RF Federal law ‘On official language of the Russian Federation’ took effect
We possess the richest, most accurate, most powerful and truly magic Russian language.
K. G. Paustovsky
On June 7, 2005 was published and took effect the Russian Federation Federal law of June 1, 2005 N 53-FL ‘On official language of the Russian Federation’ which replaced the Law ‘On the RF peoples languages’ of October 25, 1991 N 1807-1. The text of the Federal law was published in the ‘Parliament newspaper’ of June 7, 2005 N 100, in the ‘Russian newspaper’ of June 7, 2005 N 120.
The law includes an introductory clause and 7 articles.
Under the law the Russian language is declared the official language of the Russian Federation in its entire territory. When using the Russian language as the official language of the Russian Federation it is inadmissible to use words and expressions which do not correspond with the standards of the modern Russian literary language for the exception of foreign words for which there are no counterparts in the Russian language.
The Russian Federation regions have the right to establish additionally their official languages; the obligation to use the official language of the Russian Federation must not be interpreted as deprivation or derogation of the right to use the official languages of the republics which make part of the Russian Federation and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
The order of approval of standards of the modern Russian literary language, the rules of the Russian orthography and punctuation, is determined by the RF government.
The article N 3 of the law lists the areas of use of the Russian Federation official language: in government bodies’ fields of activity; in legal procedure (constitutional, penal, civil and administrative), during the elections and referendums, in international pacts and agreements of the Russia, all codes, laws and other subordinate acts of the Russian Federation; in Mass Media, in the domestic official documents of the Russian Federation citizens; in other fields of activity determined by federal laws.
The law also determines the measures of support of the Russian language, observance of the rights of citizens and responsibility for non-compliance and violation of the law on the official language of the Russian Federation.
Lit.: О государственном языке Российской Федерации: Федеральный закон от 1 июня 2005 г. N 53-ФЗ // Российская газета — Федеральный выпуск № 3789 от 7 июня 2005 г.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials: