Sea battle near Tendra Cape won by Russian Navy

9 September 1790

A famous victory gained by the Black Sea Fleet of Her Imperial Majesty,

under the command of Counter Admiral, F. F. Ushakov, on 29 August,

over the Turkish Fleet which is completely defeated,

adding honor and glory to the Black Sea Fleet.

Let this memorable event be included in the minutes of the Black Sea Admiral Board

so that brave exploits of the Black Sea Fleet would always be remembered.

From an order of G. A. Potyomkin


August 29 (September 9) 1790 ended a naval battle near Tendra Cape between Russian squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov and Turkish Navy ships. Russian Military Glory Day is celebrated on September 11 to commemorate the victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov over the Ottoman fleet at Cape Tendra in 1790.

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 Russian Black Sea Fleet was to promote the Russian army in the defense of the coast of the Crimea from possible enemy troops. 8 (19) July 1790 in the Kerch Naval Battle the Russian squadron of Rear Admiral Ushakov, won a brilliant victory over the superior forces of the enemy, causing the frustration of the Turkish plan to land troops in the Crimea. However, soon the Turks reinforced their fleet with battleships, and again went to the coast of the Crimea.

Turkish ships took up a position between Tendra Cape and Khadjibey Fortress (located in what is now the territory of Odessa, blocking the way out of the estuary and cutting communication with Sevastopol, preventing the Sevastopol Fleet from joining with Liman flotilla.

Turkish squadron consisted of 14 battleships, 8 frigates and 23 auxiliary ships. Ushakov's fleet had 10 battleships, 6 frigates, one bombing ship and 20 auxiliary vessels.

The battle began about 15 pm, August 28 (September 8), 1790, when Ushakov, without re-forming the squadron from marching order to battle one, suddenly attacked Turkish ships. Having approached the enemy at a distance less than 100 meters, the Russian fleet unleashed on the Turkish ships the fire of their guns. Under accurate fire of Russian sailors the enemy squadron suffered heavy losses, many ships were damaged. Ushakov himself commanded the ship "Rozhdestvo Christovo" (“Nativity of Christ”), which was in the thick of the battle. In this battle, the flagship of the Turks was seriously damaged. Unable to withstand the pressure of the Russian squadron, the Turks began to gradually withdraw from the battle, and soon turned into a rout. Admiral Ushakov continued to pursue the Turkish fleet till late evening.

In the morning of August 29 (September 9) Russian squadron continued to pursue scattered enemy ships. Some vessels of the Turks put up fierce resistance, but strong and skillful actions of Russian sailors forced the enemy to lower the flag on his two ships. Most of the Turkish fleet managed to break out of the "outflanking" and ingloriously retreated to their shores.

In the two-day battle at Tendra Turks lost about 2, 000 men killed, three battleships and three small vessels, while the loss of the Russian squadron were 21 men killed and 25 wounded. The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet at Tendra forced the Turks to lift the blockade of the Danube and created favorable conditions for the onset of the Russian Army and Navy on the Danube. Rear Admiral Ushakov was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd class.

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1995 № 32-FZ, the victory of the Russian fleet at Tendra is now celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia.


Lit.: Аммон Г. А. Морские памятные даты. М., 1987; То же [Электронный ресурс]; URL:; Ганичев В. Н. Ушаков. М., 1990; То же [Электронный ресурс]; URL:; Доценко В. Д. Морские битвы России XVIII—XX веков. СПб., 2002; То же [Электронный ресурс]; URL:; Золотарев В. А., Козлов И. А. Три столетия российского флота: В 4 тт. СПб., 2003-2005. Т. 1. XVIII в. СПб., 2003.; То же [Электронный ресурс]; URL:; Скрицкий Н. В. Георгиевские кавалеры под Андреевским флагом. М., 2002; То же [Электронный ресурс]; URL:


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Анциферов В. Адмирал Ушаков. Л., 1940.