The Ministry of Trade and Industry established

9 November 1905

27 October (9 November) 1905 was established the Ministry of Trade and Industry – the central department for supervision over private industry and trade, management of public industry, pursuing the governmental working policy.

When the Ministry of Trade and Industry was established, the Ministry of Finance turned over to it all structure units being in charge of commerce and industry, and also the Council for tariffs, the Tariff Committee and the Railroads Department (except for departments in charge of financial settlings between the State and railroad societies). The Ministry of Agriculture and State Properties turned over to the new Ministry structure units in charge of mining; the Ministry of Interior – the cases of merchant societies, merchants and craftsmen councils.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry also included the Chief Department of Commercial Navigation and Ports, though the post of the chief manager was excluded, while the post of the chief manager deputy was renamed into the post of the Minister Deputy of Trade and Industry, the Council of the chief manager renamed into the Council of Minister of Trade and Industry.

During the war of 1914-1918 under the Ministry of Trade and Industry was formed a series of Special Committees: the Committee for the supply of raw materials to cotton mills, the Committee for the supply of raw materials to woolen mills, the Committee for the restoration of industrial enterprises; Special Interdepartmental Committee for the restriction of supply and trade of the enemy, the Committee for the gold mining business, the Committee for tanning industry, the Main Committee for tanning affairs, Committee for flax and jute industry, the Committee for the paper industry and trade; Special Interdepartmental Committee for permit of import of luxury items, etc.

Ministers of Trade and Industry from 1905 to 1917 were: V. I. Timiryazev (October 1905 - February 1906), M. M. Fedorov (February - May 1906), D. A. Philosophov (July 1905 - December 1907); I. P. Shipov (January 1908 - January 1909), V. I. Timiryazev (January - November 1909); S. I. Timashev (November 1909 - February 1915), Prince V. N. Shahovsky (February 1915 - February 1917), A. I. Konovalov (March - May 1917), V. A. Stepanov (May - July 1917); S. N. Prokopovich (July - September 1917), A . I. Konovalov (September - October 1917).

26 October (8 November), 1917 all the institutions, duties and files of the Ministry of Trade and Industry were turned over to the People’s Commissariat of Trade and Industry.

Lit.: Высшие и центральные государственные учреждения России. 1801-1917 гг. Т. 2. СПб., 2001; Горфейн Г. Из истории образования Министерства торговли и промышленности // Очерки по истории экономики и классовых отношений в России к. XIX — н. XX вв. М.; Л., 1964; Список личного состава центральных учреждений Министерства торговли и промышленности к … [1910, 1912]. СПб., 1910–1912.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Отчеты агентов Министерства торговли и промышленности за границей за 1914 год. Пг., 1917;

Переписка с Министерством иностранных дел, частными предпринимателями о ввозе и вывозе товаров за границу, о рассмотрении предложения французского предпринимателя Гинье об эксплуатации лесов Сибири, записки генерального консула в Барселоне, о русско-испанских торговых отношениях и В. Монина об ограничении иностранной торговли в России [Дело]: 25 апреля 1917 г. Опись № 11. 1917;

Полное собрание законов Российской империи: Собрание 3-е. СПб., 1908. Т. 25. № 26851 С. 774.