The conference on reciprocal military deliveries opened in Moscow

29 September 1941

Conference with representatives from USSR, Great Britain and USA on the issue of military deliveries to the Soviet Union took place in Moscow on September 29 – October 1, 1941. The Soviet delegation was headed by V.I. Molotov, the Peoples’ Commissar of foreign affairs, the English one by lord U. Biverbrook, the Minister of supply, and the American one by A. Garriman, the personal representative of USA president. I.V. Stalin also took part in the conference.

The results of the conference had been fixed in the protocol signed on October 1. The allies undertook to supply every month to the USSR armament and military materials. Due to the retreat of Soviet armies and evacuation of enterprises from front-line area, the shortage of these could have serious consequences for all the countries of anti-Nazi coalition. The deliveries from USA were made on the basis of land-lease law, from England – on the basis of agreement on reciprocal deliveries, credit and the order of payments of August 16, 1941.

During the period stated in the protocol, USA undertook to deliver to the USSR 85 thousand of trucks. Also the Soviet Union was supposed to receive from the allies 3.5 thousand of tanks, 4.5 thousand of planes, 2 thousand of tones of aluminum, 1 thousand of tones of armor plates, etc. From its side the USSR was ready to supply England and USA with feedstock for military production that they needed.

The signing of Moscow protocol was approved by people of USA and Great Britain who strived for the soonest victory over the Nazi. In USA, England, Canada and other countries there were held mass meetings in support of the USSR. Social organizations that united anti-Nazi of different countries were created. Ordinary citizens of these countries supplied the Soviet Union with thousand of tones of medicine, warm clothes, provisions, gifts.

Moscow conference of 1941 was a great success in the process of strengthening of anti-Nazi coalition. It had played a significant role in resources’ mobilization of USSR, USA and Great Britain needed to defeat the aggressive bloc. It also precipitated the decision made by the American government to extend the application of the land-lease law to the USSR (November 7, 1941).

Lit.: Документы международных отношений и внешней политики СССР (1917–1945). М., 1996; Советский Союз на международных конференциях периода Великой Отечественной войны. 1941–1945 гг. Т. 1. М., 1984.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

World War II in archival documents (collection of digitized archival documents, film and photo materials): [digital collection];

Allies of World War II // Memory of a Great Victory: [digital collection].