The decree of Central Committee of the all-Union Communist Party about the general primary education adopted
The general education is one of the fundamental pedagogical ideas that drew the attention of thinkers and theorists of the education. This idea was put into practice for the first time in Germany at the age of Reformation. The industrialization that was taking place in the developed capitalist countries in XIX – XX centuries favored to a mass realization of the general primary education including free education due to the fact that new equipment required a great number of educated specialists and the government started to consider educational system as the means of its subjects’ training.
In pre-revolution Russia the issue of the general education had been brought up more than once but had not been supported by the government. With the coming of the Soviet power the issue was brought up again and in October of 1918 the all-Union Central Executive Committee accepted“The provision about the common labor school of RSFSR” that has legislated the obligatory free coeducation of all the children of school age from 8 to 17 years old in schools of the 1st and 2nd stages. In 1919 at the 8th meeting of the Russian Communist Party the task was set to provide a free and obligatory general and polytechnic education for all the children of both sexes at the age less than 17 and a wide development of the professional education for those older than 17.
In 1923 in the Soviet Union the development of the general education integration began. On July 25, 1930 the Central Executive Committee and the People’s Commissar Council of the USSR adopted the decree “About the general obligatory primary education” that has legislated the obligatory coeducation of children of the age of 8 to 15 who had to study four years in a primary school.
The obligation of the general education including three stages: primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education is fixed by the present law of the Russian Federation “About the education” adopted in 1992.
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