The Treaty of Cardis was signed
On June 21 (July 1), 1661 at Kyard’ grange (Cardis in Russian tradition), near Dorpt (Tartu) as a result of Russo-Swedish war of 1656-1658, the two countries signed the Treaty of Cardis on ‘the eternal peace’. Russia was represented by Boyar prince I. S. Prozorovsky and okolnichy prince I. P. Baryatinsky; from the Swedish party – an eminent diplomat count Bengt Horn.
The treaty was composed in duplicate: in Russian and Swedish languages. It took force from the moment of its ratification. It was made from the Russian part on August 31 (September 10), 1661; from the Swedish part – on September 30 (October 10), 1661. The exchange of ratification instruments took place on February 24 (March 6), 1662 (the Swedish instrument handed over) and on April (22 May 2), 1662 (the Russian one).
Under the treaty Russia returned to Sweden all the conquered towns which were taken by it in accordance with the Treaty of Valiesar of 1658: Kokenhusen, Dorpt, Marienburg, Anzl, Neinhausen, Syrensk including all the properties of the towns. Thus the frontier established by Treaty of Stolbovo of 1617 was restored.
Under the Treaty the parties took the obligation not to undertake any hostilities against each other in near the frontier regions: Sweden had to withstand from intruding the lands of Litva, Latgallia, Belorussia, Malaya Russia, Lapland; Russia in its turn had to stay away from the lands of Swedish Livonia, Estland, Finland, Lopar, Karelia and Izhora and not to carry out any subversions.
For the first time in the Russian diplomacy practice a peace treaty included clauses on trade which stipulated a wide range of opportunities for cooperation. Under the Treaty the Swedish were authorized to visit the following Russian cities and towns: Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov, Ladoga, Yaroslavl, Tikhvin, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky; the yards were organized for Swedish merchants in Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky; for the Russian ones – in Stockholm, Riga, Revel and Narva accordingly.
The Treaty of Cardis, confirmed unchanged in 1683, on one hand had delayed for several decades the access to the Baltic Sea for Russia, but on the other hand it enabled the Moscow state to concentrate its forces to fight against Poland for Ukraine and Belorussia.
Lit.: Бантыш-Каменский А. А. Обзор внешних сношений России (по 1800 год). М., 1902. Ч. 4. С. 180-182; Похлебкин В. В. Внешняя политика Руси, России и СССР за 1000 лет в именах, датах, фактах. Вып. 2, кн. 1. М., 1995; 1661 год. 1 июля (21 июня ст. ст.) между Россией и Швецией был заключён Кардисский мирный договор [Электронный ресурс] // Руниверс. Б. д. URL:
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Бантыш-Каменский А. А. Обзор внешних сношений России (по 1800 год). М., 1902. Ч. 4. С. 180-182.