Identifier 7393eac8-aea5-4181-b014-0a5beab45138
Title 1920
Dates 1920
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 130 / 4
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 824 единицы хранения
Creator РСФСР. Совет Народных Комиссаров
Fonds Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 1. Protocols Nos. 338-367 meetings of the Greater Council of People's Commissars for January-May 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 10. Protocol No. 407 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 24, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 100. Protocol No. 552 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 13, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 101. Protocol No. 553 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 14, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 102. Minutes No. 554 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars on September 16, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 103. Protocol No. 555 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 104. Protocol No. 556 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 20, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 105. Protocol No. 558 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 23, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 106. Protocol No. 559 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 27, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 107. Protocol No. 560 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 28, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 108. Protocol No. 561 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 30, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 109. Protocol No. 562 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 1, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 1 See Protocol 563, § 10
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 11. Protocol No. 413 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 1, 1920 and materials for it
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 110. Protocol No. 563 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 4, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 10 cm. Protocol 604, § 9
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 111. Protocol No. 565 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 7, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 112. Protocol No. 566 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of October 8, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 113. Materials to Protocol No. 567 of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 11, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 114. Protocol No. 568 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 12, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 115. Materials for Protocol No. 569 meetings of the Council of People's Commissars dated October 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 116. Materials to Protocol No. 570 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 18, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 117. Materials to Protocol No. 571 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 19, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 118. Materials to Protocol No. 572 of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 21, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 119. Materials for Protocol No. 573 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of October 22, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 12. Protocol No. 415 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 5, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 120. Materials for Protocol No. 574 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 25, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 121. Materials to Protocol No. 575 of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 26, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 122. Materials to Protocol No. 576 of the Small Council of People's Commissars of October 28, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 123. Protocol No. 577 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 29, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the protocol.Genuine and copy.Materials to § 2 cm. Protocol 578, § 1. Materials to § 4 cm. Protocol 578 § 2. Materials to § 8 s
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 124. Protocol No. 578 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 1, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 125. Protocol No. 579 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 2, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 126. Protocol No. 580 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 4, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 1 cm. Protocol 581, § 1. Materials to § 4 cm. Protocol 582 § 3
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 127. Protocol No. 581 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 5, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 14 of the protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 6 cm. Protocol 583 § 7. Materials to § 9 cm. Protocol 582 § 4. Materials to § 13 cm. Protoco
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 128. Protocol No. 582 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 8, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 4 and 6 of the Protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 8 cm. Protocol 586 § 9. Materials to § 10 cm. Protocol 584 § 6
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 129. Protocol No. 583 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 9, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of the Protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 8 cm. Protocol 585 § 3
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 13. Protocol No. 416 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 6, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 130. Protocol No. 584 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 11, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 14 of the protocol.(Authentic).Materials to § 11 cm. Protocol 586 § 10 and materials to § 13 cm. Protocol 588 § 9
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 131. Protocol No. 585 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 132. Protocol No. 587 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 132. Protocol No. 586 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of November 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 133. Protocol No. 588 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of November 18, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 134. Protocol No. 589 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars on November 19, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 135. Protocol No. 590 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 20, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 136. Protocol No. 593 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 25, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 137. Protocol No. 594 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 26, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 138. Protocol No. 595 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 29, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 139. Protocol No. 596 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 1, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 14. Minutes No. 418 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 10, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 140. Protocol No. 597 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 2, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13 of the Protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 10 cm. Protocol 602, § 4
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 141. Protocol No. 598 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 3, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 of the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 142. Protocol No. 599 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 6, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 12 of the protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 13 cm. Protocol 602 § 5. Materials to § 14 cm. Protocol 602 §.Materials to § 15 cm. Proto
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 143. Protocol No. 600 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 8, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 144. Protocol No. 601 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 9, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 21 of the Protocol.Copies.Materials to § 4 cm. Protocol 604 § 10. Materials to § 17 cm. Protocol 604 §.Materials to § 19 cm. Protocol 60
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 145. Protocol No. 602 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 10, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17 of the Protocol.Materials to § 2 cm. Protocol 604, § 6. Materials to § 14 cm. Protocol 604, § 9. Materials to § 15 cm. Protocol 604, § 1
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 146. Protocol No. 603 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 13, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 20 cm. Protocol 604, § 14. Materials to § 21 cm. Protocol 605, § 10
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 147. Protocol No. 604 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 15, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 and 20 of the Protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 607, § 3. Materials to § 15 cm. Protocol 605, § 1
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 148. Protocol No. 605 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 16, 1920 and materials to §§ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 13 of the Protocol.Copies.Materials to § 6 cm. Protocol 607, § 14. Materials to § 12 cm. Protocol 607, § 2. Materials to § 17 cm. Protocol 607, §
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 149. Protocol No. 606 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 17, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18 and 19 of the Protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 13 cm. Protocol 608, § 1. Materials to §§ 16 and 17 cm. Protocol 607, § 20
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 15. Protocol No. 424 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 19, 1920 (materials, mandates)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 150. Protocol No. 607 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 20, 1920 and materials to §§ 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 21 of the Protocol.Copies.Materials to § 2 cm. Protocol 610 § 11. Materials to § 9 cm. Protocol 608, § 5. Materials to § 10 s
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 151. Protocol No. 608 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 23, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 6, 8, 10, 7 of the Protocol.(Copies).Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 610, § 14
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 152. Protocol No. 609 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 25, 1920. Copies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 153. Materials for Protocol No. 610 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 27, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 154. Protocol No. 611 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 30, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18 and 20 of the Protocol.Copies.Materials to § 3 cm. Protocol 615 § 2. Materials to § 7 cm. Protocol 615, § ... Materials to § 9 cm. Protocol 614,
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 155. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars and materials for minutes of meetings for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 156. Protocols Nos. 393 and 535 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for the period 2 January - August 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 157. Protocols Nos. 536, 611 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for the period August 18 - December 30, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 158. Protocols №№ 433-437, 440-442, 445-453, 456-460, 462-495 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for the period 8 March - June 16, 1920 and materials for protocols
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 159. Protocols №№ 497-498, 500-505, 507-511, 513-515, 518-521, 523-525, 527, 529-534, 537, 539-543, 545-546, 548-559, 561-564Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for the period from June 18 - October 5, 1920 and materials for protocols
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 16. Protocol No. 428 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 26, 1920 and materials for protocols
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 160. Protocols №№ 565-567, 569-578, 580-589, 591-599, 602-611 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for the period October 7 - December 3, 1920 and materials for protocols
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 161. Protocols Nos. 393-512 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for January-July 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 162. Protocols Nos. 513-611 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for August-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 163. Materials for protocols Nos. 393-399 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for January-February Months of 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 164. Materials for protocols Nos. 400-403 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for January-February 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 165. Materials for protocols No. 406-408 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for January 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 166. Materials for protocols Nos. 409-418 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for January-February 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 167. Materials for protocols Nos. 419-428 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for February 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 168. Materials for protocols Nos. 429-434 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for February-March 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 169. Materials for protocols Nos. 435-442 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for March 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 17. Protocol No. 429 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar dated February 27, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16Protocol.Photocopy and typewritten copy.Materials to § 4 cm. Protocol 430, § 10
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 170. Materials for protocols No. 4,43-449 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for March-April 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 171. Materials for protocols Nos. 450-461 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for April 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 172. Materials for protocols Nos. 462-480 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for April-May 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 173. Materials for protocols Nos. 481-487 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for May-June 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 174. Materials for protocols Nos. 488-499 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for June 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 175. Materials for protocols No. 500-505 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for June-July 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 176. Materials for protocols Nos. 507-514 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for July 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 177. Materials for protocols Nos. 515-520 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for July 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 178. Materials for protocols Nos. 521-524 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for July-August 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 179. Materials for protocols Nos. 525-533 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for August 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 18. Protocol No. 430 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 1, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the protocol.Photocopy and typewritten copy.Materials to § 6 cm. Protocol 432 § 3. Materials to § 7 cm. Protocol 433 § 8
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 180. Materials for protocols Nos. 536-542 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for August 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 181. Materials for protocols Nos. 543-546 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for August-September 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 182. Materials for protocols Nos. 547-552 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for September 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 183. Materials for protocols Nos. 553-561 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for September 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 184. Materials for protocols No. 562 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 1, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 185. Materials for protocols Nos. 563-565 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for October 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 186. Materials for protocols Nos. 566-567 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for October 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 187. Materials for protocols Nos. 568-573 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for October 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 188. Materials for protocols Nos. 574-575 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for October 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 189. Materials to Protocol No. 576 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars for October 28, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 19. Protocol No. 431 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 2, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 5, 6, 7 and 11 of the protocol (photocopy and copy).Materials to § 9 cm. Protocols 434, § 13. Materials to § 10 cm. Prot.432, § 5
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 190. Materials for protocols Nos. 577-581 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for October-November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 191. Materials for protocols Nos. 582-585 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 192. Materials for protocols No. 586-593 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 193. Materials for protocols Nos. 594-599 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for November-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 194. Materials for protocols Nos. 600-611 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 197. Materials for minutes of meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 198. Materials for the minutes of meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars (estimates of the income and expenses of the People's Commissariat in 1920)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 199. Materials for minutes of meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars (scattered)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 2. Protocol number 394 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 3, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 20. Protocol No. 432 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 5, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 200. Agenda of the Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 16 - June 29, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 201. Agenda of the meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar for 1920, January-December
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 202. The protocol decisions of the Small Council, transferred to the approval of the Big Council of People's Commissar for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 203. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars for January-February Months of 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 204. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars for March-April months 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 205. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissar for May-June Months of 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 206. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars for July-August months 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 207. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissar for September-October Months of 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 208. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissar for October-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 209. Decisions of the Small Council of People's Commissars for January-June months of 1920.
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 21. Protocol No. 433 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of March 8, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 of the protocol.(Copy)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 210. Resolutions of the Small Council of People's Commissar for May-December months 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 210. Resolutions of the Small Council of People's Commissar for May-December months 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 211. Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars for April-September months of 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 212. Resolutions of the Small Council of People's Commissar
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 213. Materials on the execution of minutes of meetings of the Great and Small Councils of the People's Commissar
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 214. Resolutions of the Council of Workers' and Peasant Defense (Labor and Defense Council), January-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 215. Resolutions of the Council of Workers' and Peasant Defense (the Council of Labor and Defense) for January-March 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 216. Decisions and decisions of the Council of the Workers' and Peasant Defense (Labor and Defense Council) for January-June 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 217. Resolutions of the Council of Labor and Defense for July-September 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 218. Resolutions of the Council of Labor and Defense for October-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 219. Decrees, provisions, instructions and appeals of the Council of People's Commissars and the Council of Labor and Defense
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 22. Protocol No. 434 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 9, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the protocol.Copies.Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 435, § 7, to § 16 cm. Protocol 435, § 6
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 220. Draft Decree and Regulations on the Intervonditional Council of the General Organization of Refrigeration and Other Materials on this issue
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 221. Regulations on the utilities executive committees of April 8, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 222 а). Transcript of Remarks by Lenin at the III All-Russian Congress of the Communist Youth of October 3, 1920 and a letter to Lenin from the editors of "Change" newspaper with the request to write a few lines of treatment to employees in charge of the careful attention
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 222 б). Transcript of Remarks by Lenin at the III All-Russian Congress of the Communist Youth of October 3, 1920 and a letter to Lenin from the editors of "Change" newspaper with the request to write a few lines of treatment to employees in charge of the careful attention
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 223. Correspondence on the search for articles V. I. Lenin, printed in illegal foreign press in 1906-1909, about sending articles for newspapers and magazines and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 223. Correspondence on the search for articles V. I. Lenin, printed in illegal foreign press in 1906-1909, about sending articles for newspapers and magazines and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 224. Telegrams on the search Article V.I. Lenin about Herzen, placed in illegal foreign press in 1906-1909.and printed other works
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 225. Invitation cards and telephoneies addressed to V. I. Lenin and telegrams with notices about the election of V. I. Lenin Honorary Chairman of the Congresses and Honorary Member of the Executives and Soviets
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 226. Transmitted letters to gifts addressed to V. I. Lenin various Soviet institutions and enterprises
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 227. Correspondence with drug addicts and other institutions about sending V. I. Lenin of literature, about the holidays of furniture for his apartment and on other issues.Welcoming letters and telegrams in the name V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 228. Correspondence with the drug addict and the Russian Academy of Sciences on the package of V.I. Lenin of publications of the Standing Committee on the Study of Natural Productive Forces of Russia, about the opening of the exhibition in gardening, gardening and beekeeping, and providing deferred from
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 229. Telegrams V. I. Lenin and the management of SNK cases with requests for the location and state of health of individual public and political figures
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 23. Protocol No. 435 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 11, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4 of the protocol.Copy.Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 439, § 8 and to § 7 cm. Protocol 439, § 7
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 230. Reports and reports on the situation in the Cuban, in the Kaluga province, the Caucasian army of labor on the revision of the construction of the city of Moscow and on other issues.Regulations on the management of drug addicts, GOM, on state insurance and other issues of h.
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 231. Regulations on state insurance against fires, agricultural animals from mortality, plants from illness;estimates on drug addict and others. Materials
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 232. Telegrams on the militarization of factories, about the situation in the Transcaucasia, the organization of forest exports and the struggle against forest fires, an increase in food billets and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 233. Applications of various persons about changing sentences, assistance and other issues and correspondence related to the consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 234. Statements of different persons on the acceleration of the investigation, exemption from arrest and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 235. Statements of different persons on the investigation of cases, about liberation on bail and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 236. Statements of different persons on the acceleration of the investigation, providing material assistance and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 237. Statements of different persons with complaints about the incorrect actions of individual authorities, with applications to accelerate the investigation, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 238. Statements of different persons with complaints about the incorrect actions of individual authorities, with applications for the acceleration of the investigation and a change in court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 239. Applications of different persons with project proposals, complaints about the incorrect actions of individual government representatives and consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 24. Protocol No. 436 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 15, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2 of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 240. Applications of different persons with complaints about the incorrect actions of individual authorities with petitions to assist and corresponding to the consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 241. Statements of different persons with complaints about the wrong actions of certain authorities, proposals for projects and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 242. Statements by different persons on the investigation of cases, on the return of property and on other matters
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 243. Applications of various persons on the return of requisited things, investigate crimes and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 244. Statements of different persons on providing material assistance, investigating cases and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 245. Statements of various persons on providing material assistance, liberation on bail and on other issues and correspondence related to the consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 246. Correspondence with institutions and individuals on the provision of residential and industrial premises
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 247. Statements of different persons of anti-Soviet content
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 248. Protocols (genuine and copies) and extracts from the minutes of the meetings of the Presidium of the DVIKA for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 249. The appeal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to the Polish people from the I / II-1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 25. Protocol No. 437 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 16, 1920 and materials to §§ 4, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 of the Protocol.Copy.Materials to § 2 cm. Protocol 440, § 8
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 250. Reports of political committees of literary and instructing trains of the All-Russian Academy of Sciences and correspondence on their work
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 251. Correspondence with the Special Department of the HCC and the commander of the WCR on counter-revolutionary speeches in Tambov and Tver provisions
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 252. Stop note of the Central Bureau of Jewish Communist Sections on the activities of Zionist organizations
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 253. Statement in the case of the Zionists, an application to the answer to the official report on the arrest of the Zionists and the correspondence on the acceleration of the investigation over the individual members of the organization
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 254. Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on Applications You.Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vyacheslav Ivanov and others about allowing traveling abroad
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 255. Stenographic report of the sixth plenary session of the delegation to conduct peaceful negotiations between Russia and Finland
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 256. Draft temporary trade agreement with Danish, Norwegian and Dutch governments;Charter, report note and negotiation program of the Union of Migration Organizations in Soviet Russia and other materials of the activities of the Commissioner for Foreign
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 257. Minutes of the Revolutionary Council of the Republic of the Republic of 4 / IX-1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 258. Orders, extracts from the protocols and other materials of the Rev.
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 259. Reports and Provisions in Poland, Political Summons of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Western Front, Project of the Regulation and Registration Directorate of the West Headquarters of the Revivatory
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 26. Minutes No. 438 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 17, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 15 of the protocol.(Copies)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 260. Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense on gratefulness and awarding the troops of the Southern Front and the reports of the instructors of the Revoensuit 14 of the Army on the organization of Soviet power in the territory refined from white
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 261. Tables of political management of the revolutionary military council of the Republic on combat capability, mood and discipline of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 262. Resolution of the Meeting of the Nachpodivov, commiterians and commissioners of institutions of 3 armies on combat capability and partial reduction of its composition
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 263. Attitude of the Military Commissioner of the Central Administration of Military Messages in the Revivation of the Republic on the reasons for the delay of the formation of the railway brigade
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 264. Information of the political governance of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on the number of plants sent by polymathers and political educational and control organizations in the existing armies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 265. Correspondence with various institutions about and delay
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 266. Resolution of the Council of Worker-Peasant Defense and the order of the head of the internal protection of the organization of defense and protection of railway tracks
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 267. Orders and operational reports of the first revolutionary army of labor
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 268. Decisions and minutes of meetings of the Council of the second revolutionary army of labor and a summary of the information branch of the secret department of the All-Russian emergency commission
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 269. Orders, Protocols and other materials of the first and second revolutionary labor armies and the Caucasian and Ukrainian army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 27. Protocol No. 439 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars on March 19, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 270. Reports on the activities and political work of the Caucasian Labor Army for July-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 271. Order and minutes of meetings of the Revoensuit of the Army of Labor of the South-East of Russia for December 11, 1920 to April 1, 1921
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 272. Possed by direct wire in the Council of Labor and Defense about the organization in Sevskavtrummy department of universal labor service
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 273. Information reports (bulletins) Staff of the South-Western Front, and the Information of the Emergency Commissioner of the Council of Workers' and Peasant Defense for the Supply of the Red Army and Fleet, about the events in the army and fleet, on measures to strengthen the production of military
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 274. Information of the Commission for the Observation of the Orders of the Military Office to the Master of Commissars and the Centers of the Highway on the organization of the supply of Western and South-West Fronts
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 275. Help of the field inspection at the field headquarters of the Reviable Council of the Republic on the observation of the progress of the Western and South-Western Front
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 276. Protocols for the army food supply issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 277. Information of the General Directorate for the Supply of Food of the Red Army, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic and other facilities on food, fodder and the necessary necessities of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 278. Information of the Emergency Commissioner for the Supply of the Red Army and Fleet (Chusosnabarm) on the sent and dressed intennant property of the Western, South-Western and South Fronts and the Spare Army from April 15 to November 23, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 279. Reports on the activities and minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Transless Commission on Fuel Procurement with the Western Front Revivation
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 28. Protocol No. 440 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 22, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18 and 19 of the protocol.Copy.Materials to § 3 cm. Protocol 442, § 2. Materials to § 12 cm. Protocol 443, § 8;to § 13 cm. Protocol 4
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 280. Reports of the Main Military Medical Administration at the Council of Labor and Defense of epidemic diseases in the Red Army and the measures to combat them
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 281. Reports on the activities of the Central and Local Commissions for Combating Desertion from December 16 to July 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 282. Reports on the activities of the Central and Local Commissions for Combating Desertion from the second half of July to the first half of November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 283. Protocols of the NKVD Board
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 284. Orders No. (10-12), 15 for the emergency commissariat with the General Directorate of the Soviet Workers' and Peasant Militia for April-May 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 285. Correspondence with the central board of prisoners and refugees, about the position and re-equipment of refugees and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 286. Applications of representatives of various religious communities and sects and consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 287. Applications of representatives of religious communities and correspondence by the consideration of these applications
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 287. Conclusion of drug addiction on partnerships of responsible labor
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 288. Protocols of the Chief Commitment of the Commission for March-September 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 289. Protocol number 37 meetings of the Presidium of the Chief Commitment of August 23, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 29. Protocol No. 441 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 23, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the protocol.Copies.Materials to § 8 cm. Protocol 444, § 8
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 290. Protocol number 52 of the meeting of the Presidium of the Chief Commitment of September 23, 1920, a draft decree on labor books for unemployed, Correspondence with Narkomrtruda about wages, about providing work and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 291. Resolutions, instructions, correspondence with various institutions and other materials on labor service and wages
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 292. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Social Support to Provide War Disabled
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 293. Appealing to the peasants of the Central Commission for the provision of agricultural assistance to Krasnoarmeys (Tscomkraskhoz) dated July 27, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 294. Protocols of meetings of the Board of People's Commissariat for Enlightenment, Instructions on the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR and other materials on public education issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 295. Protocols of the Board and Commission of the current affairs of the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 296. Provisions, Reports, Correspondence with People's Commissariat for Enlightenment and Other Materials on National Education
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 297. Report of the departments of the publishing house Z. I. Grzhbenin and artwork works of Yves.Volnova.Autograph M. Gorky
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 298. Report Z. I. Grebenin on the work of "Publisher Z.I. Grzhbenin" and correspondence with the state publishing house on the equipment of the Moscow state printing houses and expeditions to centro-printed access tram tram
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 299. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Post and Telegraphs on the state of the telephone network and on other issues related to the activities of the Commissariat
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 299. Orders to the circular orders of the People's Commissariat of Post and Telegraphs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 299. Correspondence with N. K.P.T. on the leaving of the Petrograd network in the jurisdiction of the public utilities Council of Petrograd about sending correspondence and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 3. Protocol No. 396 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 9, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 30. Protocol No. 442 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 24, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 of the protocol.Copies.Materials to § 6 cm. Protocol 445, § 1
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 300. Estimation of the People's Commissariat for Nationalities, Resolution and Correspondence with various institutions about the approval of the estimation, issuing loans and other financial issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 301. Abstracts in the Caucasian Gorsky Question - a copy, the right to V. I. Lenin, appealing to the Bashkir people of the Revivation of the Turkestan Front, the appeal of the Turkgorburo to the miners of the Turkestan Republic, reports on the activities of the economic submissulation Tatnarko
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 302. The report of the People's Commissar of Finance on the abolition of the Commission of the Soviet Commission for the destruction of interest papers and clarification of the People's Commissar of Justice on the meaning of the vulture (stamps) in the form of facsimile
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 303. Orders, reports and other materials on the work of railway transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 304. Regulations, reports and other materials on the work of railway transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 305. Reports, reports and correspondence with emergency commissioner of the country area of ​​the Northern Railways on the state of the district
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 306. Bulletins and reports of telegraph reports of the main political management of the NKPS, report notes, telephone exchanges and other materials on the operation of railway transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 307. Summary of the telegraph reports of Dorpolites of the Main Political Department of the People's Commissariat of Runs from August 23 to August 31, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 308. Amendments to the Regulations on the Rights of Commissioners and Persons of the Technical Administration of Railways regarding the imposition of disciplinary penalties in administrative
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 309. Vedomosti on the supply of railway materials, reports on the work and managed by shipping on the Western, South-West and South Fronts and the Bulletin of the Main Political Office of the NCPS
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 31. Protocol No. 443 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars on March 25, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 310. Resolutions, reports and other materials on the work of water transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 311. Regulations, reports and correspondence on auto-road transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 312. Handling SNK to the labor peasantry and telephone exchanges for a reimportal issue
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 313. Acts of inspection of premises of the estates "Gorki" and "Dogs" and correspondence on this issue
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 314. Correspondence with institutions and individuals on the status of animal husbandry, agriculture and other agricultural issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 315. Correspondence with equal institutions about manpure transport and measures to the development of connouncing
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 316. Regulations on agricultural, cooperative organizations and correspondence on the work of cooperation
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 317. Protocols of the Community Communication College and Foreign Trade Council for June 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 318. Abstracts on foreign trade and trade correspondence
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 319. Contracts concluded with the Swedish government, Swedish concern and a stead-viewing plant Trolgatan (in German)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 32. Minutes No. 444 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissar dated March 26, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 320. Resolutions of the Department of Military Trade of the State Department of the SASS from 8 / VII-1920 and clarifications to them
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 321. Report on the survey of the Ryazan province, instructions for the workmen of the military-food bureau, correspondence with various institutions and other materials on food supply and food issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 322. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat for Food On Withdrawal, Requisition and Nationalization of Goods, Premises and Other
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 323. Regulations on the Commission on the distribution of metal and metal products, the report of the People's Commissariat for Food and Other Materials
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 324. Information about the extradition of bread and the residue of flour in Moscow, statements about the promotion of food and certificates of loading of food cargo
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 325. Correspondence with various facilities on the work of food routes and food supply
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 326. Information about the turnover of food cargo in the area of ​​Petrograd and Moscow nodes
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 327. Information on the turnover of food goods in the Moscow node area
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 329. Protocols of the Council of the Military Industry Council for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 33. Protocol No. 454 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 14, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 330. Projects of the provisions on the Foreign Trade Council, about the Russian-German Industrial Exhibition in Moscow, changes to the draft Regulation on the management of a large cotton industry and the proposal of the Commission on the procedure for consideration of the concession
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 331. Reports, instructions, references and other materials about fatty, food, metal-producing and other types of industries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 332. Guelrow Work Program, Report on Agricultural Electrification Bureau, Reports on the work of the State Kashi district Electrical Station and other materials on electrification issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 333. Reports, orders and other materials on the workpiece and export of wood and liquid fuel
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 334. Report by V. Sverdlova on the results of the survey of the export and promotion on the Volga Baku oil, with the application of graphs and meetings protocols
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 335. Correspondence with various institutions and other materials about the work of a special construction and sanitary committee on the construction of throughput sanitary points at the railways stations of the city of Moscow.(Quadructure)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 336. S. Beckker's report on the convening of the Congress of Inventors or Congress of Engineers and Technicians
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 337. Correspondence with the State District and the Council of the Military Industry with the Emergency Authorized Council of Defense for the Supply of Red Army and Fleet on the Suscommunications of GR.Alpineeva to the service in the factory department of the Central Autonation
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 338. Correspondence with drug addresses about the return of the school dental ambulance of things selected from her former factory giro and vacation drug addresses for the manufacture of registration and reporting blanks
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 339. Note "Institute of a Defective Child at the NKZ Children's Health Department" and Correspondence with Centrreen On Vacation of Newspapers and Literature
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 34. Protocol No. 455 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 340. Personal Sheets of Census Census in the Red Army and Fleet and Correspondence with Central Statistical Office on Census Census 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 341. Protocols No. 97 and 103 meetings of the Presidium of the Moscow Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and KD for October 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 342. Report of the Moscow Brand Major on the position of the city in fire and correspondence on this issue
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 343. Acts of an emergency commission on the power supply of the city of Moscow and its district, about a sharp violation of the rules of coverage by individual institutions
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 344. The report of the Petrograd Gubspolcom on the conduct of the military situation on the Petrograd province
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 345. Resolutions, Provisions, Protocols and Correspondence on the activities of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee, the Symbir Provincial Executive Committee, the Pokrovsky Volostek Executive Committee of the Uglich County of the Yaroslavl province and others
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 346. Report Fedorova D. F. (Thomas), who worked as a train of T. Kalinina, on the results of the examination of the economic and political position of the front-line band of the Western Front in the area of ​​the Vyazemsky district of Smolensk province and materials for the report
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 347. Protocol of a special volatile commission on checking the guard and fire protection of institutions of the city of Galich
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 348. Report on the activities of the Council of International Propaganda, Information Summary of the Commission of the Central Committee and the Commission of the Central Committee on the Affairs of Turkestan, orders and decrees of the Council of Commissioners of the Turkestan Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 35. Minutes No. 461 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 26, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 350. Correspondence of SNK business management with various institutions about the organization of the Commission on the History of the October Revolution and RCP (B) (ISTPART), to assist the members of the Finnish Communist Party coming to Moscow and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 350 а). Report of the Second Sub-Committee on the Work on the History of the October Revolution
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 351. Materials of the 3rd All-Russian Conference of Jewish Sections of the RKP (b)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 352. Resolutions for the current moment, adopted at the conferences of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, appeal to all workers and employees of Petrograd, the Social Democratic Workers Party and appeal to all organizations of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 353. Brochure "Materials on Vocational Education", Speech Lozovsky at a meeting of the English delegation of trade unions of England, reports and abstracts for public education
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 354. The resolution issued at the emergency meeting of the Dmitrov Executive Committee, simplified the Board of Unions and Committees of the employees from August 1, 1920 on the day "Promotion of Western and South Fronts", adopted by a unanimously city-wide solemn rally
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 355. Telegrams on appointment, location, leaving and recovery of individual Soviet workers and public figures
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 356. Applications for the provision of leave and other materials on the activities of the Affairs Manager of SNK V. Bonch-Bruevich
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 357. Correspondence management of SNA business on vacation belongings and various business items
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 358. Attitude of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 28, 1920 in the Housing and Land Department of the Moscow Council on issuing a furniture order, according to the list, for the equipment of the dining room, a cabinet and a small dining room SNK
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 359. Correspondence on the repair in the buildings of the Kremlin and the installation of phones in office space and apartments of responsible workers of the Council
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 36. Minutes No. 467 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 4, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 360. Correspondence with drug addicts on the organization of the commission for the provision of workers in the Narkarrode, on the expulsion of the decisions of SNK and STR and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 361. Telegrams about the establishment of Soviet power in the city of Irkutsk, on the requisition of flax and stumps that are not surrendered by the population, telephone messages and correspondence on the inclusion of individual issues in the agenda meetings of the SNK and STO
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 362. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade on the failed meeting of the Foreign Trade Council on October 18, 1920 and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 363. Mandates, powers and destination.Powed S. M. Kirov (Leaf 40, Copy)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 364. Certificates issued by SNK employees and a hundred.Certificate I. V. Stalin Sheet 562 (copy)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 365. Personal lists and correspondence with the Central Commission on Deferrers for Deposle Service in the Red Army for SNK Affairs Employees
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 366. List of Communist employees of the General Office of the All-Russian Communist Party and attitude of the Moscow Council of Workers and Peasant Deputies on the participation of the head of the Statistical Department of the Mossoveta in the works of the Commission for negotiations with Poland
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 367. Correspondence with various institutions about issuing orders for essentials, providing residential area to employees of SNK and a hundred and employee lists
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 368. Correspondence with the addict of the RCA and the addict of post office and telegraphs about changing the system of payment of employees of the Affercipcomment Affairs and Correction of the Horse Base Phones at SNK
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 368. Addresses and phone numbers of responsible workers and lists of top switch phones and COUPLE CEO
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 369. Certificate of SNK business management for 1920 and materials to estimates
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 37. Protocol No. 479 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 24, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 of the Protocol.Copy.Materials to § 17 cm. Protocol 480, § 6 and to § 21 cm. Protocol 480, § 4
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 371. Correspondence with the estimated department of the drug addict on the expense schedule on the estimate and the opening of the loan for the management of SNK
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 372. Covers of the financial department of the financial department of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 373. Sensible statements on the accounts of the People's Commissariat of Health for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 374. Report on the consolidation of a loan released by the estimate of the management of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 375. Reports on documentary expenses for January-August 1921, correspondence with the working and peasant inspection on the costs of managing SNK cases, lists of treasury creditors and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 376. Information about the status of the CASSA CASSA Affairs of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 377. Demanding statements for the issuance of a salary and premium payment to employees of SNK business management in January-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 378. Demanding statements for the issuance of salary of the team of self-colts when managing the Affairs of SNK in January-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 379. Required statements on the issuance of salary to employees of the SNK sanatorium statement, equestrian base, military airbase and the office of the manufacturer of the Military Avian Automobo in 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 38. Protocol No. 485 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 4, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 381. Project of the Promotion of Workers and Employees of the Equal Base of SNK, certificates and applications with enrollment of work, lists of employees of the CEC
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 382. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars (Copies) and Correspondence with the Central Executive Committee, the People's Bank and other institutions about vacation funds for the content of the Kremlin Hospital and Garage and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 383. Correspondence with the military fleet of SNK about the amounts for the payment of automotive expenses and other financial issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 384. Home Book No. 1 of SNK Affairs for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 385. Home Book No. 2 of the Office of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 386. SNK Credit Management Loans Accounting Book
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 387. Rescon Images of different persons and institutions for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 388. Reconstruction of employees of the management of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 389. Daily Journal of Cash accounts of the Financial Department of SNK Affairs for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 39. Materials to Protocol No. 487 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 4, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 390. Daily Journal of Cash accounts of the Financial Department of SNK Affairs for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 391. Overview of the Bureau of Processing the Positions of the Position in the Caucasus and in the front-line strip for April-May 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 392. Agent reports and newsletters of the special department of the Moscow Emergency Commission
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 393. Bulletins of the Petrograd branch of the Print Bureau of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 394. Newsletters of the Petrograd branch of the Print Bureau and the East Department of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 395. Growth telegrams - Russian and foreign and newsletters of the irrigation of the RevoNesovet and the NKPS
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 396. Branch of the "Growth" branch in Stockholm in Swedish
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 397. Bulletins of the Foreign Department of the "Shrost" under the Information Bureau of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 398. Bulletins of the Information Office at the CPU CPU Slug (Zapodno Division of the Central Committee of the CP (b) y)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 399. Bulletins of the authorized Western Registration Department of the Republic of the Revivation of the Western Front of the Review of the Foreign Press
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 4. Protocol No. 397 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 11, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 40. Minutes No. 489 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 8, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 400. Foreign press bulletins
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 401. Bulletins "Overview of Foreign Print"
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 402. Operational reports of the RVSR Operational Council and political reports for the period from December 31, 1919 to December 27, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 403. Operational reports of operational management of the republic, Operational Council and others for the period from April 28, 1920 in 4 / VI-1921
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 404. Operational reports of the Operational Council from November 5 to November 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 405. Intelligence reports of the operational management of the field headquarters of the republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 406. Intelligence reports and combat schedules of the intelligence part of the Field Headquarters of the Revoven Summer of the Republic for May-November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 407. Agency Summary of the Registration Department of the Field Staff at the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 408. Information bulletins of the political governance of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 409. Information bulletins of the political governance of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 41. Protocol No. 491 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of June 10, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 410. Daily political reports on the North Front for January-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 411. Information reports Headquarters of troops VCR Kharkiv Sector
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 412. Operational intelligence reports of the internal protection of the republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 413. Operational and intelligence reports of the internal protection of the republic and information reports of the headquarters of the South-Western Front
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 414. Information reports Headquarters forces of the South Front
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 415. Summary of the management of an assistant on the political part of the head of the internal security troops
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 416. Assistant management reports on the political part of the head of the Internal Security Troops for July-November 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 417. Information sheets, two weeks and monthly reports of the informative department of the political and educational department of the Moscow Military District
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 418. Radiobulets of the central radio telegraph of the People's Commissariat of postal and telegraphs on the position abroad
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 419. Political reports of the main political management of water transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 42. Protocol No. 493 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 14, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 420. Welcoming telegrams
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 420. Welcoming telegrams in the name V. I. Lenin, in connection with victories on the fronts and different anniversary dates
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 421. Welcoming telegrams and telephones for the Day of the fiftieth anniversary V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 422. Telegrams with greetings of various organizations for the Day of the fiftieth anniversary V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 423. Welcome telegrams on the day of the 3rd Anniversary of the October Revolution
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 424. Welcoming telegrams addressed to V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 425. Welcome telegrams addressed to V.I. Lenin and Council of People's Commissars
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 426. Welcoming telegrams addressed to V. I. Lenin and Sovnarkom
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 427. Welcoming telegrams addressed to V. I. Lenin and Sovnarkom
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 428. Welcoming telegrams addressed to V. I. Lenin and Sovnarkom
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 429. Welcoming telegrams addressed to V. I. Lenin and Sovnarkom from various institutions, organizations and military units
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 43. Protocol No. 494 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 15, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 430. Telegrams with reports on election V. I. Lenin and other leaders honorary chairmen of congresses, conferences and meetings
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 431. Telegrams with reports on awarding Lenin village, clubs and courses
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 432. Telegrams from various institutions and organizations with an expression of condolences about the death of Potable
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 433. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Abramov - Akhmatov) on the acceleration of the investigation and a change in judicial sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 434. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Baev - Bulls) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 435. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Vasilyev - Vyatkin) on the acceleration of the investigation and changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 436. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Gabrielov - Gushch) on changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 437. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Davydov - Düsits) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 438. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Evliahin - Zuev) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 439. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Ivanov - Ichachenko) on changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 44. Protocol No. 495 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 16, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 440. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Kagukin - Kushinin) about changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 441. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Lavrov - Lushnikov) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 442. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Mijeson - Fly) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 443. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (nude) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 444. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Ovsyannikov - Oleshkovich) on the change in court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 445. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Pavlovich - Pyatnitsky) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 446. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Ryasov - Ryabov) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 447. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Savelyev - Sychev) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 448. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Tazadinov - Utah) on changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 449. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Fatov - Cheremukhin) about changing judicial sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 45. Protocol No. 496 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 450. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Schinz - Schulz) on the change of court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 451. Telegrams with petitions of different persons (Shcherbakov - Yashin) on changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 452. Telegrams with petitions to investigate the actions of judicial authorities and changing court sentences
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 453. Telegrams on the relationship between institutions and organizations and the wrong actions of individuals and representatives of military units
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 454. Telegrams of incorrect actions of individual government representatives and the change in court sentences, statements and requests of a private nature
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 455. Telegrams of incorrect actions of individual representatives of the authorities, statements and requests of a private nature
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 456. Telegrams with petitions of cooperative organizations on the investigation of the correctness of the elimination of individuals, the elimination of the councils of congresses and nationalization of property
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 457. Telegrams of different persons with petitions on the return of requisite household goods, livestock and different property
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 458. Telegrams with petitions on the return of incorrectly requested household items, livestock and other property
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 459. Telegrams with petitions of institutions and individuals on the suspension of eviction and the provision of premises
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 46. Minutes No. 497 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of June 18, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 460. Telegrams with petitions on permission to relocate and assistance to migrants
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 461. Telegrams with petitions of polliefs about providing material assistance
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 462. Telegrams with petitions of representatives of various religious groups and communities on the permission and prayer meetings, on the release of temples and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 463. Telegrams with resolutions of rallies and meetings organized by the agitoes "3 Communist International" and "Red Turkestan"
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 464. Telegrams of revolution in Persia on the relationship between Soviet Russia with Japan, Romania and other countries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 465. Mirza Mirza Telegram On the parcel of the Government of Persia Rice revolutionary Moscow proletariat
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 466. Telegrams about the military and political position of Poland
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 467. Radiograms, intercepted by the receiving and information radio station at the field headquarters of the Reviable Council of the Republic and the position abroad
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 468. Decoded telegrams of Soviet representatives abroad on relationships with foreign states, on the evacuation of the Belgians to their homeland, the purchase of medicines and the telephone message of the chairman of the Petrograd provincial emergency commission of murders
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 469. Telegrams about the situation in the Far East and the conditions of a peaceful agreement with Czechoslovak troops in Siberia
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 47. Protocol No. 498 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 21, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 470. Telegrams "Growth" and "Dalta" about the policy of Japan and the situation in China and the Far East
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 471. Telegrams with prompt reports on the position on the fronts, about the capture of the cities of Rostov, Novocherkassk, Novorossiysk, Kiev and others
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 472. Telegrams on the position on the Eastern Front, about the testimony of the Commander of 3 by the Horse Division of the Army of Wrangel General Revissors, taken captive at the village of Mikhailovka, about passing through Russia German soldiers with weapons and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 473. Telegrams about the class of the Red Fleet of the city and the bay of Enzeli, Fort Aleksandrovsky and the supply of FLOT with food and staffing by radio telegraphists
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 474. Telegrams about the capture of Zhytomyr, Berdicheva, Kazatin, Kalinovka, Vinnitsa, about liberation from the White North Caucasus, about the composition of the temporary revolutionary government in Persia and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 475. Telegrams on the text of the agreement between the RSFSR and the Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, about the work of labor armies and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 476. Telegrams with consolidated statements of works and operational and labor reports of labor armies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 477. Telegrams about the class of the Red Army of Novocherkasska, work 1 and 2 armies of labor, activities to improve the work of railways and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 478. Regulations on the revolutionary council of the first army of labor, the orders of the command of 1 Labor Army and telegrams on the use of military forces for labor goals
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 479. Telegraph Labor reports and weekly and two-week summits of work 1 of the Soviet Labor Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 48. Protocol No. 499 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 22, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 480. Orders on the troops of the Savolzhsky Military District, the Regulation on the second revolutionary army of labor and telegrams on the use of military forces for labor goals
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 481. Telegraph operational and labor reports about work 2 labor army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 482. Telegrams of competence, area of ​​activity, team and work of the Caucasian Labor Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 483. Telegrams on the transfer of the seventh army to the position of the labor army and renaming to the Petrograd Revolutionary Army of Labor, on the establishment of the area of ​​activity and circle of work, labor reports of the army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 484. Telegrams about the organization and activities of the Ukrainian Labor Army and the position of the coal industry of the Donetsk Basin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 485. Telegrams about sending replenishment for staffing of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 486. Telegrams with petitions of institutions, enterprises and individuals on a postponement of call and exemption from mobilization of calls to the ranks of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 487. Telegrams with petitions of institutions, enterprises and individuals on a delay and exemption from mobilizing calls upon the ranks of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 488. Telegrams with petitions of institutions and enterprises about delaying and exemption from mobilizing persons called in the ranks of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 489. Telegrams with the petitions of the provincial executive committees, revenues and other institutions about exemption from the mobilization of horse-drawing
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 49. Protocol No. 500 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 23, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 490. Telegrams with reports on accounting of trophy property and captured prisoners
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 491. Telegrams about the food situation and the supply of military units
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 492. Telegrams on the situation with food and uniform and organization of the supply of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 493. Telegrams on the supply of parts of the Red Army Uniforms, military equipment and flammable
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 494. Telegrams on the expulsion of monetary signs for paying a salary to partisans and parts of the Red Army and about paying for the expenditures on the supply of armies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 495. Telegrams on the fight against desertion and use of deserters in the works, with the marks of V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 496. Telegrams on the general situation in Transcaucasia and in the North Caucasus, about English occupation, the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan and Armenia and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 497. Telegrams of representatives of the Bashkir Republic on the economic situation, on leadership workers and disagreements with representatives of the Center and the telegrams of representatives of the Tatar Republic on the establishment of boundaries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 498. Telegrams about the political and economic situation in Siberia, in Ukraine and in the Volga region, the introduction of military situation and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 499. Telegrams on the creation of a reserve in the Kuban region, about the situation on the inner front of Ukraine, the position of the coal industry and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 5. Protocol No. 398 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 13, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 50. Protocol No. 501 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 24, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 500. Telegrams on the elimination of the Czechoslovak Front and on the establishment of the Soviet authorities in Siberia, about the arrest of Kolchak and its ministers and the petition of defenders and convicted ministers about the change of penalties
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 501. Telegrams with the Declaration of the Pribaikalian government and resolution of the first constituent congress of the workers and peasants of Transbaikalia and reports of the Sibrevsky on the state of affairs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 502. Telegram of the temporary revolutionary committee of the Buryat-Mongols of Eastern Siberia, on the preservation of the national unity of Buryat-Mongols of Eastern Siberia, on the preservation of the national unity of Buryat-Mongols when establishing the boundaries of the buffer state
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 503. Telegrams with a resolution of the Far Eastern Conference of Communists with reports of labor armies and offers of General Takyanagi (incomplete)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 504. Telegrams with protests against the actions of the White Guards in Lucina and Ukryanhai Territory
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 505. Telegrams of representatives of the Ukrainian Republic on the general situation, financing, sending employees and the appeal V. I. Lenin to the foreshads of Ukraine
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 506. Telegrams on the position on the inner front of Ukraine, to combat banditry in Tambov, Smolensk provinces and the transition of Semenov to the side of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 507. Telegrams with extracts from the White Guard newspapers and the appeal of members of the Rada to the population of Kuban
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 508. Telegram of representatives of the Vilen Rev. about the situation in the city
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 509. Telegrams on the establishment of new borders of administrative districts
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 51. Protocol No. 502 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 25, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 510. Telegrams with petitions of different persons about issuing permission to enter various areas of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 511. Telegrams with petitions of different persons on leaving in the front-line strip
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 512. Telegrams with petitions on providing material assistance and the possibility of returning to the homeland of refugees and on the use of prisoners of war in operations
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 513. Telegrams with reports about the evacuation of government agencies and enterprises and the arrival in Petrograd reevakuirovannyh values ​​Hermitage and suburban palaces-museums
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 514. Telegrams on the organization of subbotniks, on attracting the population to labor and cartage duties and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 515. Telegrams with petitions about paying pensions and issuing solders to the families of Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 516. Telegrams with petitions of various institutions and organizations about opening and reinforcing loans and expulsion of money marks
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 517. Telegrams with requests for various institutions and organizations about the expulsion of money signs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 518. Telegrams about opening loans, expulsion of monetary signs and providing premises to top educational institutions and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 519. Telegrams about the situation on the transport and work of railways, with the marks of V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 52. Protocol No. 503 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 28, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 520. Telegrams on the situation on the transport and work of railways
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 521. Telegrams on the situation on the transport and work of railways
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 522. Telegrams on the construction of railway lines and bridges and repair of rolling stock
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 523. Telegrams about the construction of railway lines Alexandrov Guy - Emba and supply materials, with autographs and marks V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 524. Telegrams on the repair of locomotives and wagons intended for food routes with gifts of the Moscow
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 525. Telegrams with petitions to accelerate the mobilization of qualified railway and water transport workers and exemption from the mobilization of workers necessary for the work of other enterprises
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 526. Telegrams on cargo motion, supply of empty and transformation of rolling stock on other railway lines
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 528. Telegrams about the promotion of military echelons and trains with sick, wounded and children
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 529. Telegrams about the transportation of grocery by rail
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 53. Protocol No. 504 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 29, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 530. Telegrams about simple cars and trains delay
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 531. Telegrams of clearing railway tracks and fighting snow-drifts
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 532. Telegrams of the head of the air fleet on the results of the test of the air oil and obstacles from the railway workers when applying it on railways
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 533. Telegrams on the construction and repair of ships and the status and work of water transport
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 534. Telegram on the expulsion of road detachments for reorganization of the wheel Pinega - Ust-Tsilma
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 535. Telegrams on land management, land use and supply seed material
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 536. Telegrams with informations about spring and winter crops and seeds of seed
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 537. Telegrams on the organization and condition of fisheries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 539. Foreign trade and trade telegrams
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 54. Protocol No. 505 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 1, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 540. Telegrams about the establishment of the Committee of the Northern Sea Route for trade between Siberia and England, the situation in the Caucasian front and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 541. Telegrams about the food position of Turkestan
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 542. Telegrams about the food situation of Ukraine, the Urals, lack of supply 6 labor army and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 543. Telegrams about the food situation, the movement of food, the fight against counter-revolution and sabotage among postal and telegraph workers and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 544. Telegrams about the work of food bodies and the appointment of executives
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 545. Telegrams about the work and condition of food bodies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 546. Telegrams on the conduct of the privacy and the work of food bodies in the field
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 547. Telegrams with petitions of peasant societies about reducing food scrolls
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 548. Telegrams with petitions of peasant societies about reducing food scrolls
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 549. Telegrams with petitions of peasant societies about reducing food scrolls
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 55. Protocol No. 506 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 2, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 550. Telegrams about the preparation of food and the fight against speculation of fish and salt
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 551. Telegrams on the workpiece and shipment
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 552. Telegrams about the terms of transportation of food on railways, footbathing and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 553. Telegrams on the preparation of food and the movement of food cargoes, information about the progress of winter seva
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 555. Telegrams on the movement of food cargoes and spurious products due to the delay in the way
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 556. Telegrams about the load and sending food routes and barges with food
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 557. Telegrams about loading and sending food routes and about foodstuffs in warehouses
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 558. Telegrams on the movement of food routes and the supply of workers, employees, orphanages, lazarets and hospitals
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 559. Telegrams on the supply of military units and civilians
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 56. Protocol No. 507 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 5, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 560. Telegrams about the foodstation of factories and factories
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 561. Telegrams on the increase in soldering and supplying workers and employees of various enterprises and institutions
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 562. Telegrams about increasing the soldering and supply of food workers and employees of various enterprises and institutions
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 563. Telegrams on the supply of workers and employees
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 564. Telegrams about the delivery and supply of the population with food
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 565. Telegrams of shipping and supplying food
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 566. Telegrams with petitions for vacation manufactories, shoes, marsh and matches for the supply of population and enterprises
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 567. Telegrams on the situation of the coal and metalworking industries of Donbass and Ukraine
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 568. Telegrams on the work of brick, peat and other industries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 569. Telegrams on the position of sugar and other industries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 57. Protocol No. 508 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 6, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 570. Telegrams on the position of handicrafts and props of raw materials, equipment and goods
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 571. Telegrams with petitions on the supply of industrial enterprises, institutions, railways and population with raw materials, construction materials, equipment and other
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 572. Telegrams with suggestions of various projects and inventions
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 573. Telegrams of vacation of funds, labor and materials for power plants under construction
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 574. Telegrams on the workpiece and sending forage, cotton, wool, paints and other materials
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 575. Telegrams on the supply of industrial enterprises, institutions and railways
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 576. Telegrams about the work of coal kits of the Chelyabinsk District, the position of railway transport in the Urals and in Siberia and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 577. Telegrams on the work of oil fields, information about oil reserves and refueling
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 578. Telegrams on the supply of industrial enterprises, railways and facilities in petroleum products
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 579. Telegrams about loading and sending petroleum products
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 58. Protocol No. 509 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 7, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 580. Telegrams on the state of logging, export of forest materials and food supply and monetary signs of logging organizations
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 581. Telegrams on the state of logging, export of forest materials and food supply, essentials and monetary signs of logging organizations
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 582. Telegrams with petitions of various institutions, organizations and individuals on the establishment and protection of forests and reserves and the development of rules for hunting
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 583. Telegrams of epidemic diseases and the state of hospitals and clinics
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 584. Telegrams about holding All-Russian demographic, professional and agricultural censuses
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 585. Телеграммы о положении экспедиции в Карском море и на Аяне
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 586. Telegrams from Abdia - Ashulak on accounting of trophy property in Arkhangelsk, on the removal of petroleum products, on the extraction of salt and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 586. Telegrams (on the letter "b") on the organization of route trains, food situation in cities and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 587. Telegrams from important - Vyatka about the situation in Japan, China and Persia, about evacuation from the Far East and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 588. Telegrams from Gavrilov - Gusina on the decline in food reproduction standards, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 589. Telegrams from Davyd-Town - Dyatkov with petitions to reduce food rapidations, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 59. Protocol number 510 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 7, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 590. Telegrams from Evdakovo - Efremovo on the work of the first army of labor, harvesting and taking fuel in the Urals and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 591. Telegrams from Zherdevki - Zhulidov about the construction of a forest branch in the Visitsky district of the Bryansk province and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 592. Telegrams from Zadonska - Zatsev about the presence and export of cast iron and supply of food factories of the Urals, promoting in emergency promotion of the train of the Chinese military mission and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 593. Telegrams from Ibrim-Ishma about the resumption of commercial relations between the DDA (Far Eastern Republic) and the Chinese government and the text of the declaration of the FER, provision of food for the population and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 594. Telegrams from the Caucasian - Kichevo about the work of the coal kiece of the Kizel district, the activities of the traffic police, the change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 595. Telegrams from Colevantsev - Couchs on the misuse of individual authorities, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 596. Telegrams from Labinskoy - on the position of Donbass, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 597. Telegrams from Maywali - Mentle about promoting trains, supplying food, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 598. Telegrams from Nazi - Nyandomy about the speech of the Japanese in Nikolaevsk on Amur, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 599. Telegrams from the slope - OSK on the delivery of fuel to unload the railway assembly in Odessa, a change in court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 6. Protocol No. 401 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 16, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 60. Protocol No. 511 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 8, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 600. Telegrams from Pavlodar - Pyatigorsk on the position on railways, cancellation of court sentences and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 601. Telegrams from the narrator - Ryasnas about the loading of food, misuse of individual authorities and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 602. Telegrams from Sablino - Susami on the liquidation of the Ural Front, the situation in the Bashkir Republic and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 603. Telegrams from Taganrog - Tyumen and harvesting and loading of seed material, food position of different areas and military units, about the financial position of Turkestan and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 604. Telegrams from Uvarovich - Uchulyov about the situation in Bashkiria, in connection with the arrival of Artem, the supply of food, cushion of railway tracks and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 605. Telegrams from factory - Fominka on the construction of a narrow scene in the area of ​​the Archasin Forest Development, the supply of the Treskinsky Factory and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 606. Telegrams from Hanin - Khrushchev on measures to combat the epidemic of typhus in the Ukraine, the food situation in Kharkov and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 607. Telegrams from Tsareva - Church about the situation of the Tsaritsyn Province and Tsaritsyn
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 608. Telegrams from Chekino-Chuchkovo about the diplomatic negotiations of the government of the Far Eastern Republic (DFR) with the Japanese commanders, the condition of refrigerators in the Chelyabinsk province and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 609. Telegrams from Shadrinsk-Shuya about sending refugees back to their homeland, reducing the norms of surplus-appropriation and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 61. Protocol No. 512 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 12, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 610. Telegrams from Shcheglov - Schuchye with greetings to members of the government and petitions on the resolution of stone coal mining in the Shcherbinovsky mine and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 611. Telegrams from Elista - Erivani on trophies captured in Enzeli, assisting refugees to Armenians and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 612. Telegrams from Yugramusha - Yukhnova on ensuring the workforce of logging, expulsion of money by worker Donbass and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 613. Telegrams from Yablonovka - Yasinovataya on the declaration of war by Japan, ensuring forestry and alloy work by labor and horse stock and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 614. Cuts from newspapers about the position abroad, the development of the coal industry Donbass, the work of the textile industry and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 615. Orders of the Kremlin Commentant for May-December 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 616. Correspondence with the control of the Kremlin's commandant about the sanitary condition of Arsenal
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 617. Information about infectious patients, acts, reports and other materials on the work of the Sanitary Supervision of the Kremlin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 618. Correspondence with the Syrovnaya hospital and the Kremlin ambulatory on food supply, lists of hospitals and ambulance reports
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 619. ORDERS on the military automotive database of SNK for 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 62. Protocol No. 513 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 13, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 620. Correspondence with the Military Automobile Base of SNK on the repair of the garage, increasing the number of cars and on other issues.Status and staff T.T.213-219
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 621. Correspondence with the Military Automobile Base of SNK about the work of scooters and bases, protocols of general meetings of workers and employees and lists of service personnel
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 622. Protocols, orders, lists and other materials on the work of the stable Base of the SNK
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 623. Correspondence with various institutions on the work of the stable SNK base
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 624. Telegrams about purchasing and delivery of horses, harness and forage for the equestrian base of the Council
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 625. Protocols of general meetings and bureaus of faction and correspondence of the CTP cell (b) under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 626. Protocols of the Meetings of the Joint Bureau of SNK cells, the Central Bank and the People's Commissariat of Justice and the RCP faction (b) at the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 627. Minutes No. 393 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 2, 1920 and materials to 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 628. Protocol number 394 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 3, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 629. Protocol No. 395 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 5, 1920 and materials to 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 13 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 63. Protocol No. 514 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 15, 1920. Photocopy
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 630. Protocol No. 396 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 9, 1920 and materials to 1-12 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 631. Protocol No. 397 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 11, 1920 and materials for 1 point of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 632. Protocol No. 398 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 13, 1920 and materials for 2-6, 10 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 633. Protocol No. 399 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 14, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 634. Protocol No. 400 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 5, 1920 and materials to 1-4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 635. Protocol No. 401 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 16, 1920 and materials for 1 point of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 636. Protocol No. 402 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 18, 1920 and materials to 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 637. Protocol No. 403 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars on January 19, 1920 and materials to 1, 2, 4 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 638. Protocol No. 404 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 20, 1920 and materials to 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 639. Protocol No. 406 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 23, 1920 and materials to 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 18 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 64. Protocol No. 515 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 16, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Protocol.(Genuine and copy).Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 519, § 4
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 640. Protocol No. 407 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 24, 1920 and materials for 1 item of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 641. Protocol No. 408 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 26, 1920 and materials for 1-5, 7-11 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 642. Protocol No. 409 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 27, 1920 and materials to 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 643. Protocol No. 410 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 28, 1920 and materials to 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 644. Protocol No. 411 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 29, 1920 and materials for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 645. Protocol No. 412 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 30, 1920 and materials for 1, 3, 4 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 646. Minutes No. 414 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 3, 1920 and materials to 1, 4-8, 11 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 647. Protocol No. 415 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 5, 1920 and materials for 1-3 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 648. Protocol No. 416 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 6, 1920 and materials to 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 649. Protocol No. 417 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 9, 1920 and materials to 1, 7-12, 14, 15 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 65. Protocol No. 516 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 19, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 650. Protocol No. 418 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 10, 1920 and materials for 2-8 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 651. Protocol No. 419 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 12, 1920 and materials to 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 652. Protocol No. 420 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 13, 1920 and materials to 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 653. Protocol No. 421 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 16, 1920 and materials to 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 654. Protocol No. 422 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of February 17, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 655. Protocol No. 423 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 28, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 657. Protocol No. 425 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 20, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 658. Protocol No. 426 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 23, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 659. Protocol No. 427 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated February 24, 1920 and the materials for the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 66. Protocol No. 517 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 20, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 660. Protocol number 443 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of March 25, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 661. Minutes No. 444 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 26, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Copy.(Signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 662. Minutes No. 445 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 29, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin).Photocopy and copy
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 663. Minutes No. 446 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated March 31, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 664. Minutes No. 447 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 1, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 665. Protocol No. 448 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 2, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 666. Protocol No. 449 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 5, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 667. Protocol No. 450 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 6, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Copy and Chernovik
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 668. Protocol No. 451 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 8, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 669. Minutes No. 452 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 9, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 67. Protocol No. 518 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 21, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 15 of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 670. Protocol No. 453 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 13, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 671. Protocol No. 454 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 14, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 672. Minutes No. 455 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 15, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 673. Protocol No. 456 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 16, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 674. Protocol No. 457 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 19, 1920 and materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 675. Protocol No. 458 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 20, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 676. Protocol No. 459 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 21, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 677. Protocol No. 460 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 22, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 678. Minutes No. 461 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 26, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 679. Minutes No. 462 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 27, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 68. Protocol No. 519 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 22, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 9, 13, 15 and 16 of the Protocol.Authentic.Materials to § 3 cm. Protocol 520, § 3;§ 5 cm. Protocol 523, § 5;§ 8 See Protocol § 10
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 680. Minutes No. 463 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 28, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 681. Minutes No. 464 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 29, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 682. Minutes No. 465 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated April 30, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 683. Protocol No. 466 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 3, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 684. Protocol No. 467 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 4, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 685. Protocol No. 468 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 5, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 686. Protocol No. 469 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 6, 1920 and materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 687. Protocol No. 470 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 7, 1920 and materials for the protocol.Paragraphs 1, 2, 7 signed by V. I. Lenin.Photocopies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 688. Minutes No. 471 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 10, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(The original was signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 689. Protocol No. 472 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 11, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Paragraphs 1, 2, 5, 7 signed by V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 69. Protocol No. 520 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 23, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 690. Minutes No. 473 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 12, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Paragraphs 8 and 9 were signed by V. I. Lenin.Photocopies
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 691. Minutes No. 474 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 23, 1920 and materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 692. Minutes No. 475 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 14, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copies.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 693. Protocol No. 476 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 17, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 694. Minutes No. 477 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 19, 1920 and materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 695. Protocol No. 478 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 21, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 696. Protocol No. 480 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 25, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Original signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 697. Protocol No. 481 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 26, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 698. Minutes No. 482 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 27, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 699. Protocol No. 483 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated May 28, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 7. Protocol No. 402 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of January 18, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 70. Protocol No. 521 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 26, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 of the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 700. Protocol No. 484 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 1, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 701. Protocol No. 485 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 2, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 702. Protocol No. 486 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of June 3, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Copy
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 703. Protocol No. 487 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 4, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 704. Protocol No. 488 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 7, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 705. Protocol No. 489 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 8, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 706. Protocol No. 490 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 9, 1920 and the materials for the Protocol.Photocopy and copy.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 707. Protocol No. 491 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 10, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 708. Protocol No. 492 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 11, 1920 and the materials for the protocol.(Genuine signed by V. I. Lenin).Photocopy and copy
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 709. Protocol No. 493 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 14, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 71. Protocol No. 522 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 28, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 710. Protocol No. 494 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 15, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 711. Protocol No. 495 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 16, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 712. Protocol No. 496 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 17, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 713. Minutes No. 497 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of June 18, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 714. Minutes No. 498 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 21, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 715. Protocol No. 499 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 22, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 716. Protocol No. 500 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 23, 1920 and materials to 1, 3, 4, 5, 7-10 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 717. Protocol No. 501 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 24, 1920 and materials to 1-5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15 points of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 718. Protocol No. 502 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars of June 25, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 719. Protocol No. 503 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 28, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 72. Minutes No. 523 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 29, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 of the protocol.Genuine and copy.Materials to §§ 6 cm. Protocol 525;§ 3 and § 16 cm. Protocol 526 § 2
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 720. Protocol No. 504 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated June 29, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 721. Protocol No. 505 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of July 1, 1920 and materials to the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 722. Protocol number 506 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 2, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 723. Protocol No. 507 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 5, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 724. Protocol No. 508 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 6, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 725. Protocol No. 509 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 7, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 726. Protocol number 510 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 8, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 727. Protocol No. 511 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 8, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 728. Protocol No. 512 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 12, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 729. Protocol No. 513 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 13, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 73. Protocol No. 524 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated July 30, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 730. Minutes No. 531 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars from August 11, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 731. Minutes No. 532 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 12, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 732. Protocol No. 533 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 13, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 733. Protocol No. 534 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 16, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 734. Protocol No. 535 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 17, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 735. Protocol No. 536 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars from August 18, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 736. Protocol No. 537 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 20, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 737. Protocol No. 538 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 23, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 738. Protocol No. 539 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 24, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 739. Protocol No. 540 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of August 25, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 74. Protocol No. 525 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 2, 1920 and materials to §§ 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 of the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 740. Minutes No. 541 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 26, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 741. Protocol No. 542 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 27, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 742. Protocol No. 543 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 30, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 743. Protocol No. 544 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 31, 1920 and the materials for the Protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 744. Protocol No. 545 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 1, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 745. Minutes No. 546 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 2, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 746. Protocol No. 547 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 3, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 747. Protocol No. 549 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 6, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 748. Protocol No. 548 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 7, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 749. Protocol No. 550 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 9, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 75. Protocol No. 526 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 4, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 750. Protocol No. 551 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 10, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 751. Minutes No. 552 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 13, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 752. Protocol No. 553 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 14, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 753. Protocol No. 554 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 16, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 754. Protocol No. 555 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 17, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 755. Protocol No. 556 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 20, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 756. Protocol No. 557 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 21, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 757. Protocol No. 558 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 23, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 758. Protocol No. 559 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 27, 1920 and materials for it
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 759. Protocol No. 560 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 27, 1920 and materials for it
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 76. Protocol No. 527 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 5, 1920 and materials to §§ 4, 7, 9 and 11 of the Protocol.Copy.Materials to § 2 cm. Protocol 529, § 1. Materials to § 3 cm. Protocol 531, § 13. Materials to § 5 cm. Protocol 529, § 6. Materials
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 760. Protocol No. 561 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 30, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 761. Protocol No. 564 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 5, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 762. Protocol No. 565 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated October 7, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 763. Protocol No. 566 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of October 8, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 764. Protocol No. 586 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 15, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 765. Protocol No. 587 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 17, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 766. Protocol No. 588 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 18, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 767. Protocol No. 589 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 19, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 768. Protocol No. 590 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of November 20, 1920 and materials to the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 769. Protocol No. 591 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 22, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 77. Protocol No. 528 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 6, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 770. Minutes No. 592 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 23, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 771. Minutes No. 593 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 25, 1920 and materials for it
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 772. Minutes No. 594 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 26, 1920 and materials for it
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 773. Minutes No. 595 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated November 29, 1920 and the materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 774. Protocol No. 596 Meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated December 1, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 775. Protocols Meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, a memorandum of the Polish Bureau of Propaganda and Agation under the Central Committee on the work of the Communist Workers' Party of Poland.Popup V. I. Lenin (Photo
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 776. Stop note of the Central Committee of the Jewish Union of the Democratic Party (paoles) t. Lenin about the entry of the party in the ranks III of International
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 777. Draft program of the Russian Communist Youth League and correspondence with the Executive Committee of the Communist International on economic issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 778. A summary of the information sent by V.I. Lenin from the Perm province about the situation in p.Handwheel of the Okhan County of Perm Province
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 779. Orders and extracts from orders for the management of the Council of People's Commissars for Personnel
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 78. Protocol No. 529 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 9, 1920 and materials to §§ 4, 7 and 8 of the Protocol.(Genuine and copy).Materials to § 1 cm. Protocol 534, § 1
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 780. Telegrams signed by V. I. Lenin on the transformation of the 3 army into the labor army, telegrams in the name of V. I. Lenin with information about the situation in the North and Caucasian fronts of the Civil War.Telegrams signed by V. I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 781. Telegrams sent to the name V. I. Lenin, with reports on the situation on the fronts of the Civil War, on the creation on the territory of the liberated Red Army, revolutionary committees and military commissariats, on establishing economic life in these areas
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 782. Telegrams with information about sending echelons with food and medicines to the front. Telegrams signed by VI Lenin on concentrating attention on the work of the railway transport on the Penza-Rtishchevo-Balashov section
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 783. Telegrams from the headquarters of the Red Army on the transfer of political workers and the impossibility of feedback from employees from occupied posts
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 784. Telegrams on the formation of backup parts and supplying outfitting and armament of the existing parts of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 785. Telegrams sent by the EMD on the state and work of coal mines, Siberia, Urals and Ukraine factories
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 786. Telegrams, radio telegrams and notes on direct wire from the Turkestan Communist Bureau, the Presidium of the Congress of Soviets of the Turkestan Republic and the Chairman of the Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for Turkestan Affairs, Comrade Kuibyshev, on the political and economic situation of Tu
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 787. Reports, reports, acts on the audit of a special purpose garage (VI Lenin) and correspondence of the head of the motor depot with the Department of Economic Affairs of the Council of Economic Affairs
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 788. Отчеты и сведения о ходе работ автобазы СНК
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 789. The article by Professor Pryanishnikov "On raising agriculture in the north ..." in the newspaper "Economic Life" No. 92 of April 30, 1920, sent for information to Lenin by mail
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 79. Protocol No. 530 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 10, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 7, 9 and 12 of the protocol.Genuine and copy.Materials to § 11 cm. Protocol 539, § 13
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 790. Journal of Incoming Issues Nos. 1-6706
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 791. Журнал входящих бумаг №№ 6707-11343
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 792. Журнал входящих бумаг №№ 6707-11343
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 793. Journal of Outgoing Papers Nos. 1-2016
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 794. Журнал для секретарских исходящих бумаг за 1920 №№ 6889-10758
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 795. Журнал для секретарских исходящих бумаг за 1920 №№ 10759-15116
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 796. Journal of Outgoing Paper No. 15117-19421
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 797. Journal of Outgoing Paper No. 3336-11751
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 798. Magazine of outgoing papers from No. 11750-20308
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 799. Journal of Outgoing Paper No. 4968-13273
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 8. Protocol No. 403 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 19, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 80. Protocol No. 531 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 11, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 800. The reports of the chief of the stable base of the Council of People's Commissars and correspondence with the Department of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars, the operational department of Sanstroy and other institutions on the activities of the base, the transportation of patients from the stations, the enrollment to the service,
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 801. The register of outgoing papers of the Council of People's Commissars from No. a. 2619 - a. 6888
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 802. Journal of registration of outgoing papers of the Council of People's Commissars with No. a.19422 - a.21757
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 803. The register of outgoing papers of the Department of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars from No. 2017-9823
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 804. The register of outgoing papers of the Department of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars from No. 9824-11099
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 805. The journal of registration of outgoing papers of the Department of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars from No. 21400-21757 and from No. 1-2954
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 806. Materials of the Commission of the Council of People's Commissars for the Donbas: resolutions and minutes of the meetings of the plenipotentiary commission and the special commission for combating theft of coal, regulations, instructions, a brief report on the work of the railway section of the special commission,
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 807. Registration cards for incoming telegrams from No. 1001-2895 with the content and further movement of telegrams
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 808. Registration cards for incoming telegrams from No. 2896-4140 with the content and further movement of telegrams
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 809. Orders on the military motor vehicle of the Council of People's Commissars and demanding lists for the issuance of maintenance to employees and workers of the base
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 81. Protocol No. 532 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 12, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 810. Demanding statements for the issuance of content to employees and workers of the SNK motor depot
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 811. Memorandum of an unknown author about the preparation of economic contacts with foreign countries
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 812. Protocols of the Commission formed by the Council of People's Commissars on streamlining the deployment of military units and institutions in Moscow
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 813. Letters and reports of the Directorate of General Military Training to the Council of Labor and Defense, letters and telegrams of the heads of all-military divisions, draft regulations, summaries and other documents on the work of the universal service, on political and educational work among the pre-conscripts
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 814. Extract from Order No. 137 on the SNK Base Station
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 815. Telegrams in the Council of People's Commissars of Lenin about the situation in the Transcaucasia, the North Caucasus, the Crimea, signed by Ordzhonikidze, Frunze, Bela Kun
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 82. Protocol No. 534 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 16, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 83. Protocol No. 535 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 17, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 84. Protocol No. 536 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of August 18, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 85. Protocol No. 537 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 20, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 86. Protocol No. 538 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 23, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 87. Protocol No. 539 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 24, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 88. Protocol No. 540 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 25, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 89. Protocol No. 541 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 26, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 9. Protocol No. 405 of the meeting of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated January 21, 1920 and materials to §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15 of the protocol.(Photocopy and typewritten copy).Materials to § 16 cm. Protocol 406, § 12
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 90. Protocol No. 542 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 27, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 91. Protocol No. 543 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 30, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 92. Protocol No. 544 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated August 31, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 93. Protocol No. 545 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 1, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 94. Protocol No. 546 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 2, 1920 with materials.(Authentic)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 95. Protocol No. 547 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 3, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 96. Protocol No. 548 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 6, 1920
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 97. Protocol No. 549 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 7, 1920 (photocopy)
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 98. Protocol No. 550 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars dated September 9, 1920 and materials for the protocol
ГА РФ. 130 / 4 / 99. Protocol No. 551 meetings of the Small Council of People's Commissars of September 10, 1920
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