Description |
FundRGIA.F. 1162.State Chancellery of the State Council.B / D.Identifier4F646D5E-4FBE-4F67-8C12-AE6847C1257AText languagerusDatesB / D.VolumeE.Khr.OrganizationOP.LevelFundOrganization-creator recordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA 1162.The case of the department of personnel and general affairs on the appointment of pensions and one-time benefits from the execution of postmen and their widows, as well as other persons [Case]: [Started] May 10, 1911. Volume 3. - 1911. -302 l.;36.5x26 See - (Foundation State Chancellery of the State Council. Inventory No. 1. Department of personnel and shared affairs. 1906).I. Russia.State Council.State Chancellery.Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: RGIA.F. 1162. OP.1. Department of personnel and general cases.1906 D. 24 b.