Problems of forensic psychiatry.Sat6.

Problems of forensic psychiatry / under total.Ed.Doc.TsM.Fainberg;Central scientific study.In-t of the forensic Moscow: B. and., 1938-.-.I. Fainberg, C.M. II.TsNII of the forensic psychiatry.V.P. Serbsky (Moscow) .1Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSUSat6 / Center.scientific study.In-t M-Way of Health of the USSR;Ed.Col.: D. Chl.Acad.honey.Sciences of the USSR prof.M.O.Gurevich, prof.A.N.Buneev, prof.MM.Isaev, prof.A.M.Haletsky.- [Type of.UPR.Cases of the Council of Ministers of the USSR], 1947. -464 p.: Il., Table .. a substrateNote.and in the text..-2500 copies..I. Isaev, MM .. II.Khaletsky, A.M. III.Gurevich, M.O. IV.Buneev, A.N. V. USSR.Ministry of Health.1.Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
Publisher [Тип. Упр. делами Совета Министров СССР]