ведомости» в 1857-1861 гг.) // Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 10: Журналистика. 1998. № 1. С. 102-112; Александрова Н. Н. Становление первой государственной газеты в Сибири («Тобольские губернские ведомости» в 1857-1861 гг.) // Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 10: Журналистика. 1998. № 2. С. 103-112; Андреева А. А. СМИ региона: учеб.-метод. комплекс Тюмень, 2008; Большая тюменская энциклопедия. Тюмень, 2004. Т. 3. Р-Я. С. 215; Календарь знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 1997 год: ист.-информ. Справки и списки лит. Тюмень, 1997. С. 18-20; Мандрика Ю. Л. Государственная и частная печать: опыт чернильных войн // Российская провинциальная частная газета. Тюмень, 2004. С. 236-250; Мандрика Ю. Л. Неофициальная часть губернских ведомостей как тип провинциального издания: на материале «Тобольских губернских ведомостей»: автореф. дис. … канд. филолог. наук. Воронеж, 2004; Мандрика Ю. Л. «Тобольские губернские ведомости» как источник изучения культуры региона // Культура Тюменской области: история, современное состояние, проблемы и перспективы: материалы всерос. науч.-практ. конф., г. Тюмень, 15-16 апр. 2004 г. Тюмень, 2004. С. 43-47; Морозова Н. Н. Возникновение первых сибирских газет — Томских и Тобольских губернских ведомостей // Менделеевские чтения 2005: материалы ХХХVI регион. науч.-практ. конф. молодых ученых и студентов (22 апр. 2005г., г. Тобольск). Тобольск, 2005. С. 133-135; Рогачева Е. Нетипичная судьба «Губернских ведомостей» // Тюменский курьер. 2004. 28 сент.; Тобольские губернские ведомости. Сотрудники и авторы: антология тобольской журналистики конца ХIХ начала ХХ вв. Тюмень, 2004; Тобольские губернские ведомости. Редакторский корпус: антология тобольской журналистики конца ХIХ — начала ХХ вв. Тюмень, 2004.


The material provided by the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen region