Alma-Ata Protocol on creation of CIS signed
On December 8, 1991 in the village of Viskuli near Brest the heads of the Russian Federation, Belarus republic and republic of Ukraine signed the so-called Belavezha Accords on the cease of existence of the USSR and on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Later, on December 21, 1991 in the city of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) the heads of eleven sovereign states – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Moldova, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine signed the Protocol on creation on the equal in rights basis the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The Protocol stated the fact of the USSR cease of existence, formulated the objectives and principles of the CIS, fixed the provision that the cooperation between the members of the organization “will be carried out basing on the principle of equal rights via coordinative institutions formed on an equal footing and acting in accordance with the order determined by the agreements between the Commonwealth members which is not a state neither a supranational formation”.
Also remained the united commandment of the military strategic forces and a single control over the nuclear arms, the respect of the parties for the achievement of the status of a nuclear-free and (or) neutral state, commitment to cooperation in forming and developing of a single economic area.
On January 22, 1993 in the city of Minsk the Regulations of the CIS was adopted and on January 19, 1996 in Moscow the heads of the CIS’ Council adopted the Statute on the CIS banner and emblem.
Since the CIS is a volunteer organization its composition could change. Thus in August of 2008 Georgia, which entered the Commonwealth in 1993, withdrew from it.
As far as the main objective of the CIS is considering the issues regarding the common Soviet past of the states-participants, these countries also form other international associations in order to develop a further cooperation on a new basis.
Lit.: Алма-Атинская декларация (Принята в г. Алма-Ате 21.12.1991) // Дипломатический вестник. 1992. №1. С. 7; Исполнительный комитет СНГ: сайт. 2019. URL: