The production of Senator Troweevich to investigate the actions of officials who participated in the implementation of the immig...

Identifier a3f76362-1761-44af-948d-dd254d6ab69d
Title The production of Senator Troweevich to investigate the actions of officials who participated in the implementation of the immigration during the emperor's stay in Kiev in 1911.Extracts from the protocols of repeated interrogations of the highest ranks of the Department of Police and the Kiev Security Department.Extracts from bank books on issuing money on bills of exchanges Kurlov.List Kerllova
Dates 1911

Заголовок дела на папке: Производство сенатора Трусевича по расследованию действий должностных лиц, принимавших участие в осуществлении мер охраны во время Высочайшего пребывания в Киеве в 1911 году. Т. 4

Листы: 46 (1), 67 (1) - сургучная печать

Часть текста рукописная и машинописная, часть - напечатана типографским способом

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 271 / 1 / 4
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series Cases of constant storage.1911-1913
Extent 69 листов
Fonds Development of Senators M. I.Trusevich and N. V.Shulgin to consider the actions of officials who participated in the implementation of security measures during the stay of Nicholas II in Kiev in 1911, in the case of the murder of the Minister of Internal Affairs P. A. Stolhapina in
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