Birthday anniversary of Alexander Vorontsov, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russian Empire
4 (15) September 1741, in St. Petersburg, was born Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov, First Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Count (1760); State Chancellor (1802-1804), president of the Commerce College (1773-1794), Senator (1779); brother of the first President of the Russian Academy, Princess C. Dashkova.
Alexander Vorontsov was brought up in the house of his uncle, Mikhail Vorontsov, and at the age of 15 years, entered the Guards Izmailovo Regiment. At the age of 17 the young man was sent to Paris to study at a Versailles school, where he was given a broad education and became acquainted with many leaders of the French Enlightenment. He met with Voltaire and corresponded with him. Vorontsov was the author of the first printed editions of Voltaire’s philosophical novels in Russian. Having been in Madrid, Vorontsov made a description of the Spanish government for his uncle.
In 1761, Vorontsov joined the diplomatic service, becoming the Russian charge d'affaires in Vienna. In December 1761 Emperor Peter III granted to Vorontsov the title of chamberlain. In 1762-1764 the count was the Minister Plenipotentiary in England and then in Holland. On his return to Russia he was appointed the President of the Commerce College and had been at the head of it for 20 years, enjoying the reputation of an experienced statesman, whose opinion was respected even by Catherine the Great. In 1779 Vorontsov was appointed senator, and from 1787 he had been a member of the Empress’ Council.
Vorontsov had contributed to the conclusion of treaties of friendship, commerce and navigation with France (1786), the Kingdom of Naples (1787) and Portugal (1787), of Varala Peace Treaty with Sweden (1790) and Jassy Peace Treaty with Turkey (1792).
Alexander Romanovich was a supporter of the collective management of the country, which displeased the imperial court and the sovereign herself. Being independent in his opinions and having a firm character, he condemned the luxury of the court and sought to reduce the import of expensive fabrics and fine wines to the country. He had close relationship with a poet, A. N. Radishchev, who served under Vorontsov at the Commerce College and at the customs office. After the arrest and deportation of the author, Vorontsov maintained correspondence with him and supported his family.
In 1794, Vorontsov resigned and stayed away from public affairs. He settled in his estate, the village Andreyevskoye, the Vladimir province. Been keen on Russian history, the count had collected an extensive collection of Russian and foreign books, he kept historical documents, manuscripts. He also maintained a personal and official correspondence relating to matters of politics, economy and culture.
With the accession of Alexander I to throne in March 1801, Vorontsov returned to public service. In his memorandum to the emperor, "Notes on some articles about Russia," he criticized the reign of Catherine II and her son Paul I. Vorontsov became a member of the Privy Committee, participated in the reorganization of the Senate, the establishment of ministries, and in September 1802 was appointed to the post of Chancellor. As Chancellor, Vorontsov was engaged in the diplomatic issues of the Russian empire and pursued a policy of rapprochement between Russia, England and Austria, contributed to the rupture of relations with Napoleonic France.
In February 1804, due to illness, Vorontsov was given a leave and went to the village of Andreyevskoye, formally retaining control of the diplomatic office. In the summer of 1805 the Chancellor began to write memoirs, but death interrupted his work.
Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov died at his manor house 3 (15) December 1805 and was buried in the local church of St. Andrew the First-Called. For his efforts he was awarded the highest of all Russian orders: St. Alexander Nevsky (1781), St. Vladimir, 1st class (1782), St. Andrew the First-Called (1801).
Lit.: А. Р. Воронцов // Очерки истории Министерства иностранных дел России. 1802-2002. Т. 3. М., 2002. С. 6-27; Григораш И. В. О дате кончины государственного канцлера А. Р. Воронцова [Электронный ресурс] // Исторический факультет Московского Государственного Университета. 1997-2019. URL:; Долгова С. Р. Неизвестный очерк о графе Александре Романовиче Воронцове // Воронцовы — два века в истории России. Труды Воронцовского общества. Вып. 9. Петушки. 2004. С. 18—32; Заозерский А. И. Александр Романович Воронцов. К истории быта и нравов XVIII в. //Исторические записки. Т. 23. М., 1947. С. 105—136; Записки графа Александра Романовича Воронцова // Русский архив. 1883. Кн. 1. Вып. 2. С. 222—290.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Архив князя Воронцова / Под ред. П. И. Бартенева. Кн. 31: Бумаги графа А. Р. Воронцова. М., 1885.