Russia and Khiva concluded Hendemian Treaty
On August 12 (24), 1873 in Khiva Khan’s summer residence, the garden of Hendemian, Governor General of Turkestan K. P. Fon Kauffmann and Seid-Muhammad Rahim Bahadur-Khan II signed a treaty between Russia and Khanate of Khiva.
The Russian expansion into the Middle Asia began back at the age of Peter I. In 19th century advancement into the region increased and as a result the tension between the Russian Empire and Khiva rose as the two states competed for influence in Kazakh steeps and the Russian trade caravans being robbed by Khiva citizens.
In February of 1873 the Russian troops commanded by Governor General of Turkestan K. P. Fon Kauffmann tried to attack Khiva. The offensive ended on May 29 (June 9) when the capital was seized.
Hendemian Treaty fixed the results of Khiva campaign. Khiva became a vassal of Russia. The text of the treaty stated that Khan had recognized himself ‘a humble servant of the All-Russian Emperor’, refused from carrying out his independent foreign policy, taken an obligation not to undertake any military operations without knowledge and permission of the Russian authorities. The territories of the Khanate on the right bank of Amu Darya were annexed to Russia. Russian merchants obtained the right for transportation and a duty-free trade in the Khanate territory. Slavery and people trade were forever abolished in the Khanate. Finally, the Khan of Khiva was obliged to pay a contribution of 2.2 million rubles to the Russian government on 20 years instalment plan (until 1893 inclusively).
Lit.: Гендемианский мирный договор между Россией и Хивой // Под стягом России. М., 1992. С. 348-351; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; История дипломатии. Т. 2. М., 1963. С. 63-67.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials: