The statue “On national control bodies in the USSR” approved

19 December 1968

Due to the reform of 1965 carried out in the USSR it was required to make changes to the state control bodies system. In December of 1965 it was decided to reorganize the party and state control bodies into the national control bodies. The reorganization was legalized by the law “On national control bodies in the USSR” of December 9, 1965.

On December 19, 1968 under the general decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the USSR Council Ministers the “Statue on the national control bodies in the USSR” was approved.

The national control bodies included: the national control Committee of the USSR, the Committees of union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions and okrugs, districts, cities, group of national control under settlement and village Councils, at the enterprises, in collective farms, establishments, organizations and military units. The committees of national control were organized on trade principle.

The national control Committee of the USSR as the national and republican authority organized and managed the activity of all parts of the national control bodies system, studied and analyzed the control practice, was the highest instance that considered complaints about the decisions made by the subordinate committees of the national control. The members of the Committee were approved by the Ministers Council of the USSR.

The national control bodies were obliged to supervise systematically the fulfillment of the state plans and tasks, reveal and use the national economy reserves, increase the effectiveness of the social industry, supervise the economical consumption of manpower, financial budgets and cash means, implement innovations into the industry. The enterprises’ and agencies’ directors had to eliminate errors and breaches, and to inform the national control committees of the results. Basing on the control results, the national control Committee of the USSR was allowed to submit offers to the Ministers Council of the USSR regarding the issues of the national significance, report on the situation in the economic sectors, on the work organization in the Ministries and agencies.

On November 30, 1979 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved a new law “On the national control in the USSR” that determined the functions and structure of the national control bodies basing on the USSR Constitution of 1977 provisions. The law remained in force up to 1991.

Lit.: Андреев А. Г., Никольский Д. В. Организация государственного финансового контроля в СССР в период стабильной системы управления государством и в первые годы реформ (1965–1991 гг.) [Электронный ресурс] // Счётная палата Российской Федерации. 2018. URL:; Утверждено Постановлением Центрального Комитета КПСС и Совета Министров СССР от 19 декабря 1968 г. № 1020. Положение об органах народного контроля СССР [Электронный ресурс] // Ассоциация лесопользователей Приладожья, Приморья и Приобья. 2011-2018. URL: