Birthday anniversary of Baron Alexander E. Nolde
August 20 (September 1) 1873, in Yekaterinoslav (now - Dnepropetrovsk), was born Alexander Emilievich Nolde, Baron, State Councillor (1917), Professor, Doctor of Civil Law (1918).
Alexander was educated at the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. Having graduated with a diploma of 1st degree in 1896, he remained at the faculty in order to prepare his professorship in the Department of Roman Law. In 1900, he was appointed a docent at the Civil Law Department, and the same year was attached to the Ministry of Education and assigned to the Imperial Public Library. During his service at the library from 1901 to 1913, the baron was promoted from assistant registrar to the head of the Legal Department. During this period, he participated in the drafting of anniversary editions: "The Two Hundred Years’ History of the Governing Senate, 1711-1911." (St. Petersburg, 1911. Volume 2), "The Imperial Public Library within Hundred Years...," "Court Statutes of November 20, 1864 for Fifty Years "(Pg. 1914. Volume 2).
Nolde combined his work in the Public Library with teaching, lecturing on commercial, marine and Roman law. In November 1907, having defended the thesis "Essays on the History of Codification of Local Civil Laws under Count Speransky. Issue 1," he received a Master of Civil Law. Two years later, the scientist became a professor of local civil law of the St. Petersburg Higher Women Cources, and a year later - an extraordinary professor of Roman Law of the Alexander Lyceum. In addition, in those years Nolde was publishing his works in specialized legal editions: "Journal of the Ministry of Justice", "Bulletin of Law", "Bulletin of Civil Law."
In November 1913 Nolde was appointed legal adviser of the General Department of Land Management and Agriculture. In March 1914, he became assistant secretary of state at the Code of Laws Division of the State Council, and in April of that year joined the temporary office under the State Chancellery for the publication of the collection of local laws. In 1916, the scientist joined a commission under the Academy of Sciences for publishing essays, papers and letters of Count M. M. Speransky, chaired by Academician A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky. In the summer of 1917, by the decree of the Provisional Government, the baron was appointed a senator and a member of the Special Office of the Senate on the alienation of real property for state or public benefit, as well as a member of the Legal conference under the Provisional Government.
After the revolutionary events of October (November) 1917 Nolde continued lecturing at the University of Petrograd, and March 11, 1918 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Essays on the History of Codification..."
In April 1918, Alexander Nolde as an expert was engaged by the Special Committee of the Council of Congresses of Representatives of Industry and Trade "to clarify the provisions of the peace treaties with the powers of the Quadruple Alliance and ways of protection of Russian interests." In July of that year, Baron worked in the Petrograd Regional Archival Department, and in August became a permanent consultant to the Petrograd branch of the Central Committee of Public Libraries, chaired by the People’s Commissar for Education, A. V. Lunacharsky. In October 1918, at a meeting of the Council of the third Petrograd State University, he was elected an ordinary professor of the Roman Law Department.
November 4, 1919, at the attempt of illegal crossing of the Finnish-Russian border near the village of Terijoki (now – Zelenogorsk, Leningrad Region) Alexander Emilievich Nolde was seriously wounded and died shortly thereafter.
Lit.: Азиатцев Д. Б. Нольде Александр Эмилиевич [Электронный ресурс] // Российская национальная библиотека. 2011-2019. URL:; Нольде А. Э. Граф М. М. Сперанский. Опыт характеристики // Новый журнал. 1989. Кн. 175. С. 264—277; Он же. К истории составления проекта «Свода степных законов кочевых инородцев Восточной Сибири». СПб., 1911; Он же. К. П. Победоносцев и судебная реформа. Пг., 1915; Он же. М. М. Сперанский: биография. М., 2004; Он же. Один из источников текста Свода гражданских узаконений губерний прибалтийских. СПб., 1913; Он же. Пожизненное владение родовым имуществом по завещанию супруга. Пг., 1916; Он же. Порядки австрийского парламента. СПб., 1906; Он же. Происхождение части текста действующего Свода гражданских узаконений губерний прибалтийских : Таблица заимствований текста статей из литературы римского права и иноземных Кодексов. СПб., 1912; Нольде Александр Эмильевич // Шилохвост О. Ю.Русские цивилисты: середина XVIII — начало XX в. : краткий биографический словарь. М., 2005. С. 115-116.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Нольде Александр Эмильевич // Новый энциклопедический словарь. Т. 28. СПб., [1912]. С. 814—815;
Нольде А. Э. Гражданская хроника // Вестник гражданского права. СПб., 1905. Г. 35 1905, кн. 8 (окт.);
Нольде А. Э. Улиточная запись // Вестник гражданского права. СПб., 1913. [Г. 1] 1913, № 5.