Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (FAPSI) under the President of the Russian Federation created
December 24, 1991 in accordance with Presidential Decree № 313 of the RSFSR, on the basis of the Committee for Government Communications under the RF President, the State Information and Computing Center under the National Emergency Commission (State center of the USSR) including its subordinate organizations ("Diamond" and “Energy” Research Institutes, “Terminal” Research Center) and the Moscow Research Institute of Electrical engineering of Scientific Production Association "Automation", was created the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI).
FAPSI had the status of the central body of the federal executive authority, its tasks included: ensuring the functioning, development and information security of technological basis for a system of governance in peacetime and wartime; confrontation, within its competence, to threats to Russia's security in the information sphere.
Thereby FAPSI performed its activities in the following areas:
- organization and provision of operation, security, development and improvement of government communication and other types of special communication and special information systems for state agencies;
- provision within its competence of safety of state secrets; organizing and providing of cryptographic, engineering and technical security of encrypted communications in the Russian Federation and its offices abroad;
- organization and realization of foreign intelligence activities in the field of encrypted, classified, and other types of special communication with the use of radio-electronic means and methods;
- provision to the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation, central bodies of federal executive power, the Russian Security Council with reliable specialized information, independent of other sources (materials of foreign intelligence activities, information on maintenance of management of the economy in a special period, during wartime and in emergency situations, economic information of mobilization significance, information of social and economic monitoring) necessary to make decisions on security, defense, economy, science and technology, international relations, ecology, and preparedness activity.
Under FAPSI there was established the Academy of Cryptography, which trained highly qualified specialists for the federal bodies of government communications and information, and other federal bodies of executive power.
The FAPSI regulations were approved by the President with the concurrence of the Supreme Council Committee for Defense and Security. FAPSI troops included government communications troops, units of radio intelligence, engineering and construction units.
March 11, 2003 the President of Russia signed a decree under which the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) was abolished and its functions transferred to the Service of Special Communication and Information under the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation (Special Communication of Russia) and the Federal Security Service (FSB).
Lit.: Об учреждении геральдического знака — эмблемы федеральных органов правительственной связи и информации: Указ Президента РФ № 338. 15 марта 1999 [Электронный ресурс] // Геральдика. 1999-2019. URL: http://sovet.geraldika.ru/article/2547; О флаге Федерального агентства правительственной связи и информации при Президенте Российской Федерации и знамени войск Федерального агентства правительственной связи и информации при Президенте Российской Федерации: Указ Президента РФ № 1228. 15 октября 2001 [Электронный ресурс] // Геральдика. 1999-2019. URL: http://sovet.geraldika.ru/article/2545.