Birthday anniversary of Nikolai N. Burdenko, Soviet surgeon, one of the founders of neurosurgery
22 May (3 June) 1876 in Kamenka village, Nizhnelomovsky County, Penza Province was born Nikolai N. Burdenko , a surgeon, a pioneer of Soviet neurosurgery, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939) and the first president of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1944-46), honorary member of the Royal Society of Surgeons and the Paris Academy of Surgery; Hero of Socialist Labor (1943), winner of the Stalin Prize (1941), Colonel-General of medical services (1944).
Burdenko Primary was educated in the Kamenskaya Zemstvo school, then in 1886-90 he studied in Penza religious school. In 1891 he entered the seminary in Penza, after which passed the entrance examinations at St. Petersburg Theological Academy, but soon changed his mind and went to Tomsk, where he entered the Medical Faculty of the Tomsk Imperial University. Here he became interested in anatomy, and by the beginning of third year was appointed assistant dissector. In addition to working in the dissecting room, Burdenko was also involved in the operative surgery. Soon, however, because of participation in a student strike, he was expelled from the University of Tomsk. After leaving Tomsk, Burdenko transferred to Tartu University, the Faculty of Medicine.
On the invitation of zemstvo Burdenko arrived in Kherson province to treat epidemic typhus and acute childhood illness. Here, he says, he first joined the practice of surgery. After working for almost a year in prison for children with tuberculosis, Burdenko returned to the Tartu University, where he began working as an assistant in a surgical clinic. In Tartu the student studied the works of prominent Russian surgeon Nikolai I. Pirogov.
From January 1904 Burdenko as a volunteer health worker took part in Russian-Japanese war. In the fields of Manchuria, an assistant physician, he was engaged in military surgery, performing duties of a nurse, paramedic, physician at the forefront. For his heroism he was awarded the George Cross for soldiers.
In December 1904 Burdenko returned to Tartu where, two years later, he graduated from university with a degree of a doctor. From 1907, he became a surgeon at Penza hospital, combining medical services with the scientific work and writing a doctoral dissertation. In 1909, Burdenko defended his doctoral dissertation and was awarded a doctorate in medicine. That summer, the scientist went on a business trip abroad, where he spent a year in clinics of Germany and Switzerland. From June 1910 he became assistant professor of surgery at the clinic of the University of Tartu, and in November the same year - an extra-ordinary professor in the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy desmurgy.
In July 1914, with the outbreak of World War I, Burdenko was appointed assistant head of the medical unit of the Red Cross in the armies of the North-Western Front. In September 1914 he arrived in the operating forces as a consultant to the medical unit of the North-Western Front. During the war time, the surgeon organized dressing- evacuation points and field hospitals, personally provided severely wounded with emergency surgery in advanced dressing stations. To reduce the mortality and the number of amputations, the surgeon dealt with transportation of wounded to hospitals. Under his management in the hospitals were organized special departments for the wounded.
For the first time in the field of surgery Burdenko used primary treatment for wounds and putting stitches in case of skull injuries. Later this method was applied in other areas of surgery. Influenced by the work of Pirogov, Burdenko carefully studied the organization of sanitary and anti-epidemiological service, sanitation and chemical protection, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, participated in the organization of health care supply for troops and field hospitals, morbid anatomy service in the Army, was in charge of a rational distribution medical staff.
In 1915 Burdenko was appointed surgeon consultant of the 2nd Army, and in 1916 - a surgeon consultant of hospitals in Riga. In March 1917, after the February events, by order of the Army and Navy the scholar was appointed for the position of chief of military sanitary inspector where he was solving the problems of public health services. Faced with opposition to the restructuring of health service during the leadership of the Provisional Government, Burdenko was forced to suspend his activities in this position in May and return to regular army where he was engaged exclusively in curative medicine.
In the summer of 1917 Burdenko, having been wounded, returned to Tartu University and was elected chair in surgery there. Previously this post was occupied by Pirogov. After the occupation of Tartu by German troops the scholar was evacuated to Voronezh. After the October Revolution of 1917, Burdenko became one of the main organizers of the university transferred from Tartu to Voronezh. There he continued his research work. He also took an active part in organizing the Red Army military hospitals, being a consultant in them. In January 1920, at Voronezh University the scientist organized special courses for students and doctors in the military field surgery, created a school for nursing staff where he was working as a teacher.
The main researches of Burdenko at that time were in the field of general surgery, neurosurgery, and military surgery. In particular, the scientist worked on the prevention and treatment of shock, wound care and general infections, treatment of neuropathic ulcers, surgical treatment for tuberculosis, blood transfusions, anaesthetization. Having gathered during the World War I the vast material in the treatment of nervous system damage, Burdenko thought it necessary to make neurosurgery an independent scientific discipline. Having moved in 1923 from Voronezh to Moscow, he opened a Department of Neurosurgery at the surgical clinic of Moscow State University, becoming professor of operative surgery. In 1930 the opened department was reorganized into the First Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov. In 1929 Burdenko became the director of the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Roentgenologic Institute under People's Commissariat of Health, based on which in 1932 was established the first-ever Central Neurosurgical Institute (now the Institute of Neurosurgery named after N. N. Burdenko).
During the Russo-Finnish War (1939-1940) in order to guide the organization of surgical care in the Russian Army Burdenko went to the front and stayed there for the whole period of hostilities. After the war he developed a statute of military surgery. During the Great Patriotic War Burdenko was the chief surgeon of the Red Army. Based on his observations, he wrote a series of studies, drawing them in the form of nine monographs on military surgery.
In April 1942, Burdenko arrived to Moscow, where he continued his research work. In November of that year he was appointed a member of the Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of Crimes by the Nazis. By resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of February 1, 1943 Burdenko was awarded the title "Lieutenant General of Medical Service", of May 25, 1944 - "General-colonel of medical service."
June 30, 1944 on the initiative of the Burdenko and in accordance with the plan developed by him was established the Academy of Medical Sciences. Despite his illness Nicholai Nilovich was actively engaged in the organization of the Academy and the research institutes under it.
November 24, 1946 Nikolai Burdenko died from the effects of hemorrhage and was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.
Lit.: Аничков Н. Н. Николай Нилович Бурденко — организатор и первый президент АМН СССР // Вестник АМН. 1947. № 6; Багдасарьян С. М. Материалы к биографии Н. Н. Бурденко. М., 1950; Багдасарьян С. М. Николай Нилович Бурденко. М., 1954; Беркутов А. Н. Николай Нилович Бурденко. Л., 1977; Бурденко Николай Нилович [Электронный ресурс] // Герои страны. 2000-2013. URL:; Мирский М. Б. Во имя жизни (об акад. Н. Н. Бурденко). М., 1960; Мирский М. Б. Главный хирург Н. Н. Бурденко. М., 1973; Мирский М. Б. Исцеляющий скальпелем: Акад. Н. Н. Бурденко. М., 1983; НИИ Нейрохирургии имени академика Н. Н. Бурденко РАМН: сайт. 2007-2013. URL:; Основоположник советской военно-полевой хирургии: Материалы программных докл. науч. конф. (к 100-летию со дня рождения акад. Н. Н. Бурденко). М., 1976; Поемный Ф. Великий хирург. К 5-летию со дня смерти Н. Н. Бурденко. Пенза, 1951.
Works: Инструкции по лечению ранений в тыловых госпиталях. Свердловск, 1941; Инструкции по методам хирургического лечения. М., 1942; К изучению о шоке // Клиническая медицина. 1938. Т. XVI. № 2. С. 135—151; Материалы по военной хирургии: статьи и очерки по данным Империалистической войны 1914—1914 гг. и гражданской войны / Под ред. акад. Н. Н. Бурденко. М.; Л., 1940; О Н И. Пирогове с исторической точки зрения: Сообщение в заседании 5 нояб. 1908 г. Юрьев, 1908; Опыт ампутированных бойцов Красной Армии. М., 1942; Основные установки современного учения об огнестрельных ранениях артерий. М., 1942; Письма хирургам фронтов о пенициллине. М., 1945; Путь нейрохирургии за 20 лет, её настоящее и перспективы. М., 1937; Роль нейрохирургии в современной клинике // Архив биологических наук. Т. 48. Вып. 1—2. М., 1937. С. 39—51; Собрание сочинений. Т. 1—7. М., 1950—52; Советская военная хирургия в годы Великой Отечественной войны. М., 1946; Характеристика хирургической работы в войсковом районе. М.; Л., 1939.
Materials are provided by M. Yu. Lermontov Penza Regional Library