The Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library was founded

14 January 1858

The idea of ​​building a public library in Ryazan emerged in the 30's of the XIX century, but the opening took place only 2 (14) January 1858.

Sources of that time wrote: "The Provincial Public Library was opened in Ryazan in 1858; it contains 741 books in 1,386 volumes and 4,230 issues of periodicals. The library is provided with a small amount of money, donated by different people and arranged very decently". A significant contribution to the opening of the library was made by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, who at that time was the vice-governor of Ryazan.

In 1923 the library became the provincial central public library, in 1928 it was named after writer Maxim Gorky.

In 1937, with the creation of the Ryazan region, the library received regional status and became a methodological center for the libraries of the region.

In 1964, the library received a special built building with a total area of ​​more than four thousand square meters, new departments are being created, and differentiated servicing of readers is being improved.

90ies of the XX century - the time of active introduction of information technologies in the activities of the library, development of international relations. In 1996 the library joined the Russian Library Association.

In 2011, a new building was put into operation, the library area became more than ten thousand square meters.

In 2013, a remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library was opened.

In 2014 the Library hosted the All-Russian Library Congress: the XIX Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association.

Today the Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library is the main library of the region, an information, educational and cultural center, an open social institute of public policy translation. The library serves more than 40 thousand readers a year. The fund has more than 1 million 200 thousand copies in all branches of knowledge.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Президентская библиотека подписала Соглашение о сотрудничестве с Рязанской областью, 22 ноября 2010 г. : [фоторепортаж] / фот. П. А. Киселева. СПб., 2010.


The materials are provided by the Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library