Identifier fe9705a0-7cab-4be6-b2d6-caaa956c95d8 Title Materials of the Drawing Meat Department of the Senate Dates 1781 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1350 / 305 Cataloguing source РГИА Extent 43 единицы хранения Fonds Landmark Department of the Senate Contents Содержит материалы Чертежной Межевого департамента Сената: приложения к планам границ округов, уездов, наместничеств и губерний Российской империи File РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 10. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the County of Symbirian vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 11. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Kharkov priesthood РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 12. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the counties of the Kiev province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 13. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the district of Penza vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 14. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Kazan governorship РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 15. Annexes to the plans of the borders of Chernihivsky vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 16. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district Novgorod-Seversky vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 17. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Pskovsky vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 18. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the district of Smolensk governorship РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 19. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Mogilevsky priesthood РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 2. Applications to the plans of the borders of the counties of the Tauride province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 20. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the district of Polotsky vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 21. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the County of Revel РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 22. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the counties of Riga province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 23. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the district of Vyatsky vimsar РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 24. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the District of Perm Primary РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 25. Applications to the plans of the borders of the Tobolsk governorship district РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 26. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Ufa vicarity РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 27. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the counties of Minsk and other provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 28. Description for the delimitation between Poltava, Chernihiv, Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 29. Description to the plan of the provincial border between Yekaterinoslav and Kherson provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 3. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the counties of the Moscow province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 30. Description for the delimitation between Kiev and Podolskaya, between Kherson and Podolsk provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 31. Marsh Books of Grodno, Ekaterinoslavskaya, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Novgorod provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 32. Memmonic books of the St. Petersburg province of Gdovsky, Lugovsky, Tsarskosilsky and Yamburg counties РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 33. Samara and Saratov provinces Samara and Saratov РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 34. Lists of landowners of the city of Sosnitsa Chernihiv province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 35. Lists of landowners of the city of Chernihiv province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 36. Lists of landowners of the city of Chernihiv province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 37. Lists of landowners of the Khopersky District of the Don Troops РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 38. Lists of landowners of the Baku and Moscow provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 39. Lists of landowners Kursk and Moscow provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 4. Applications to the plans of the borders of the counties of the Tver province РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 40. Lists of landowners of the Novgorod and Yerevan provinces РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 41. The conventional marks of the Meadow Plans, compiled at the Meeting Commission of the 1st Department of the Own Tsarist Majesty of the Office РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 42. The statement of the amount of land, strengthened behind the peasants on the basis of the law of May 6, 1863 with the designation of the value of this land РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 43. List of landowners (to the district general plan of Rostov and Cherkasy districts) РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 5. Applications to the plans of the borders of the Tula governorship district РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 6. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Kaluga priesthood РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 7. Annexes to the plans of the boundaries of the district of Kursk governorship. РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 8. Annexes to the plans of the borders of the district of Orlovsky governorship РГИА. 1350 / 305 / 9. Applications to the plans of the borders of the district of Nizhny Novgorod governorship Display format Archival description RUSMARC