The Medal of distinction for the higher military ranks — “Marshal’s Star” was introduced
On September 2, 1940 by a decree of the Supreme Soviet Presidium of the USSR there was established the insignia of honor for marshals of the Soviet Union – “Marshal’s star”. Later (in February of 1943 and March of 1944) for marshals of certain arms of the service there was introduced so-called “minor” Marshal’s star abolished on January 2, 1997.
The name of the decoration is due to its form. A five-point star made of gold and platinum with diamonds is to be worn together with a full dress on the neck (under the collar of the uniform; from 1955 on the tie’s knot). The difference between “major” and “minor” stars was their size and presence of diamonds between the rays. There were made around 200 and 370 of such stars respectively.
Though both kinds of Marshal’s star were insignias they used to be presented in ceremonial atmosphere similar to state awards, in contrast to shoulder straps and other uniform’s elements. Usually the Star was presented by the Presidium chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in person. The owner of the Marshal’s star was also granted by the letter of commendation. After the death of the commander or his degradation the Star was due to be returned to the Diamond Foundation. Thus the Marshal’s star had been the soviet analogue to marshal’s baton that long since was an insignia of honor of field marshals and marshals in European armies: it was also presented in ceremonial atmosphere and was accompanied by a letter of commendation and an inscription.
In modern Russian army the Marshal’s star plays the role of insignia for persons with the rank of “Marshal of the Russian Federation”.
Lit.: Дуров В. А. Русские и советские боевые награды. М., 1989; Каталог отечеств. орденов, медалей и нагрудных знаков. Л., 1962; Колесников Г. А., Рожков А. М. Ордена и Медали СССР. М., 1983; Куценко А. Н. Ордена СССР. Донецк, 1994; Лобода В. Ф., Каргальцев И. П. Ордена и медали СССР. М., 1950; Музалевский М. В. Ордена и медали СССР. Тиражи, разновидности. Справочник. М.,1996; Савичев Н. П. Символы трудовой и ратной доблести. Киев, 1987; Шишков С. С., Музалевский М. В. Ордена и медали СССР: Тиражи и разновидности: Справочник. Владивосток, 2000.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials: