News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. 1907. Issue. 21

The Imperial Archaeological Commission (St. Petersburg).
News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. - St. Petersburg, 1901-1918. -
Check: Out. 66 (1918) Proceedings of the State Russian Archaeological Commission.
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
1907. Issue. 21: C 9 table. and 30 pic. - A type. V.F. Kirschbaum, 1907. - [229] p. : ill., tab. -
Bibliography. in a substring. note. and in the text.
I. Lieven, Andrei Alexandrovich (1884-1949) .1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher Тип. В. Ф. Киршбаума