Metropolitan Sergius elected the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

8 September 1943

The most holy Patriarch Sergius (Ivan Nikolaevitch Stragorodsky) was born on January 11 (23), 1867 in Arzamas town of Nizhny Novgorod province in the family of archpriest. Initially he studied in parish seminary and then in Arzamas seminary. In 1886, he graduated from the seminary of Nizhny Novgorod and entered St.-Petersburg’s Theological Academy, historical department. After graduation he was appointed the inspector of Moscow Theological Academy and in 1894 he became father superior of the Russian Embassy church in Athens and was elected archimandrite.

On February 25 (March 10), 1901 in Trinity cathedral of Alexander Nevsky lavra in St.-Petersburg archimandrite Sergius was consecrated the bishop Yamburgsky and in 1905 was appointed to the subdepartment of Finlandsky archbishop. During the Council of 1917-1918 Sergius was elected metropolitan and sequentially headed bishop’s subdepartments in Vladimir on Klyazma river and in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1925 the metropolitan became the head of the entire Russian church.

During the Great Patriotic war under the leadership of Sergius all Russian clergy actively helped to defend the country. They urged to struggle against aggressors and work selflessly on the home front strengthening the patriotic spirit of Russian people and giving them moral support. In addition the church rendered a significant financial aid to the front.

On September 4, 1943 I. V. Stalin suddenly invited to Kremlin metropolitans Sergius, Alexei and Nikolai. During the conversation hierarchs expressed a wish to call the Counsil of bishops and elect the patriarch.

On September 8, 1943 in the new building of Patriarchate (Chisty lane) the Council of bishops took place and metropolitan Sergius was elected the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Enthronement of newly elected patriarch took place at the Epiphany Cathedral on 12 September, the Memorial Day of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky, divine patron of the Russian land. At the same time there was established a Council on the Russian Orthodox Church.

Lit.: Храмкова Е. Л. Советское государство и Церковь в 1941–1945 гг.: Новые аспекты исследования. М., 2004; Сергий, Патриарх Московский и всея Руси (Страгородский Иван Николаевич) [Электронный ресурс] // Патриархия.ru. 2005-2019. URL: