Working court.1926. № 24. December

Working court: organ Leningar.oblastCourts, Prosecutors and Bureau of Propaganda of Law.- Leningrad: Gocurizdat, 1923-1930.-In 1928-1930US.journalPrint: Bulletin of the Leningrad Regional Court.1928;Satellite of the people's assessor.1928-1929;Satellite propagandist Sovprav.1930.Publishing house: 1927 No. 9 - 1929, the work court;1930 Gizyurizdat.PZEG.: 1923 Petrogr edition.lips.ships;1924 - 1927 № 6, 12-19 LeningR authority.lips.ships (1924 - 1927 No. 5 Edition ...);1927 No. 20 - 1929 Leningrian authority.oblastships;1930 Leningrian.oblastCourts, Prosecutors and Bureau of Propaganda of Law..I. Leningrad Regional Court.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen1926. No. 24. December: year ed.4. - 1926. - [52] p.section.Pag.: tabl .. -Content: Narzasedar Revilments for 1927 / Chairman of the Leningrad Gombobuda F.M.Nakhimson.About Art.155 - AC / deputy.Chairman of Leningr.Gombuchka G. Belyakov.Housing law questions / deputy.Chairman of Moscow Gombobuda F. Wolfson.Questions of labor legislation in judicial practice: Art.47 p. "In" Code Zack.About labor: Commonness issues.Definition of unsuitability / prosecutor of Vysfsd RSFSR for Labor Affairs F. Safonov.Plenum Vysfova RSFSR: meeting November 15, 1926, [and others].- a substrateNote.and in the text..-12000 cop..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher Гоcюриздат