Directions in the scientific processing of moral statistics. Issue. 1. Catle - Wagner. Dufault - Gerry

Yanson, Julius Eduardovich (1835-1893).
Directions in the scientific processing of moral statistics: Introduction. in compare. morality. statistics. Issue. 1 / Yu. Yanson. - St. Petersburg: type. K. Wolf, 1871. -1 t.; 21 cm. -
Before closing. Author: Yu. Yanson.
I only got out. 1.
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Issue. 1: Catle-Wagner; Dufault - Gerry. - 1871.-VIII, 284 p., 1 l. tab. -
In part of the shooting range. quantities. characteristic: VIII, 284 p., 1 l. gt; bibliograms. napec. on the back of the tit. l.
Bibliography. in a substring. note
I. Quetelet, Lambert Adolph Jacques (1796-1874). II. Wagner, Adolf Heinrich Gottgolf (1835-1917). III. Dufot, Pierre Arman (1795-1877). IV. Gerry, Andre Michel (1802-1867) .1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Publisher Тип. К. Вульфа

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