Painted portrait of Metropolitan of Leningrad and Gdovsky Seraphim II

Melent'ev Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-).Painted portrait of Metropolitan of Leningrad and Gdovsky Seraphim II: [picture] / photo AM Melentyeva.- Electronic data (1 file, JPEG: 2,6 MB).-Sankt Petersburg, 2016. -Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title of the accompanying document.Place and Date: St. Petersburg, Alexander Nevsky Monastery, 2016Portrait, half-length, pryamolichno in cassock and Kamilavka with naporstnym cross and panagia.Portrait formed in the painting placed in gilded frame.users copying is not allowed..I. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg).II.Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Saint-Petersburg) .1.Seraphim (Chichagov, Leonid; 1856 - 1937) - Photographs.2. The people (set).3. Power (collection).4. The Synod in the history of the Russian state (collection).5. Documentary photography.6. Portraiture.BBK 63.3 (2) 64-37ya611LBC 86.372.24-3,82 (2-2SPb) ya611electronic copy Source: PB
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