News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. Issue 9

Imperial Archaeological Commission (St. Petersburg).
News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. - Vol. 1-65. St. Petersburg, 1901-1918. -
Titles: Vol. 1-65 News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission; Issue 66 (1918) Proceedings of the State Russian Archaeological Commission.
Index of articles placed in issue. 1-20 Izvestia (Issue 20. 1906. p. 151-162). - Index of articles placed in no. 21-40 "Izvestia" (Vol. 40. 1911. p. 165-169). - Index of articles placed in no. 41-60 "Izvestia" (Vol. 60. 1916. p. 117-128).
"The News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission" (IИA) came out in St. Petersburg from 1901 to 1918, as material accumulated. A total of 66 issues were published. The publication was founded on the initiative of Academician V. V. Latyshev. In 1918, the Archaeological Commission was transformed into the State Russian Archeological Commission. In 1919, the Commission was liquidated with the transfer of its functions to the newly organized Russian Academy of Material Culture History, after which the publication stopped .
1. The Imperial Archaeological Commission (St. Petersburg, city) - Activity - Periodicals. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Domestic serials and continuing publications (collection). 4. Imperial archaeological commission (collection). 5. Archeology - Periodicals. 6. Archeology - Research work - Russia - Periodicals. 7. Architectural monuments - Restoration - Russia j Periodic editions.
BBK 63.48a5
BBK 63.44ya5
BBK 85.113 (2) I5
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: RSPU them. A.I. Herzen
Issue 9: from 11 tab. and 123 fig. - Type of. Ch. ex. 1904. - [218] p. : silt .. -
Bibliogr. in the snapshot note and in the text.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: RSPU them. A.I. Herzen
Publisher Тип. Гл. упр. уделов