The first soviet intercontinental ballistic rocket R-7 launched
On August 21, 1957 the intercontinental ballistic rocket R-7 was successfully launched for the first time from Baikanur cosmodrome (in Kazakhstan). The rocket has successfully followed a specified itinerary and its head that imitated a nuclear warhead has hit with precision the specified target on Kamchatka peninsula.
R-7 rocket was the first intercontinental ballistic rocket in the world. On May 20, 1954 the orders for creation of a ballistic intercontinental rocket were issued by USSR government and the Communist Party Central Committee. The works on creation of rocket R-7 and all technical equipment necessary for its launches preparation and realization were conducted under the guidance of general constructor of the Soviet rocket hardware Sergey Korolev who was an outstanding scientist and creator of the world best space missile systems.
In the beginning of 1957 R-7 rocket was ready for tests. Its construction was principally different from all previously elaborated rockets by its layout and force diagrams, dimension and mass, power of engine installations, number and purpose of systems. In February of 1955 the USSR government issued a decree to begin the construction of a proving ground for test of intercontinental rockets. It was decided to build the cosmodrome near Baikonur aul and Tura-Tam passing track (Kazakhstan) as a top secret facility. In April of 1957 the launch complex for R-7 rocket was completed.
From the middle of May of 1957 the rocked had been tested several times. The tests had proved that the construction of R-7 contained serious defects. On August 21, 1957 the fourth launch took place. It proved to be successful and for the first time the rocked reached the target region. On August 27, 1957 the Soviet newspapers with reference to TASS informed about the successful test of the USSR ultra-long-range multistage rocket.
Positive results of R-7 rockets flights on the active part of trajectory contributed to the launch of the first two artificial earth satellites on October 4 and November 3, 1957. Intended as a fighting one, R-7 rocket had such energetic resources that enabled it to put into orbit a payload of a significant mass which was used during the launch of satellites.
Under the decree of the USSR government of January 20, 1960 the R-7 intercontinental ballistic rocket was added to the armory of the Soviet Army.
The R-7 construction project was one of the first-rate engineer and technical programs that have ever been realized in Soviet Union. Its realization contributed to future development of many sectors of science and engineering. This project success became a basis for creation of space missile complexes basic modifications such as “Vostok”, “Voshod”, “Soyuz” and “Molnia”.
Lit.: Первов М. А. Межконтинентальные баллистические ракеты СССР и России. М., 1998; Уманский С. П. Ракеты-носители. Космодромы. М., 2001; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Outer Space: [digital collection];
World Aviation and Astronautics Day. The first human in space // On this day. 12 April 1961;
Cosmonauts Training Center created in USSR // On this day. 11 January 1960;
The first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova flies to space // On this day. 16 June 1963;