The decree “On federal natural resources” took effect

16 December 1993

On December 16, 1993 the president of Russia signed a decree “On federal natural resources” defining the lands, waters, forests, subsoil, resources of fauna and flora of national significance. The decree acknowledged it reasonable to discriminate the state natural resources between the federal centre and the territories of the Russian Federation.

As the federal property objects  were rated the land territories and other natural properties provided for defense needs, state security, state border defense, for other functions being in charge of federal bodies of the state authority; water facilities located in the territory of two or more constituent territories; types of plants and animals economically valuable and rated as specifically defended, whose natural migration takes place within the territory of two or more constituent territories, as well as animals rated as the types that fall under the international agreements in force, etc.

The decree “On federal natural resources” just defined the problem of rating some of the natural resources as federal ones but had not discriminated their public property. It was done in the framework of the land laws development and on February 25, 2003 the decree “On federal natural resources” was recognized invalid.  

Lit.: Анисимов А. П. О некоторых проблемах в сфере разграничения государственной собственности на землю // Евразийский юридический журнал. 2009. № 1; Указ президента РФ от 16.12.93. № 2144 «О федеральных природных ресурсах» [Электронный ресурс] // Президент России. 2019. URL: