Overview of the Transcaspian region .... for 1899

Overview of the Transcaspian region ... - Askhabad: Zakasp. reg. stat. com., 1892-1916. - 22-25 cm. -
Nadzag. review for 1911: Zakasp. reg. stat. com.
The place of the publishing house. reviews: for 1890: St. Petersburg; for 1903-1904, 1906 not specified.
reviews of 1890-1911. not specified.
1. Territory (collection). 2. The Transcaspian region.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: GPIB. Center for Social and Political History
For the year 1899. - A type. Headquarters of the 2nd Turkest. Army Corp., 1900. - [459] p. Sec. pag. : table .. - .
1. Territory (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: GPIB. Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Тип. Штаба 2-го Туркест. армейского корп.