Photocopy of diplomas of the kings of Ivan and Peter Alekseevich Boyaryna A.V.Domozhirova 1694 (Tambov city)

Identifier aaec23bf-6523-46ee-897b-3785f344c61d
Title Photocopy of diplomas of the kings of Ivan and Peter Alekseevich Boyaryna A.V.Domozhirova 1694 (Tambov city)
Dates 1868

Фотография в конверте

Заголовок дела также: Тамбовская губерния. Город Тамбов. Фотокопия грамоты царей Ивана и Петра Алексеевичей боярыне А. В. Доможировой, 1694 г.

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1293 / 169 / 2183
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series Collection of photographs of the Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of the Interior of the ancient and architectural and sculptural monuments of Russia
Extent 1 лист
Fonds Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Display format