Russian army seized Astrakhan

2 July 1554

On July 2, 1554 the Russian troops occupied Astrakhan – the capital of Astrakhan khanate, ancient city at the delta of Volga River, on its right branch, 12 km from the modern Astrakhan, with quite an advantageous geographical situation. Trade routes passed via the city to the Middle Asia, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Persia; here began the Great Volga trade route.

In 1554 after the conquest of Kazan (1552), the Russian government being interested in gaining access to Caspian Sea and defense from Crimea and Turkey expansion, sent an army of 30-thousand men ‘with many canons and different fighting shells’. It was commanded by Prince Yuri Ivanovich Pronsky-Shemyakin and Ignatiy Veshnyakov and moved on large boats from Nizhny Novgorod to Astrakhan. In addition, servicemen from Vyat (2.500 men) led by Prince Alexander Vyasemsky along with Cossacks formation headed by Daniil Shulkov, took the field.

Near the portage between Volga and Don Moscow army was to be joined by the cavalry of Nogais prince Ismail. From here the united troops were to move toward Astrakhan. But the people of Nogais had not arrived to the arranged place. The Russian advanced detachment rafted down Volga and defeated Astrakhan reconnaissance party near Black Island. The prisoners told that the city is almost empty and khan Yamgurchy with his army is not in Astrakhan but five versts down the fortress at the delta of Volga, on the islands of Tsarev channel.

On July 2, 1554 the Russian armies approached Astrakhan and, having encountered no resistance, occupied the city. ‘Then five hundred princes and 10 000 of common people were gathered in the city. All of them swore to obey Ioann as their supreme lord and send him tribute’ (N. M. Karamzin, “The Russian state history”).

An army led by Vyazemsky set out toward Yamgurchy headquarters, but the khan had already left. The Russians managed however to capture his wives and children whom Yamgurchy sent by ships. Russian troops caught up with scattering Astrakhan army, defeated it and took prisoners.

On July 9, 1554 the Moscow-Astrakhan Treaty was signed. Under the Treaty Astrakhan khan acknowledged his vassalage to Moscow. In case of his death the question of heritage to the throne was to be solved by the Russian tsar. Astrakhan khanate was obliged to pay annual tribute to Moscow of 40 000 altyn (1 200 rubles in silver) and 3 000 sturgeons up to 2.5 m long. The Russians were authorized to fish from Kazan to Astrakhan (along the entire Volga) with no tax and without informing or asking permission of Astrakhan authorities. Nogais Prince Ismail was allowed to a free trade with Moscow during 3 years (via the territory of Astrakhan khanate). The Russian army withdrew from Astrakhan having kept in the fortress just a detachment of Streltsy and Cossacks.

Astrakhan throne was given to khan Derbysh-Ali who swore his allegiance to the Russian tsar. However when Derbysh-Ali tried to disobey to Moscow, Russian troops made another campaign for Astrakhan and on August 26, 1556 the khanate was finally annexed to Russia.


Lit.: Астраханское ханство [Электронный ресурс] // ГПНТБ СО РАН. Б. д. URL:


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Иван IV Грозный // Государственная власть: [цифровая коллекция];

Карамзин Н. М. История государства Российского. СПб., 1842. Кн. 2. Т. 8. С. 136;

Рычков П. И. Введение к астраханской топографии, : Представляющее в первой части разныя известия о древнем состоянии сей губернии, и обитавших в ней народов; а во второй о покорении сего царства под державу российских монархов. [М]., 1774.