Identifier | db304dfc-0c6e-4d01-ade8-cdb07165086a |
Title | Plenipotentiary representatives for the conclusion of peace in Paris |
Notes | Ориг. заголовок дела: Разные фотографии. Полномочные представители по заключению мира в Париже |
Text language | Русский |
Level | Case |
Call number | РГИА. 1293 / 169 / 3026 |
Cataloguing source | РГИА |
Series | Collection of photographs of the Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of the Interior of the ancient and architectural and sculptural monuments of Russia |
Extent | 1 фотография в конверте |
Fonds | Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs |
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