Anniversary of the first victory of Russia in sea battle – the Day of Baltic Fleet
During the Northern War 1700-1721 Russia had been struggling for access to the Baltic Sea. Seizure of Noteborg and Nyenschantz fortresses enabled the Russian troops to control the entire extent of Neva from Ladoga Lake to the Gulf of Finland and opened for it the way to Baltic. However the Swedish fleet continued to threaten Russia.
On May 2 (13), 1703 the next day after Nyenschantz seizure, Peter I was reported on the presence of Swedish squadron composed of 9 ships under the commandment of vice-admiral Numers in the Gulf of Finland. Not knowing about Nyenschantz fall, Numers sent to Neva mouth a 10 canon galliot ‘Gedan’ and 8 canon snow ‘Astrild’. On May 5 (16), having entered the shoal, the ships came to anchor near the left bank of the Big Neva. Other ships having a big draught, remained at their places.
On May 7 (18), 1703 two companies of Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments commanded by bombardier captain Pyotr Mikhailov (Peter I) and lieutenant A.D. Menshikov on thirty boats covered by night and rain suddenly attacked two ships of Swedish squadron near the Neva mouth. After a fierce boarding battle with participation of 8 boats the enemy ships were seized in spite of a heavy artillery fire.
This victory infused courage into the Russian troops having proved that Swedes could be defeated not just on land but also in the sea.
All the participants of the battle received special medals with the legend ‘The impossible is possible’. As to Peter I and Menshikov, they became the holders of the St. Andrew Order.
In order to strengthen its positions at Baltic Russia needed a strong efficient fleet. It was initiated in 1702-1703 at Syas and Olonets shipyards.
On May 16 (27), 1703 were laid the foundations of Peter and Paul fortress and St. Petersburg was founded. In autumn of 1703 were laid the foundations of fort Kronshlot – the first fortification of Kronstadt fortress which became the main base of the Baltic Fleet in 1724. In 1704 according to Peter’s I drawings were laid the foundations of Admiralty shipyard. Within a few years it became the largest one in Russia building the biggest sailing vessels; by the end of Northern War it had built up to 50% of all battleships which represented the major force of the Baltic Fleet. A part of the ships for the fleet was built in Arkhangelsk. From there they came to the Baltic Sea doubling Scandinavia. Another part was acquired abroad.
In the course of Northern War with the support of the Baltic Fleet the Russian troops had captured: the fortress Vyborg, the port Revel (Tallinn), Riga, Pernov (Pyarnu) and Moonsund islands. At sea the Baltic Fleet had won the Battle of Gangut 1714, the Battle of Osel Island 1719 and near Granhamn 1720. At the beginning of the Northern War Russia had just few launches. At the end however it was a great maritime power with the first-class battle and gallery fleet.
In 1817 Baltic Fleet included the first steamship, in 1826 – the first steamer with artillery armament and in 1848 – the first screw frigate. By the end of the 19th century the Baltic Fleet was comprised of: 19 ironclads, 4 ironclads of coast guard, 4 heavy cruisers and 39 destroyers. The ships of the Baltic Fleet took part in numerous scientific expeditions during which had been discovered and described tens of islands, straits, bays (scientific expeditions of I. F. Krusenstern and Yu. F. Lisyansky; F. F. Bellingshausen, M. P. Lazarev; F. P. Litke and G. I. Nevelsky).
The Baltic Fleet successfully conducted fighting during the First World War, impeded the breach of the German Fleet into the Gulf of Finland and Riga.
During the Great Patriotic War the Baltic Fleet defended the front bases and conducted efficient fighting in shipping routes of the Baltic Sea.
Under the order of the Commander in Chief of the Russian Navy issued in December of 1995, the day of May 18 was declared the Day of creation of Baltic Fleet and from 1996 it is annually celebrated as the Day of Baltic Fleet.
Lit: Балтийский флот. История, традиции, современность. Калининград, 2006; Балтийский флот: Три века на службе Отечеству. СПб., 2002; Елагин С. И. Список судов Балтийского флота, построенных и взятых в царствование Петра Великого, 1702-1725. СПб., 1867; Колобов Б. В. Создание и развитие Балтийского корабельного флота при Петре I. Автореферат дис. ... канд.ист. наук. М., 1995; Макареев М. В. Балтийский флот в биографиях командующих. 1696-2004. Севастополь, 2006; Морские инженеры и строители Балтийского флота: история и современность. Калининград, 2006; Очерки из истории Балтийского флота. Калининград, 1999.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
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Russian Army and Navy // Peter I (1672–1725): [digital collection];
Legislative acts of Peter I. Great Northern War (1700–1721) // State Authority: [digital collection];
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