Palace of the Moscow Tsars before Peter the Great

Zabelin, Ivan Egorovich (1820-1908).
Palace of the Moscow Tsars before Peter the Great. - [Moscow: B. and., 1858]. - [250] p. Sec. pag .. -
In the book. Also: On the Moscow big fire that happened on May 29, 1737. (1858). Interrogations to Emelian Pugachev and a letter about him Empress Empress, Catherine II, to Count PI. Panin. (1858). Legend and a story, echoing in the reigning city of Moscow, and about the ripping of Grishka Otrepiev and about his adventure. (1847). A brief description of the incidents in the capital of Moscow in 1812. / Op. HELL. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. (1859). On the incidents that occurred in Moscow during his stay in the enemy in 1812: Report of the pr. patrimonial dep. HELL. Bestuzhev-Ryumin to the Minister of Justice, Privy Councilor and various orders to the Knight, II. Dmitrieva. (1859). - Bibliograf. in the note
1. Power (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher б. и.

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