The first national Eternal Flame lit in the Field of Mars in Leningrad

6 November 1957

November 6, 1957 in Leningrad at the center of the Monument to the Fighters of the Revolution in the Field of Mars, by the flame from the open-hearth furnace of Kirov plant was lit the first national Eternal Flame.

For two centuries the Field of Mars was the venue for military parades and festivals. March 23 (April 5), 1917 there were ceremoniously buried the participants of the February Revolution, who were killed in armed clashes with police. Over their graves in 1917-1919 was erected a monument to the "Fighters of the Revolution" by architect L. V. Rudnev. Memorial has a form of quadrangle, built of granite slabs, with four wide passages to the site. The eight corner faces of granite walls are carved with solemn funeral texts, composed by A. V. Lunacharskii.

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution, the central area of the complex was renovated by architect S. G. Maiofis. November 6, 1957 in the center of a square of granite was lit the Eternal Flame. In addition, a special musical arrangement for this complex was later developed: at certain hours the anthem of the Soviet Union was broadcasted.

May 9, 1960 to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Victory a torch, lit by ever-burning flame of the Field of Mars, was carried through the streets to Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery. In 1965, by the fire at the Field of Mars was lit a torch of Eternal Flame in Novgorod the Great, and in 1967 - at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

In summer 2003, the memorial complex in the Field of Mars was closed for restoration: sagging granite slabs of the memorial were restored, and a tracery fence set around the Eternal Flame burner.

November 14, 2003 the grand opening of the renovated memorial complex "Fighters of the Revolution" in the Field of Mars took place. The same day the Eternal Flame was lit again.

Lit.: Слобожан И. И. Марсово поле. Л., 1963; Смирнов Н. И. Марсово поле. Л.; М., 1947; Шварц В. С. Архитектурный ансамбль Марсова поля. Л., 1989.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

The ceremonial funeral of the victims of the revolution // 1917 : [digital collection].