Identifier 048ab243-cffe-4e04-813f-03e83f42b87a Title Cases of constant storage.1906-1916 Dates 1906 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 Cataloguing source GA_RF Extent 90 единиц хранения Creator Россия. Государственный совет. Группа центра Fonds Group of Center for State Council. File ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 1. "Basic Reviews" (Program) Group of Public Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 10. Magazines meetings of the Group of the State Council with a list of issues considered.There is a copy of the project of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment on the introduction of universal primary education. ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 11. Journal of the Center Group with copies of the Public Council Center of the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 12. Resolution of the Center Group on the preliminary notification of members of the Group on the most important voting in the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 13. A summary of the decisions taken at the Meetings of the Center Group from October 29 to November 10, 1907 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 14. Decisions and conclusion of collections of the Center of the Center from January 17 to July 2, 1908 on organizational issues, on the discussion of draft laws ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 15. Decisions and conclusion of the Group of the Center for State Council during the sessions of 1911-1912.According to organizational issues, on the discussion of draft laws and amendments to them (about the state budget, taxes, work legislation, etc.).In business ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 16. Decisions and conclusion of collections of the Center Group during the session of 1911-1912.According to organizational issues, discussing bills (about customs fees, zemstvo, the development of sugar industry, marine fishery, the procedure for conducting deployment of deposits ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 17. Resolutions and conclusion of assembly of the Center Group during the session 1912-1913.According to organizational issues, on the discussion of draft laws and amendments to them (on local management of seaside trading ports, about Zemstvo institutions, the expansion of the rights of average ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 18. Resolutions and conclusion of assembly of the Center Group during the session 1912-1913.According to organizational issues and discussion of bills (on the challenge fees, the expenditure of public funds, the transformation of the local court, etc.) ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 19. Decisions and concluding assemblies of the Center Group during the session of 1913-1914.According to organizational issues and discussing bills (on the expenditure of public funds, zemstvo, the change in territorial division and other things) ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 2. The project "Internal regulations" (Charter) of the Group of the Center for the State Council with the application of feedback from the group members to the project, lists of members of the Commission of the "personal composition and internal regulation" and the correspondence related to the issues "of the internal schedule ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 20. Decisions and concluding assemblies of the Center Group during the session of 1913-1914.According to organizational issues and discussing bills (about changing in accordance with the procedure for legal proceedings, civil cases, wine monopoly, rules for hiring trading employees, zemstvo ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 21. Resolutions and conclusion of the assembly of the Center Group during the 1915 session on organizational issues and the elections of the members of the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 22. Decisions and conclusion of meetings of the Center Group, the circle of non-parity association, the left group of the State Council, the Academic Group on the procedure for discussing bills, their approval, voting on them and so on ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 23. Amendments to the draft of the State Council, proposed by members of the State Council S. Lukyanov, D. Bagareyev, Samarin, A. D. Obolensky, N. S. Tagantev ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 24. Explanatory note and project of the basic provisions of changes and additions in the establishment of the Governing Senate.Project of the main provisions of the transformation of the Senate and the explanatory note A. A. Saburov ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 25. Reporting note Avdakov N. S. and B. N. Hanenko - Members of the State Council, on the transport of goods by railways of Russia, sent to the discussion of the Center ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 26. Possed by a member of the State Council of General-Adjutant Chihacheva N. M. "On the access ways" - about the development of local communication, construction of manpure roads, driveways and railways, presented for discussion of the Center ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 27. Additions to decree on November 9, 1906 "On the complement of some decisions of the current law relating to peasant land tenure and land use", made by the government to the State Duma and the conclusion of the members of the Center Group on this issue ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 28. Note of the member of the State Council of the Republic of Yves.Leontovich on the revision of the Charter of Military Meet ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 29. Statement of the Group of Members of the State Council to the Chairman of the State Council on the need to extend the time of speaking speakers speakers on important issues ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 3. Protocols of the Meeting of the Center Group on July 5, 1906 and sessions of 1912-1913.and 1913-1914 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 30. Note on the procedure for the termination of the powers of elected members of the State Council and the time of the election of members of the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 31. Requests of members of the Group of the State Council of the State Council Yermolova A. S., Chihacheva N. M., Obolensky A. D., Olsufyeva D. A., Korvin-Milevsky I. O. in the Maritime Ministry of the Budget of the Maritime Office, including feasibilityCredit opening ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 32. Program of Legislative Activities of the State Duma 4 convocation offered by the Fraction Center ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 33. List of members of the State Council on Disclaimers, indicating their accessories to the Groups existing in the State Council (draft) ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 34. Lists of members of the Group of the Center for State Council, Bureau and Presidium of the Group ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 35. Showlists from noble societies to select members of the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 36. Agenda at the meeting of the Group of the State Council with an indication of the issues discussed ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 37. Agenda for meetings and meetings of commissions formed by the Center Group ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 38. Agenda, announcements of the members of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of Members of the State Council and the State Duma in honor of the guests who arrived from England, about visiting members of the State Council of the Baltic Fleet Courts and Land Reinforced ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 39. Magazine meeting of the Bureau of the Center for Organizational Affairs and issues scheduled for consideration at the General Meeting of the Group on Universal Folk Education, about stateless and specific lands, etc. ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 4. Extracts from the protocols of the I congress of the Group of the State Council of the State Council on the Rate of the Group to the Upcoming Election to the State Duma, according to the Jewish issue, an agricultural issue, on the issue of local self-government and equality of nationalities ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 40. Applications, letters, notes of the members of the Center Group, submitted to the Bureau of the Group on the need to continue the joint work of the State Council with the I State Duma, about the need to develop a university charter, on the conservation of the law on the death campaign ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 41. A letter of a member of the Group of Center Ostrovsky I. A. Chairman of the Bureau of the group Yermolov A. S. with a proposal on the procedure for the Group's work ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 42. Letter of the Bureau of the Group Yermolov A. S. Minister of Internal Affairs Stolypin P. A. with an application of a copy of the Commission's report and statements by members of the Center for the lack of legal entities in the I State Duma ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 43. Statement by the Bureau of the Group of the State Council on its attitude to "Agreement between factions and groups of the State Duma" ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 44. Statement of Baron Meller-Komelsky Vl.Ll.- Chairman of the group of the Center Yermolov A. S. - Chairman of the Bureau of the Center Group with refusal to re-election by his chairman in the upcoming elections ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 45. Statement for complaints and premierable employees of the Bureau of the Center Group and their receipt in receipt of money ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 46. Statement for complaints and premierable employees of the Bureau of the Center Group and their receipt in receipt of money ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 47. Accounts, cash orders, receipts for the purchase of stationery ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 48. Accounts, cash orders, receipts for the purchase of stationery ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 49. Accounts, cash orders, receipts for the purchase of stationery ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 5. Protocols of the Meetings of the Group of the Center for the State Council on the Efforts of Elections to the State Duma (about changing the electoral law) ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 50. Accounts, cash orders, receipts for the purchase of stationery ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 51. Cash reports Bureau of the Center Group.In the case there are lists of the members of the Center Group with marks on the payment of membership fees and contributions to the Public Affairs Club ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 52. Notes of the head of the Public Council of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council of N. P. Rafailovich and a member of the State Council of A. Yu. Podpoayrkovsky on the election of the permanent commissions of the State Council, the lists of members of the Commission: Financial, Law ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 53. Magazine of meetings of the commission on the land issue with the application of the lists of members and agendas at the Commission's meetings ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 54. Magazines and protocols of meetings of the Agrarian Commission of the Group of the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 55. The main questions, special opinions and conclusions of the Agrarian Commission of the Group of the State Council on the peasant land tenure and land use.There is a list of members of the Agrarian Commission of the Group of the Center for State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 56. Comparative statement: 1. The draft law developed by the Land Commission of the State Duma on the basis of the submission of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the change and addition of some resolutions related to peasant land tenure (Decree November 9 1 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 57. Approximate scheme for consideration of articles of civil law on the right of inheritance, on the separation and attached to the applied to peasants ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 58. Draft law on the right of indigenous inheritance for the owners of the peasant sites of the Lifelard province ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 59. Report by Member of the Agrarian Commission M. V. Krasovsky on the draft law on the addition of some decisions of the current law on peasant land use (Decree on November 9, 1906) ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 6. Protocols of the Meetings of the Group of the State Council on the issue of the equality of the peoples of Russia, on the introduction of Zemstvo institutions, on the upcoming elections to the State Duma ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 60. Report of the Land Commission of the State Duma on the change and addition of some resolutions related to peasant land tenure (Decree on November 9, 1906).Rapporteur S. I. Shidlovsky.The special opinion of the minority of the members of the Commission and the member of the commission is applied. ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 61. Explains to the draft law on April 4, 1907 "Questions learned from the project of additional regulations relating to peasant land tenure and land use of April 4, 1907 for № 10902 and answers to them" ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 62. Notes of the Member of the State Council of Semenov Tyan-Shansky regarding the activities of land management commissions ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 63. Article of an unidentified author about peasant inheritance in the ridiculous lands and fruitless sites.Proceleration ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 64. The appeal of the Melitopol Zemskaya council to the population with a message about the upcoming cancellation of redemption payments and the appeal to abandon the pogroms of the estates ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 65. The decision of the United Department of the Laws of Civil and Spiritual Affairs of the State Council on the procedure for the management of safety protection rules on artillery polygons and shoots with an appointment of an extract from the Journal of the Artillery Committee No. 264 from 31 m ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 66. Materials of the Commission of the Group of the State Council on the revision of the Charter of Military Response: Report of the Commission (Rapporteur Leontovich G. N.), materials on the preparation of the text of the Charter, editorial amendments and changes.There is a list of members of the Commission ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 67. The draft of the main provisions on some measures to improve the economic situation of the Donors' Troops, submitted by the Group of Members of the State Council with the conclusions of the Commission on the Cossack troops on this project.In the case there are lists of Cand ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 68. Protocols (Nos. 5 and 6) meetings of the Commission on local self-government with discussion of the draft Region "On the settlement".There is a conclusion of a group of the Center for the Composition of this Commission for 1908. ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 69. Decree of Nicholas II dated August 27, 1905 "On the introduction of temporary rules for the management of higher educational institutions" with the appendix of a special opinion of 35 members of the State Council on the situation in higher educational institutions in connection with the revolution 1905 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 7. Protocols Meetings of the Group of Center for Agrarian and Jewish Issues ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 70. Project of the Ministry of People's Enlightenment on the introduction of universal primary education, report notes, conclusions and special opinions of the Commission on the Public Education of the Center Group about this project with the application of the members of the members and agendas for visiting ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 71. Notifications of the election of the Commission for the press formed by the Council of the United Noble Societies, the lists of commission members, the agenda with the invitation to meetings, drafts, copies ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 72. Proposals A. S. Shmakova on the report on the press ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 73. Materials of the Commission of the Center for the Cancellation of Porto Franco in the Amur Governor-General and in the Trans-Baikal region of the Irkutsk Governor-General.There are lists of commission members, a magazine of meetings, report of the Minister of Commerce and Industry ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 74. Materials of the Commission on duties: the conclusion of the Commission on the draft law on the taxation of the duty of the property inheritance;a list of issues proposed for discussion;Composition of the Commission ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 75. Resolution of the State Council on the transfer of a project on the abolition of guardianship on folk sobriety for consideration by a special commission and the conclusion of the Assembly of the Center Group, about the relationship of the project to the project ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 76. Materials of the Commission on Measures to Combat Drunkenness.Records on N. Kramer with a justification of the need to fight drunkenness, reports of the Commission on changing and adding articles on the sale of alcoholic beverages, about excise taxes.There are sleep ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 77. The list of questions considered by the Judicial Commission of the Center Group when discussing the main provisions of the draft Minister of Justice on the transformation of the local court and the conclusion of the Commission on this issue ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 78. The text of the draft law on the conditioned early release established by the State Duma at the first discussion on March 7, 1908 and the Judicial Commission of the Center Group and the report of the Commission on Judicial Reforms on the draft law ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 79. The editors of Article 19 of the draft law "On the conditioned early release (about the place of residence and absence of early liberated)", proposed by a member of the State Council S. S. Manukhin ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 8. The protocols of the Meetings of the Group of the Center for the State Council on the political situation in the country, the Political and Economic Program of the Group's Group, on the agricultural issue with the appendix of "special opinions" of the members of the group considered ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 80. Help to the draft law on conditional early release, compiled by N. S. Tagantev ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 81. Lists of members of the Commission on the Transformation of the Local Court under the Group of the Center for the State Council, elected January 17, 1908 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 82. Documents of the tobacco commission of the Group of the State Council of the State Council: a list of members and minutes of the meeting on June 16, 1908 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 83. Possed by members of the State Council on the need for urgent consideration in the State Duma and the State Council on the provision of funds for improving the state of railways ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 84. Possed by G. G. Lercha - Chairman of the Financial Commission Prince P. N. Trubetsky - Chairman of the Group of the Center for the State Council with a petition to cancel subsidies for shipping flights Shanghai and Zurong.In the case there are certificates of the Committee "Voluntary Fleet ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 85. Report by S. G. Kiselev on the draft law on the extension of the "Provisional Regulations" on Zemstvo Claims with Trading on the Nizhny Novgorod Fair ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 86. Lists of members of the Financial Commission of the State Council with the application of monetary reports of the Group of the Center for State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 87. Inventory Presentation of the Foundation ("Group of the State Council") ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 88. Inventory Foundation "Group of the State Council", recycled in 1976 ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 89. Statement by Member of the State Council N. S. Avdanova to the Bureau of the Center Group on the duration of the work of the State Duma and the State Council ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 9. Minutes of the Assembly of the Members of the Group on the Agrarian Question, on public education (general primary training), on the issue of transition to other religions.There is a speech by A. S. Yermolov "On the issue of the introduction of universal primary education", the claims ГА РФ. 1178 / 1 / 90. Conclusion of the VIII Department of the Financial Commission of the State Council on Extras of the Interim Ministry for 1907 Display format Archival description RUSMARC