Russian Rescue Corps established. Russian Rescuer Day

27 December 1990

December 27, 1990 a decree by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR № 606 "On the establishment of the Russian Rescue Corps as the RSFSR State Committee, as well as the formation of a unified state and social system of forecasting, prevention and emergency response" was adopted. In April 1991 the head of the Rescue Corps was appointed Major-General Sergei Shoigu, who is currently head of the Russian Ministry of emergency situations.

Russia was the first country in the world to create a special rescue service to combat natural disasters, accidents of natural, technological and epidemiological character. The service operates in conjunction with the regional and municipal rescue services, fire-prevention services of the Russian Federation constituent territories, a private fire prevention, as well as other services.

In summer 1991, the Russian Rescue Corps was transformed into the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations. Soon, on its basis was established the State Committee for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief under the President of the RSFSR (RSFSR EMERCOM). A new state agency joined the forces and means of EMERCOM and Civil Defense Headquarters under the RSFSR Ministry of Defense. In November 1991, a decree of the President of Russia "On the State Committee under the President of the RSFSR for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief" was established the Headquarters of Civil Defense forces of the RSFSR and nine regional centers for the State Department for Emergencies.

In July 1992 the Russian Government decree "On improvement of tourism and mountaineering rescue services, posts and centers" was adopted. Thus, began the formation of search-and- rescue services of the Russian EMERCOM. In November a Government decree approved the Regulations on the Russian Federation State Committee for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief".

January 10, 1994 the EMERCOM of Russia was transformed into the Russian Federation Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief.

December 21, 1994 was adopted the law "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and anthropogenic character" which became the main instrument of control both in the field of emergency prevention, risk reduction, and in terms of disaster recovery, and natural disasters relief. The Act also marked the beginning of the legal framework of the Emergency Service of Russia. The following year, was adopted a Federal Law of Russia "On the emergency services and status of rescuers" which outlined the general organizational, legal and economic framework for the establishment and operation of rescue services, emergency rescue teams in the Russian Federation, established the rights, duties and responsibility of rescuers, defined bases of state policy in the sphere of legal and social protection of rescuers and other citizens of the Russian Federation, who participated in emergency situations of natural and anthropogenic character.

November 26, 1995 under a Presidential Decree, the day of December 27 was declared the Day of Rescuer of the Russian Federation.

Lit.: О Государственном комитете по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий при Президенте РСФСР: Указ Президента РСФСР. 19 ноября 1991 г. № 221. [Электронный ресурс] // Президент России. 2019. URL:

Министерство Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий (МЧС России): сайт. Б. д. URL:

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

The Civil Defense Forces Day of the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations // On this day. 04 October.