Description |
FundRGIA.F. 1162.State Chancellery of the State Council.B / D.Identifier4F646D5E-4FBE-4F67-8C12-AE6847C1257AText languagerusDatesB / D.VolumeE.Khr.OrganizationOP.LevelFundOrganization-creator recordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA 1162.The case of the department of personnel and general affairs on the production of officials of the State Chancellery in the next ranks for the length of service [Case]: January 19, 1906 - June 6, 1908 - 1906-1908.-294 l.;36.5x26 See - (Foundation State Chancellery of the State Council. Inventory No. 1. Department of personnel and general affairs. 1906).I. Russia.State Council.State Chancellery.Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: RGIA.F. 1162. OP.1. Department of personnel and general cases.1906 D. 6.