Cases of the Police Department of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1836

Identifier 4ad52ddc-a26f-45f8-a2c0-5a8540692e28
Title Cases of the Police Department of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1836
Dates 1836
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1286 / 6
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 548 единиц хранения
Fonds Department of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Contents В описи представлены дела: о положении и волнениях крестьян; о высылке разных лиц под надзор полиции; о постройке и содержании тюрем; о квартирной, рекрутской и подворной повинностях; о строительных и дорожных работах; о дворянских и купеческих выборах; о почтовой гоньбе и почтовых трактах; о высылке за границу иностранных подданных, о запрещении им въезда в Россию; о фальшивомонетчиках; о личном составе полицейских и других городских учреждений
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 1. Case on the adopted general circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 10. The case at the request of the collegiate registrar Goloushin on the determination of him to the Police Department executive, immediately and on his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 100. The case against Count Vorontsov about the reduction of the Dubossary police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 101. The case against the Minister of Finance about the addition of the former Ishmael mayor Tuchkov 1.354 rubles 56 kopecks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 102. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general about the manning of the police team in Novaya Ladoga
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 103. The case against the Consul General in Hamburg about the measures taken by the Berlin authorities for the aversion of fires
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 104. The case on the report of the Nizhny Novgorod military governor on the definition in Nizhny Novgorod of the second police chief
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 105. The case on the note of the Director of the Economic Department with the transmitting an extract from the letter of the Olonetsky Civil Governor about the lack of officials and the advantages of the service for officials in remote provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 105. The case on the note of the Director of the Economic Department with the transmitting an extract from the letter of the Olonetsky Civil Governor about the lack of officials and the advantages of the service for officials in remote provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 105. The case on a note of the director of the economic department with the reciprocal of an extract from the letter of the Olonets civil governor about the lack of officials and the advantages of service for officials in remote provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 106. The case against the Orenburg military governor about the definition of an official for him for special assignments in excess of the state
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 107. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the elevation of the climbing
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 108. The case against the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the review by the Tver Civil Governor of the province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 109. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general about appointing couriers to the provincial government
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 11. The case on the petition of nobleman Shishko about his determination to the Police Department executive, immediately and about his dismissal on leave for 28 days in 1836 and in 1838, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 110. The case against the Kiev military, Podolsky and Volyn governor-general about the non-recovery from the titular adviser Hoecki received by his appointment as an interpreter in the commission on the rebels of salary
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 111. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the exemption from the recovery of 1.814 rubles of the former Odessa mayor Tregubov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 112. The case against the Minister of the Imperial Court on the establishment in the Simbirsky specific estate of three offices
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 113. The case on the submission of the correcting post of the Novgorod Civil Gubenator on allowing the hiring of civilian scribes in county and zemstvo courts
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 114. The matter concerns the Kronstadt military governor about the vacation of the sum for hiring a house for his office
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 115. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on illiterate kahals in the city of Orhei
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 116. The case in relation to the office of the executive police department on non-compliance with the district heads in Georgia established forces for office work
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 117. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the determination in certain cities of Novorossiysk region of special solicitors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 118. The case in relation to the Economic Department of allowing the pupil of Ryazan school children of clerical servants Stefanovich to join the civil service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 119. The case against the Economic Department of the structure of the police department in the village of Ivanovo belonging to Count Sheremetev Vladimir province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 12. Case by letter of N.N. Novosiltseva on the definition of the college registrar Uspensky in the police department of the executive for the position of assistant accountant, immediately and on his resignation
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 120. The case towards the Count Gurieva about the permission to use for the production of the consequences of candidate tests
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 121. Case in relation to Count Gurieva on the increase in the state of the Kiev Grad Police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 122. Case on the proposal of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor on the production of the Yamburgburger Tizengauzen surplus salary of 500 rubles per year
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 123. The case on the petition of the Vyshnevolotsk landowner Lieutenant Golovin about the conversion of the village of the Savior of the Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver province to the district town
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 124. The case against the Governor-General of Vitebsk, Mogilev and Smolensk on the release of the sum for food of the lower ranks of the Smolensk police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 125. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the report of the Caucasian regional government on whether: it is obliged to enter preliminary into consideration of investigative cases on crimes of officials
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 129. The case of the removal of the Rostov city governor Seseman from his post and the appointment of Titular Councilor Zinoviev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 13. The case on the petition of an official of the 9th class of Rezanov about his determination to the Police Department of the executive, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 130. The case of dismissal, determining and moving officials of special instructions in civilianship governors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 131. The case of a correspondence to the army of polytzmeysters and granules with production in the following ranks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 133. The case of the dismissal of the Borzen lieutenant-colonel Sanders and the appointment of Colonel Einwald in his place
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 134. The case of the dismissal of the adviser of the Pskov provincial government Bibikov from his post and the determination of the outward counselor Nefedev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 136. The case of awarding the adviser to the Prussian Gunbine Reganger of Koch, the Royal-Prussian Lieutenant of Wece and Tilzite Landrarat Claiter orders
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 138. The case of determining in Siberia to the Perfilian service, Lobkovsky, Pavlova and the Dreta to the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 14. The case of a definition in the Department of Police executive candidate of Moscow University of Levdik, immediately about the dismissal of him on vacation for 28 days in the Moscow and Chernihiv province, immediately and the dismissal of Levdik from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 140. The case of the definition of the superior adviser Eliseeva to the service and headquarters-Captain Nezozhanov Granual to the city of Krasnoufimsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 141. The case for the highest orders and other papers accepted for observation
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 142. The case of the dismissal and determination of polytzmeysters and granules: Enevian, Count Luxembourg, Esipova, Deosteka, Pozdnyakova, Shishkin
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 146. Case about correctness: Nikolsky Moque and Totemsky Avrinsky.On the dismissal of Governors: Krasnoufim Masalova, Modesta Vinokurova and the Krasnoufim Efimov Efimova.On the transfer to the place of the second Avrinsky, about the definition of Mos Mos
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 147. The case on the appointment of the Stat adviser to Glushkov, respectively, according to its rank, and on the definition and dismissal of advisers: Vasilchikova, Khitrov, Sklyarenko, Village, Adamovich, Rivzova, Schwitkov, Scary, Krzhizhanovsky, Pozharsky, Andreev, I
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 149. The case of the dismissal of Vasilyev's advisor, the determination of Assessor Samsonov in his place, and the place of this last titular counselor Ilyinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 15. The case of a definition in the Police Department of the executive office of Alexander Shuisky, rightly about the permissiveness to him to enter into a legitimate marriage and about awarding his medal for salvation
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 150. The case of the dismissal of the Valdai mayor of Narmonsky from his post, the relocation of the Mesensk city governor Tsugalovsky to his place, and the place of this last captain-captain Yuryev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 151. The case of the removal of the Tiraspol town governor Yablonsky from his post and of the appointment of Major Cherets
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 153. The matter concerns the military minister about where it is necessary to have the most reliable police chiefs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 154. The case of the death of Kremenchug Politzmeter Kiselev, about moving to the city of Kremenchug Chernihiv Politzmeister Lisenka, in Chernihiv - Nezhinsky Politzmeterster Sokolova and the definition of the definition of the Politzmeister Lieutenant Krzhisevich
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 155. The case of awarding the landowner of the Wolf-Lanievsky rank of college assessor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 158. The case of awarding the peasants of Karpov and Chryshanfov for the representation of his children who were killer
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 159. The case of the dismissal of the Ustyug police officer Kholopov, the transfer of Kuchinsky and the definition of Svetlobov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 16. The case on the petition of clerk Dmitriev on the determination of the executive in the Department of Police, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 160. The case of the death of the Narovchal Gullary Danilevsky, about the transfer to its place of Kerensky Governing Dubnitsky and about the appointment of Lazarev in his place
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 161. The case of the translation of the city: Knyagininsky Trambitsky in Arzamas, Arzamas Baeyeva in Yuryevts and Yuryevetsky Suvorov to Prince.On the definition of Captain Cumilevsky in Knyaginin, Major Chirikova in Balakhna and Lieutenant Katkova in Makaryev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 162. The case of the movement of the city of one to the place of another: Dobrovolsky, Kavina, Antonovsky, Lyubetsky, Tevevevich, Dulova and Rusanov and Corps: Borodina, Lebkivsky, Ivanova and Sokolova
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 164. The case of the dismissal of the Old Believers Mayor Terekhov from his post and the appointment of Vedenetsky in his place, and after Fomin
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 165. The case of the dismissal of Pereslavl's governor Sokolov and the determination of Pasenko in his place, the transfer of Dolgov and the appointment of Polikarpov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 166. The case of the death of the Borislav Politzmeistra Krizhanovsky and on the appointment of the Nakzynkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 167. The case of the dismissal of the Ekaterinoslav city governor Essen and the appointment of Brunold
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 168. The case of the death of the Vytegorsky Zemskiy Farness-Sorotsky and the definition of the retiring headquarters of Rothmister Varetti in his place, about moving it to the city of Dmitrovsk and on the definition of Lieutenant Colonel of Couslita
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 169. The case of the death of the Bogoroditsky Governing Maslov and the appointment of the Verrug
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 17. The case in relation to the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the officials of special instructions at the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 171. The case of the dismissal of the adviser of the Tauride provincial government Shevelev and the determination in his place of Slavinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 172. The case of the dismissal of the adviser Litkens and the determination in his place of von Berg, the death of the adviser Sternberg and the determination in his place of Kruzenstern
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 173. The case of appointment to the newly open cities of the Saratov province of governors, corrections and assessors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 174. The case of the dismissal of the Saratov police chief Evreinov and the appointment of his place Dzemeiko
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 175. The case of the dismissal of the Taganrog police chief Ratsula and the designation of Lieutenant-Colonel Chizhevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 176. The case on the complaint of Governing Bykov in the Kursk Governor for moving it to the city of Shigra, about the dismissal of Kursk Politzmeter Ginkelevich, about the translation to his place Kudrichevsky, to the place of the last Bykova and on the definition of White Gingerbie
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 177. The case of the dismissal of the advisers of the Tver provincial government of Sakharov and Vlasov and the determination of Topilsky and Kudryavtsov in their place
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 178. The case of the dismissal of the raisin town governor Karaulov and the appointment of his staff captain Mishchenko
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 179. The case of dismissal from the service of the Alexandrian mayor Koretsky and the determination in his place of Rzesk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 18. The case of the appointment of the special officer of the collegiate assessor of Orzhevsky by the chief of the 3rd branch of the official
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 180. The case of the dismissal of the Rzhevian Governing Yuriev from office, about transferring to his seat Sudislavsky policeman a little one and about determining Tolmachev's definition instead.Immediately about Governing Bogdanov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 181. The case of the confirmation of the post of Novocherkassk police chief of the military sergeant Rodionov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 182. The case of the dismissal of Olonets police officer Yemelyanov from his post and the determination of his staff captain Peganov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 183. The case of the death of the Epiphany city governor Evreinov, the transfer to his place of the gold-town governor Gorodetsky and the appointment of the last lieutenant Mishchenka
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 184. The case of the death of the Libava Politzmeister Ikskul and on the definition of Major Michael.Immediately about the appointment of pensions Ikskul's daughters
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 185. The case of the definition in St. Petersburg to the Hymbut service, Zaborovsky, Weist, and Karvovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 186. The case of the movement of the city: Tim Mashchenko and Danilovsky Kosych, one in place of another, about the dismissal of the Petrozavodsky Governing Elsner, about transferring to his place Mashchenko and about the appointment in Danilov Poltoratsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 187. The case of the dismissal of the adviser of the Minsk Gubernatorial Board Alekseyev from his post and the appointment of Melnikov to this post, the transfer of adviser Botvinko to Poland, the determination in his place of Anisimov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 188. The case of the definition of Mokhnev in Cherdin is granted in the place of the deceased Major Kakurin.Immediately about Prince Krapkin and Crap
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 189. The case of the death of the adviser to the Tula provincial rule of Krapivin and the definition of Judge Naumova instead
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 19. The case after the request of the collegiate assessor Panteleimonov about his determination to the Police Department executive, immediately with respect to the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs about the announcement of Panteleimonov's decision in the case of Ivanovic's executioner, immediately and about the teams
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 191. The case of the death of the Totemsky city of Siegel and about the appointment of the pashchinsky pester
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 192. The case of appointment instead of the Kherson Politzmeter Lobysovich Colonel Khodakovsky.Immediately about Chikina
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 193. The case at the request of the correction of Timashev about the oppression of the provincial bosses and on the transfer of it to another province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 194. The case of a malfunction of the Irbit Police, about moving the Greek's Tower Macerier to Oxhansk Gingerbread and on the definition of his headquarters of the Rothmistra
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 195. The case of renaming the Brest Governing to the Politzmeysters
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 196. The case of the removal of Belebei's police officer Ivanov from his post and of the designation of his place, Capt. Captain Makov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 197. The case of the death of the Kromsky Gondo Plescachevsky, about the transfer to his place of the Trubchevsky Governing Kasherinnikov and on the appointment of the Glain of Rothmister Zamkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 198. The case according to the highest order for the admission to the lists of persons holding the rank of the members of the prison guardianship committees, to send the service sent by these committees
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 199. The case of the dismissal of the adviser of the Vladimir provincial government Shuf from the service and the determination in his place of collegiate assessor Rutko
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 2. Case at the request of the adviser of the Tomsk provincial board of collegiate assessor Porfiry Karpov about his transfer to the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Department of the Executive Police, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 20. The case on the petition of the titular counselor Maxim Ivanov about his identification with the Executive Police Department, immediately and on seconding him to the Orel civilian governor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 200. The case of the dismissal of Petrozavodsk police officer Dreze from his post and the determination of his staff Captain Kolychev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 201. The case of the movement of Gregguezen and Damic, about the dismissal of the first, about the transfer to its place of Belsky and appointing instead of its captain Liebert
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 203. The case of the rank of Colonel Zhrabrovsky, about the death of Gunners: Komkov - Rezanov and Kadnikovsky - Rudakov and on the definition of Zhrabrovsky and Maschat
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 204. The case of the dismissal of the Politzmeter Esipov, about moving into his place of Dryshina, and in place of his captain Selivanova
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 205. The case on the highest command about the non-determination to posts on the police of the former in Rylsk town governor Tretyakov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 206. The case of determining the adviser of the Astrakhan provincial board Konakova chairman of the court Zargo
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 207. The case of the movement of the Kungur Governing Polyansky in the place of the deceased Upnetursky Zaev and the definition of the Baratyan Security Council in Kungur
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 208. The case of the movement of the indispensable member of the Kursk order Kotovsky in advisers to the temporary branch of the Kursk provincial rule and on determining the indispensable member of Safronovich
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 209. The case of Amelchenkov's admission to the post of Krasnoyarsk governor and the definition of that headquarters-captain Ceslinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 21. The case, at the request of the son of Titular Counselor Kunitsyn, about his identification with the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 210. Case on the definition of the College Advisor Bobylev at the Department of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 211. The case against the ataman ataman of the Don Army about the opening of senators Knyazhnin and Bovcharsky judicial seats on the said army, immediately correspondence and about building furniture for the mentioned places
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 212. The case, at the request of commerce of advisor Shiryaev, forcing the committee of the publication of the Tiflis Vedomosti, about satisfying it with 1693 rubles 50 copecks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 213. The case towards the Count Benkendorf, about the establishment of the investigative commission for the study of unrest in Tobolsk, and about the touch of the Stat Counselor Kirillov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 214. The case against Count Benckendorff in the case of retired artillery by Captain Grudzinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 216. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate on the transfer to other neighboring gubernias removed from the posts of volost clerks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 217. The case in relation to the Kiev Governor General about estates belonging to persons, more than five years abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 218. The case is about the date for the categories of posts not familiar in the schedule of civil service classes.
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 219. The case against the Siberian Committee with the extract of this committee regarding the local Siberian management
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 22. The case of the College Counselor of Berman on the definition of him in the Department of Police Executive, immediately and dismissal on vacation and resignation
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 220. The matter concerns the military minister about the Black Sea army
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 221. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the failure of the insolvent debtors to return to work
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 222. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff, about demanding information from civil governors about the French people living in Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 223. The case at the request of the philistine Yankel Gunzburg about the permission to open a printing house in Minsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 224. The case against Governor-General Prince Khovansky and correcting the post of the Vologda civil governor, on the release of the sum for the smoldering of the houses of the Smolensk and Vologda civil governors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 225. Case on the decree of the Government Senate on the settlement commission in Irkutsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 226. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on admission to the treasury of the estate abroad Admiral Chichagov and on the search
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 227. The matter concerns the attitude of the Riga military, Lifland, Estland and Kurland governor-general, about the admission of Jews from different provinces with transport to Riga
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 228. The case against the Minister of Finance about Asians who come to Russia without passports
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 229. The case of allowing titular counselor Ovtsynu to establish an office in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 23. The case at the request of an official of the 10th grade Lukoshkov about his identification with the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal on leave to Kazan and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 230. The case against Count Benckendorff, regarding the issuance of tickets by Austrian nationals for admission to Odessa
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 231. The case was reported by the 2nd department of the Executive Police Department, with the transmission of the attitude of the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general, on the resolution of the question: Should Jews who left the Kingdom of Poland take an oath of allegiance to a loyal subject
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 232. The case against the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general about the permission of the abbot Borzh to reside in Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 233. The case against the secret adviser Mordvinov on open robberies in the city of Saratov and on the return of the police chief and all those guilty under the military court
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 234. The case against the Orenburg military governor about the Asians of Persian and Turkish nationals who seek alms
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 235. The case in relation to the office of the Ministry of the Interior, with the transfers to the Rules of Highestly established on the procedure for resettlement of the empire residents in the Kingdom of Polish and the case, which was produced in the Office for this subject, equal to the citizens of the Kingdom of Polish in
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 236. The case against the Minister of Public Education about the prohibition of the teacher Mikhelson being in the public and private education of the youth
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 237. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia about the purchase from the merchant Medvednikov, inherited from the merchant's wife Sibiryakova, at home for the Governor-General
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 238. The case at the request of retired notary Janiszewski to allow him to publish public information sheets
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 239. The case on the proposal of the Kostroma civilian governor about the paper found in the Yurievka district, containing a prediction distributed in public
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 24. The case on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior on the non-accrual of the Accounts Department at the Department of the Police of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 240. Case at the request of retired titular counselor Stankar about the establishment in St. Petersburg of written offices
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 241. The matter in relation to the Minister of Finance about the inconveniences found by Timiryazev, from the fragmentation in the taxable state of freedmen
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 242. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general, about allowing Chamberlain Bashutsky and nobleman Snegirev to establish a printing press
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 243. The case in relation to the chief superior in Moscow on the authorization of merchant Kirilov to open a printing house
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 244. The case on the report of the Odessa mayor on what should be issued passports in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 245. Case in relation to Count Vorontsov, about building in the city of Cagule buildings for pretty places and prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 246. The case on the submission of the corrective post nakaznogo ataman of the Don Army on the definition of the army commission of food accountant, his assistant and scribe
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 247. The case against the chief executive in Moscow, the establishment of the picture gallery and with her exhibition of works of art. Immediately on the attitude of the Moscow military governor-general, about the opening in Moscow of an art class with the establishment of
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 248. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance regarding the verification of weights and measures in Ekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 249. Case at the request of the wife of the college secretary Anna Novosiltzova, on her release from guardianship and on the division of the estate between the heirs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 25. The case of the determination of titular adviser Smirnov chief of the Department of Police Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 250. The case in relation to Count Vorontsov, regarding passports to foreigners coming to Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 251. The case on the proposal of the Chernigov Civil Governor, regarding the stigmatization of measures in drinking houses used. Immediately on the branding of tin measures in places that are not owned
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 252. The case against the Governor of the Military Ministry on the delivery of the conclusion on the case of granting the rights of trade to the Cossacks of the Azov and Danube Cossack armies
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 253. The case against Admiral Gal, concerning reference prices for peasant work in the allocation of ship groves and other
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 254. The case is on the petition of a foreigner, tannery master Bauman, to issue him a residence permit in Russia. Here, too, about foreigners wishing to withdraw from Russian citizenship
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 255. The case on presentation of the correcting post of the ataman of the Don Army, how to make a deduction from the salaries of officials serving in the Don Army
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 256. The case against the Minister of Finance, regarding the sudden evidence of county treasuries
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 257. The case was reported by the 2nd branch of the Ministry of the Executive Police, with the transmission of the attitude of the Chief Executive of Georgia, about the Jews residing in Georgia, the Caucasus and Vladikavkaz regions
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 258. The case against the Vyatka civil governor, the destruction of the pagan rite between the Votyaks, the open missionaries Dvinyaninov and Kulyginsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 259. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general, about allowing General-Lieutenant Borozdin to allow artists to print from the prints stone, in his lithography
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 26. The case, at the request of the son of Titular Councilor Huck, Nikolai Gek, about his appointment to the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 260. The matter in relation to the Minister of Public Education about allowing sea officers to be home instructors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 261. Case on the note of the Vice-Chancellor on the submission of opinion on the Kirghiz defendants
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 262. Case on the proposal of the Kazan military governor about the permission of the merchant Chernov to establish a reference site in Kazan
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 263. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general about allowing Gondra and Gresreen painters to establish a lithograph for printing on glass and porcelain
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 264. The case in relation to the count of Nesselrod, about the overdue passports submitted by Russian citizens of our missions
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 265. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff, about the assumption of Colonel Schwartz to stop the shoots
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 266. The case towards the graph of Nesselrod, about the designation in passports of travelers, traveling from Russia to Austria, will take them
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 267. The case on presentation of the ataman ataman of the Don Army on the liberation of the centurion Lazarev from the recovery of 466 rubles 25 kopecks of money for the leakage of wine
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 268. Case by letter of Count Kankrin, with the transmission of an anonymous note with a lottery plan about playing the Yasinsky House in Warsaw
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 27. The case of a definition in the Department of Police of the Executive Office of Eremin, right there and his dismissal from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 270. The case against the Chief Procurator of the Holy Governmental Synod, on the prohibition of free masters to print the Saints and printed at that time, where they would be, to confiscate
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 271. Case at the request of Vilnius typographers: Dvorets, Blumovich, Rotenberg, Trtsevich, Parnes, Elyasz, Danzig, Katzenelenbaugen and Zhizhmor about allowing them to open a printing house
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 272. Case on presentation of the Caucasian civil governor, about buying furniture for his house
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 273. The case under the decree of the Government Senate, the delivery of the conclusion on the criminal case, the printing of books by the Jew, without the permission of censorship
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 274. The case of the Office of the Police Department of the Executive Police on the acceleration of the end of the case, relative to the solution in the uniformity of the scales and measures
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 275. The matter concerns the Minister of Finance with the transmission of the petition of the Jew Olkhovsky about the obstacles imposed by the noble assembly in the pledge of the house
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 276. The case at the request of the printer Glicokberg, about allowing him to open a printing house in Kiev and Vilna
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 277. The case on the report of the 2nd office of the executive police department, with the transfabrication of the case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General about Tom: Should Jews be removed by fifty miles from the border of the land and sea.Immediately on rel
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 278. The case against the Novorossiysk Governor-General, the testimony of the Jew Zamoschina about the intercession of the foreigner Shulang and other persons with the Polish rebels who fled abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 279. The case on the report to the Minister of the Interior, on the transfer of cases on the rights of states to the ministry's office
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 28. The case, at the request of the clerk Ozerov, about his appointment to the service of the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his determination to the Simbirsk governor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 280. Дело по докладной записке Департамента полиции исполнительной, о доставлении ведомостей об имениях, подтвержденных опеке или надзору за дурное поведение владельцев
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 281. The case under the decree of the Governmental Senate on the imposition of custody on the estate of clerk Govorov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 282. The case, according to the highest order issued by the Minister of War, about the betrayal of martyrs who caused the beating of Lieutenant Kirilov in the Pruzhany Noble Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 283. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff, about riots between peasants of the island of Worms of the Estland province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 284. The case, according to the highest command, issued by the Minister of War, about the betraying to the military court of the Jacobshtatsky philistine Mikhailovsky for his audacious act with Kosmachev and Krogerus
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 285. The matter in relation to the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about allowing Jew Bromberg to have a temporary stay in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 286. The case according to the highest command, reported by Count Benckendorff, about the taking of the estate of Lieutenant-General Kupriyanova into custody
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 287. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate, on submitting an opinion on whether suspicions of investigators can be made according to the law that exists about suspicions of judges
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 288. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate on the delivery of the conclusion on the proposal of the Vladimir Gubernia Board, regarding the imposition of custody on the estate of the Shui merchant Nosov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 289. Case on the report of the Vitebsk civilian governor, on the disobedience of the peasants of the Old Towl of the Lucino and Treputin lawful power
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 290. Case on the report of the Smolensk civilian governor about the disobedience of the peasants of the Yukhnovsky Vassenger order
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 291. The case on the reporting of the Symbir civilian governor, the disobedience, rendered by Lashmanas when introducing a public scare
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 292. The case of the detention of the St. Petersburg police of the Aristov's landowners and on testifying its mental abilities
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 293. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate, the taking in charge of the estate of Captain Kudryavy, for indecent behavior and cruel treatment of peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 294. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate, about the disobedience of the people of the landowner Balk-Palev, who are in the cloth factory of the village of Kosmodemyanovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 295. Case on the report of the Police Department to the Executive Minister of the Interior on the distribution of cases concerning Jews
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 296. The case at the request of the Kiev landowner of the 14th class of Diminsky, on the examination of the Senate's determination, regarding the removal of guardianship from his estate
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 297. The case for the report of the incumbent Simbirsk civilian governor, the imposition of custody on the estate of the retired lieutenant Shilnikov, for his bad behavior and cruel treatment of domestic people and peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 298. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate, on the delivery of the opinion on the case of taking the landlord Tolmachev's estate in custody
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 299. The case in relation to the office of the Department of the Police of the Executive, with the transmitting the discharge of their report of the Tver Governor, on the disgust of the abuse and riots on guardians over the estates of cruel landlords
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 30. The case, at the request of the son of the deceased, Captain Andreev, Alexei Andreev, about his appointment to the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 300. The case of Jews who came to Siberia voluntarily and settled there
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 301. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of the opinion on the case on the establishment of supervision of the landlords Avdulina and Likhareva
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 302. The case, according to the earl of Benckendorff, issued the highest order for the noble leader to have strict supervision over the fact that Zolotarev, the landowner, did not have any oppression of factory peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 303. The case of the means by which the custody could be imposed without the concern of any harmful effects
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 304. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the permission of the Iletsky salt administration to select the right number of exiles in Kazan for work
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 305. The matter in relation to Count Benckendorff about the peasant Gerasim Myshke, who accepted the Mohammedan faith in Constantinople, a Russian subject
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 306. The case on the proposal of the Georgian civil governor about the foreigners Busse and Matishkevich arrived in Russia, who turned out to be suspicious
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 307. The case in relation to the Kiev military, Podolsky and Volynsky Governor-General about the auctal deeds on the border of our Austrian residents in the transport of them smuggling and about the ability of general police officer at similar cases
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 308. The case against Count Benckendorff about deportation of the retired captain of the Greek Kaluli abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 309. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff of deportation of the Galician landowner Onyszkiewicz abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 31. The case at the request of the collegiate secretary Zakhar Alexandrovich Nechaev about his appointment to the service in the Executive Police Department, on his dismissal on leave and on the postponement of this leave, and on his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 310. The case against Count Benckendorff about the prohibition of entry into Russia by the Galician landowners Lončinský
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 311. The case against the military minister about the abolition of the sentence of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber by the highest order over the peasant Flegont Vasilistov, convicted of participation in the theft of a single criminal who fled from Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 312. The case against Count Benckendorff on the prohibition of the return entry to Russia of foreigner Jacob Westerling
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 313. The case against the Kiev military, Podolsky and Volyn governor-general about the deportation of the French citizen Mathieu abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 314. The case of the wolves and the measures taken to the extermination of these wolves appeared in the Liflyandsk province and Bessarabia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 315. The case against Count Benckendorff about the prohibition of the return entry to Russia of a foreigner, Halperin
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 316. The case on the proposal of the Tobolsk Civil Governor to remove the medal from the peasant Queen, sentenced for punishment for unlawful misconduct
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 317. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general about the prohibition of the return entry into Russia of the Danish citizen Pavel Miller
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 318. The case against Count Benckendorff about the prohibition of the return to Russia of a foreigner Jew Mydel Levites
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 319. The case against the Kiev military, Podolsky and Volyn governor-general about the student of the Kremenets Lyceum Ludwig Pavlicinsky, who went abroad without the government's knowledge abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 32. The case of awarding the court adviser to the Tarnovsky distinction of the immaculate service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 320. The case against Count Benckendorff on the prohibition of the return entry to Russia of foreigners Friedrich Rabe and Franz Engler
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 321. The case of a report by the Podilsky civilian governor about the removal of the former president of the Kamenetsk city magistrate Balasanovich, a gold medal for the improper issuance of a certificate to the merchant Limonchik for the cost of his two houses
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 322. The case on a memorandal note of the Olonetsky civilian governor about unsent in the Olonets province of the penal underlying ranks and the allowance to take money in three districts instead of recruit
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 323. The case on the report correcting the post of Orel civilian governor about the deceased in the town of Yelets, the one-manor Pakhomova, on whose grave many people flock to serve the requiems
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 324. The case against the Governor-General of Western Siberia on the recovery in Tobolsk of a fine for not informing the police about the arrivals and departing and for accepting people without species
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 325. The case, according to the decree of the Government Senate, about the difficulty in sending, according to the opinion of the State Council on May 17, 1835, to the internal gubernias expelled from the Spiritual Department for the evils of clergymen
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 326. The case on the presentation of the Olonets civilian governor in office, about the Finns, wandering around the Olonets province as whole families and begging for alms
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 327. The case against the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia on the prevention of the stay of Jews in the mining plants in Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 328. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General about the wrong census in the Izmail Graduality of people who have launched there without proper species
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 329. The case against the Kronstadt military governor-general about the deportation of foreigner Johann Burmestar abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 33. The case of the placement of the college registrar Potapov for the vacancy of the junior assistant challenge
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 330. The case against Count Benckendorff about deportation of Austrian citizen Carl Ziegler abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 331. The case, according to the highest order of the highest command about the residents of Vadievka, Kumarev, Abruzinka and Shirok who were in the village without written forms of people belonging to the state department, landowners and other estates
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 332. The case against Count Benckendorff, the deportation abroad of the Austrian subject Jew Heim Siderer
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 333. The case is on the denunciation of the teacher Leopold Kruger, about the transfer of gold coins by the Khotyn goldsmiths of the state silver coin. Immediately and on the expulsion of Kruger abroad
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 334. The case on the extract from the reports of military and civil governors on their review of the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 335. The case against Count Benckendorff, with an explanation of the highest command, about the determination of the retired professor of the Nizhyn gymnasium Landrazhena to the civil service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 336. The case of faces under the supervision of the police for the September third of 1835
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 337. The matter concerns the Moscow military governor-general about skinning nuts in hand chains. There and then about the inconvenience of handcuffs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 338. The case in relation to the Department of the State Treasury on the issuance of run money to persons coming beyond the shackles
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 339. The case against the Director of the Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs on state criminals, tested to the case on December 14, 1825
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 34. The case, at the request of the provincial secretary Entko, about his appointment to the police department as an executive, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 340. The case on the preparation of the table of feed money to the arrestants for 1836
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 341. The case against the Economic Department, the transfer to the care of the trusteeship committee about the prisons of the hospital on Vorobyovy Gory
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 342. Case on extract from the journal of the Committee of Ministers on the review of Vyatka province by the Vyatka governor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 343. The case in relation to the commander of a separate building of the inner guard, about the device NA in the artantic chambers separately from the walls
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 344. The case on the report of the Vyatka civil governor, on the establishment of police oversight of the court counselor Vitberg and about his prohibition of his departure to the capital
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 345. The case against the Minister of War with the explanation of the highest command, the establishment of secret police supervision for the lieutenant Troshetsakov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 346. The case in relation to the office of the Police Department of the executive, reported by the Inspector Department, about expulsion from the capital, in 1828, with the reversion of entry into it, headquartered by Rotmist Berezin
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 347. The case against the military minister about the dismissal from the service of the rank-and-file Butryumov and Gostimova with the ranks of the 14th class with the prohibition to live in Kronstadt
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 348. Case on the petition of retired collegiate registrar Popov on his release from police supervision
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 349. The case against the Kharkov governor about the release from supervision, a native of the Kingdom of Poland, Józef Treschinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 35. Case on the note of the chief of the 2nd branch of the Department of the Executive Police on the dismissal of the Senate registrar Chernyshov from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 350. The case under the decree of the Government Senate, the delivery of the conclusion on the proposal of the Saratov provincial leader of the nobility, the procedure for judging officials, dissolute behavior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 351. The case on the report of the Tauride civilian governor, on the release from supervision of the police of the Armenian Kurtdovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 352. Business in relation to the department of communication, about delivering the highest approved plans by county prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 353. The case against the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod on the deportation of priests for bad behavior from the western provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 354. The case against the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia on the appointment of an annual allowance to the widow of the foreigner Brink
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 355. The case against the military minister about the distribution of the prisoners of the Moscow prisoner company
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 356. The case in relation to the Riga Military Lifelard, Estland and Courneda Governor-General, on the replacement of prison warders, instead of disabled, hire the peasants.Immediately on circular prescriptions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on replacing the post
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 357. The case was on the report of the Vyatka civil governor, on the deportation of the police of the landowner Mikhail Skibitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 358. The case against the Minister of War with the announcement of the highest order for the establishment of police supervision of Lieutenant Saveliev
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 359. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff with the announcement of the highest command of the provincial secretary Tsyvinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 36. The case, at the request of the son of the titular counselor Nechayev, Stepan Nechaev, about his identification with the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 360. The case on the report of the correcting post of the Novgorod Civil Governor on the departure to Keksholm for residence of the merchant Kharitonov and the freed Zotov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 361. The case on the request of provincial secretary Tokarev on his release from police supervision
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 362. The case under the decree of the Governing Senate on whether to issue passports to the wives of persons coming in place of exile to Siberia, into prisoner companies
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 363. The case in relation to the graph of Benkendorf, about the non-disabilities of the Titular Counselor Kudryavtseva
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 364. The case against Count Benckendorff with the announcement of the highest order for the termination of police supervision of Lieutenant Krenitsyn
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 365. The case in relation to the 1st table of the 2nd department of the Executive Police Department on the release from the police of collegiate assessor Izvekov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 366. The case against Count Benckendorff about the termination of supervision of the retired colonel Prince Trubetskoi
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 367. The case on the proposal of the correcting post of the Vologda civil governor about the expulsion under the supervision of the police of the son of the landowner Yaroshinsky. There and then about his meeting with the landowner Drzhevitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 368. The case on the report of the correcting post of the Vologda civil governor on the deportation of titular counselor Arsenyev under the supervision of the landlord
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 369. The case of persons under the supervision of the police for the January third of 1835
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 37. The case at the request of the pupil of the Pavlovsky Cadet Corps, Alexander Ivanov, about his identification with the Executive Police Department, and immediately about his dismissal from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 370. The case under the decree of the Government Senate, about the extraordinary death rate among the prisoners of the Belsk prison of Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 371. The case of the report of the Ryazan civilian governor on the order of transferring criminals to the Military Department who are being sent to the military service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 372. The case on the presentation of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the release of persons under the supervision of the police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 372. The case on the presentation of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the release of persons under the supervision of the police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 373. The case against the Governor of the Military Ministry with the explanation of the highest established confirmation of the nobleman Karl Gvinchevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 374. The case of a report from the Vyatka governor on the deportation under the supervision of the police of the landowner Lubansky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 375. The case against the Astrakhan military governor about the titular adviser Evreinov, supervised by the police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 376. The case for the report of the incumbent Perm civilian governor, about the captain of Zapolsky who was deported under police supervision
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 377. The case against the Governor of the War Ministry about the coverage of the prison cells all night
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 378. The case on the proposal of the Saratov governor, on the establishment of a temporary prison facility in the city of Nikolaevsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 379. The case under the instruction of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the formation of the prisoner's mouths of the Civil Office in the city of Ufa
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 38. The case at the request of the nobleman of the Grodno province, Yaroslav Andrzeikovitch, about his identification with the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal on vacation in the Grodno province and on the postponement of his leave
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 380. The case on the orders of the Minister of the Interior, on the formation of a prisoner company in the city of Vladimir
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 381. The matter concerns the attitude of the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Kazan Governor on the formation of a prisoner company in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 382. The matter concerns the State Secretary Mordvinov with the announcement of the highest command, the expulsion from the capital, under the supervision of the police in the Vologda province, the college registrar Barhattsov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 383. The case against the Minister of War on the establishment of supervision over the retired from the service cornet Bogdanov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 384. The case towards the Minister of Internal Affairs regarding the formation of the Arrest Mouth in the cities of Stavropol and Tiflis
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 385. The case was on the report of the Vyatka civil governor, about the police sent to Vyatka, the colleague's secretary, Vernikovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 386. The case against the Minister of Internal Affairs on the formation of the Arrest Company in the city of Minsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 387. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general about the deportation of Lieutenant-Colonel Vitovtov to Dorpat under supervision
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 388. The case of faces under the supervision of the police for the May third of 1836
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 389. The case against the Economic Department on the formation of prisoners' mouths in the city of Simbirsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 39. The case at the request of a real student from the nobles Alexander Derzhansky-Dekhterev on the definition of him in the Department of Police Executive, there and then and on his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 390. The case on the report of the Penza Governor, about the formation of the Arrest Company in the city of Penza
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 391. Case in relation to the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions, about the supervision expelled to Vyatka: Miller, Puchkovsky, Mogilers, Frankivsk and Ivanovo
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 392. The case on the proposal of the Kursk civil governor about the expressed desire of the provincial secretary Kolobukhin to follow to Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 393. The matter concerns the military minister about deportation from the Kingdom of Polish officers and class officials who are dismissed from service for bad behavior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 394. Business in relation to the Arkhangelsk Military Governor, about the device in Arkhangelsk of the Arrest
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 395. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff, about the determination for service, consisting in Vyatka under the supervision of the police, the outward adviser Shapolinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 396. The case on the proposal of the correcting post of the Tauride Governor, on the under supervision of retired Colonel Notare
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 397. The case against the Orenburg military governor, the collegiate secretary of Susin. There and then about the official of 10th class Zane
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 398. The case in relation to Count Vorontsov on the arrangement of the prisoner's half-year in Taganrog
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 399. Case on the presentation of the Chernihiv civilian governor, on the formation of the Arrest Company in the city of Chernigov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 4. The case on the petition of the provincial secretary Maximov about his determination to the Police Department executive, immediately on his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 40. The case, at the request of Arnold's 9th class, about his identification with the Police Department as an executive accountant, immediately and about his dismissal on leave in the city of Friedrichsgam, immediately and about his dismissal from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 400. The case was on the report of the Olonets governor, about the identification of him in the office, the service sent to Petrozavodsk by the provincial secretary Romanovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 401. The case against the military minister about the state criminal Ignacy Bile
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 402. Case on the reporting of the Tula military and civilian governors on the device of the Arrest Company in the city of Tula
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 403. The case against Count Benckendorff about the deportation to the police of the former publisher of the journal Telescope Nadezhdin in Vologda Province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 404. The matter in relation to Count Benckendorff about allowing Prince Paul Golitsyn to go to Moscow to use himself
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 405. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff about the removal to the Kazan gubernia under the supervision of local authorities of an official of the 10th class of Lorentzen
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 406. The case against the Minister of Justice regarding the assignment of the decrees of the provincial road commissions to the review of prosecutors
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 407. The case in relation to the Count of Tolen on the notice of the coastal owners on the River Izhora, so they are projects to buildings, on this river supposed, were pre-in the Department of Railways
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 408. The case in relation to the Count Tolera on the redemption of the upcoming loan for the production of works on the length of Dinaburg and Nizhny Novgorod highway through the province: St. Petersburg, Pskov and Vitebsk, from the auxiliary capital and the Zemskoy collection of each of these gu
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 409. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the remuneration of Senator Stavitsky for the Mitava Post Office selected in the treasury
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 41. The case on the petition of the clerk Mudrevich about his appointment to the service of the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 410. The case in relation to the chief direction of communication about the transfer of materials from the abolished Phanagorian fortress to the Kerch-Yenikal mayor for use in the construction of the bridge at the Taman pier
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 411. The case of relations between the Siberian Governor-General and the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod on the authorization to charge the deans and priests of the Siberian region with travels for business purposes philistine carts without payment of runs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 412. The case in relation to Count Benckendorff about the establishment of the company for the construction of highways and the contents of the mail chase in the Moscow and other provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 413. The matter concerns the attitude of the Minister of Finance on whether it is necessary to allow the former coachmen to accept new bids for the maintenance of postal and zemsky horses in the Tambov Gubernia for pledges that serve as collateral for contracts that have not yet terminated. Here and about the auction
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 414. The case in respect of the Riga military governor about the rise of the gates of the Estland province on the route from Revel to St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 415. The case, according to the highest command, announced by the Minister of War, regarding the additional provision of provisions and the leave of straw for troops used for government work
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 416. The matter is in relation to the main direction of communication about the failure to submit early applications for compensation for damages that can be caused by actual production of road works
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 417. The case in respect of the Riga military governor about the release of the peasants of Kalkunen manors Landmarshal Klopman from the obligation to cobble the Kovenskoye highway with trees
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 419. The case on the petition of retired staff captains Zagryazhsky and Shcherbachev about the permission to establish between capitals stagecoaches
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 42. The case on the petition of clerk Komarov about his determination to the Police Department of the executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 420. The case, after the submission of the Kazan military governor, whether it is necessary to prepare in advance estimates of amendments to minor damages in postal houses before compiling an estimate of zemstvo duties in the province, and who is obliged to testify such amendments
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 421. The case on the presentation of the Vyatka civilian governor about the resolution, under which villages should be supplied with the names of the village or village
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 422. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the duties of Smolensk drivers in relation to zemstvo natural duties
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 423. The case against the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general about the installation of a grenade charge against the village of Gura-Bikului in Bessarabia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 424. The case against the Commissariat Department of the War Ministry on the urgent delivery of information to this department of the import industry
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 426. Дело по высочайшему повелению, сообщенному главноначальствующим над Почтовым департаментом, о сокращении расстояния между некоторыми станциями по направлению от Симбирска к Пензе
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 427. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia on the admission of members of district courts, sent for the selection of confirmatory interrogations, to have rides on philistine carts
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 428. The case on the highest command for seeking measures against the disorderly follow-up of road transport
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 43. Case at the request of the candidate of the St. Petersburg University Vasily Golenishchev-Kutuzov on his appointment to the police department of the executive, immediately and on his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 430. The case against the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general about the approval of the order made for the arrangement of the verst columns in the Bessarabian region to the account of the money remaining from the proposed alteration and construction of bridges
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 431. The case on the proposal of the Poltava civil governor about the presence in the road commissions, together with other members of the officials from the guardians' offices over the Cossacks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 432. The case of the affairs of the 3rd table of the 3rd branch of the Executive Police Department, which attracted the attention of His Majesty at the highest review on January 9, 1836, of the Departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 433. The case for the submission by the Minister of Finance of the Vyatka State Treasury's proposal on how to read out the quarterly receipts for incomplete recruiting sites when they are transferred to full parcels
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 434. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the release of the drivers of the Chudovo pit from the recruit service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 435. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the vacation of money for heating and coverage of recruit presences, as well as to the premises of these presences where there are no stateless, nor public buildings
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 436. The case against the Vilensk, Grodno, Bialystok and Minsk military governor-general about the dissemination of the 15th article of the "Supplementary Articles" to the recruitment charter for all those families in which, after the lawful division, there are only two employees
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 437. The case, according to the highest command, announced by the Minister of War, about the modification of certain military tracts along the Kherson and Ekaterinoslav provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 438. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia on heating and lighting at the expense of the zemstvo collection of buildings occupied by the Irkutsk commission commissariat commission
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 439. The case in relation to State Secretary Taneyev on the highest order to demand information from the Vitebsk civil governor why the inhabitants of the city of Dinaburg are serving a stay in kind and what teams are located there
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 44. The case on the application of Nikolai Veselovsky on his appointment to the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 440. The case against the Moscow military governor-general about allowing landlords, whose estates are laid down in credit institutions, to give recruits bad behavior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 441. The case for the submission of the Kherson Treasury Chamber, submitted by the Minister of Finance, regarding the administration of recruitment services by the Odessa petty bourgeois who are privileged
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 442. The case, according to the highest order issued by the Minister of War, about the announcement of Major General Sukovkin's monarch favor for the successful end of the recruitment campaign
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 443. The case in relation to the office of the Police Department of the executive with the transmitting a list from the journal of the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the introduction of regular books in the apartment commissions in the Mogilev province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 444. The case, according to the submission of the Permian provincial prosecutor to the Perm district prosecutor's office about the resolution of the misunderstanding encountered by the Perm recruiting presence: can two brothers in hiring for other families be recruited into one recruitment
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 445. The case against the commander of the Separate Corps of Internal Guard concerning the delivery by the city, rural and rural police of information on the number of cantonists residing in cities and counties who are satisfied with provisions from the authorities of the internal state
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 446. The case in relation to the military minister on the adoption of the amount of the Zemsky collection of the Nizhny Novgorod province of lighting and repairing content located in the Nizhny Novgorod building of the Kremlin building occupied by two stroke rotes of the 4th carabinier shelf
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 447. The case according to the Military Minister of the Highest Personal Statement of the Military Court of Five Peasants of the Moscow province, engaged in the purchase by Jews and managers from different landowners of freestrokers for fake vacation for returns to
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 448. The case on the proposal of the Pskov provincial leader of the nobility to relieve the inhabitants of the Pskov province of underwater service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 449. The case on the proposal of the Kherson civil governor on his release from all over the city of Odessa, reports on the lower ranks, dismissed in indefinite leave
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 45. The case on the application of 14th grade Ewald Meissner about his appointment to the service of the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 450. The case on the recommendation of the correcting post of the Perm civil governor on the resolution: should he, by the title of the vice-governor, approve worldly sentences about the return of peasants for dissolute behavior in military service, and, as unfit, for exile in Si
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 451. The case on the proposal of the Grodno civilian governor correcting the post on allowing the Polish captive, the Lieutenant Janu Eismont, who is staying in the Vladimir province, to move to the city of Tobolsk
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 452. The case, according to the submission of the Tambov Chamber of Treasury on the connection of the landowners' peasants belonging to brothers and sisters, reported to the Minister of Finance, in one section for the purpose of sending conscription duty
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 453. The case is in relation to the 1st department of the Executive Police Department with the transcript of the extract from the journal of the Committee of Ministers on the relief of housing obligations in the city of Stavropol and about the dismissal of the petty burghers of the Caucasus region from recruitment
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 454. The case on the presentation of the Kaluga civilian governor about permission to take into the recruits of people below 2 Arshin 4 vershkov and about the returns of recruitment from recruitment to the arstant companies
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 455. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about persons hiring from one family, not on the waiting list, for someone else's family
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 456. The case of the transferred to the Minister of Finance Representation of the Poltava Civil Governor, which is requested: who should provide consideration by the correct appointment of queues of the Malorossiysk Cossacks upon admission to military service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 457. The case on the proposal of the Tula civilian governor about the desire expressed by the Efrem nobility to express his gratitude to his headquarters and chief officers of the Kazan Jäger Regiment for his calmness in the city of Efremov, and his friendly attitude
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 458. The case in relation to the Governor of Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev province about difficulties in the discharge of pasture places in the Smolensk province for artillery horses
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 459. The case, according to the commander of the Military Ministry, issued the highest order to declare the monarch favored the Kazan merchants for donating 9,000 rubles and food to the account of the unrestricted lower military ranks in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 46. The case towards the Count Stroganova on the dismissal of the Bacurin College Secretary from the executive police department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 460. The case, according to the highest order announced by the Governor of the Military Ministry to declare monarch favor for food for Betkevich over the food of improved parties, the recruit of the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 461. The case on the proposal of the correcting post of Vladimir Civil Governor on whether to assign apartments to the lower military ranks taken for petitioning alms
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 462. The case on the proposal of the Tavrichesky provincial government on whether, when compiling thousands of recruiting sites, they should be taxed equally with others and Mohammedans, who are classed with Dukhobor families
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 463. The case on the highest military command announced by the military minister about the withdrawal of the philistine apartment of the Muslims in Kazan to Mulla Faktumu Abuzyarov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 464. The case on the decree of the Governing Senate on the production in 1836 in common from the entire state of the recruit
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 465. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia on the addition of the recovery of money from the Barnaul merchant and philistine society 1.704 rubles 73 kopecks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 466. The case against the St. Petersburg military governor-general concerning the relief of the Pargolovo peasants in a conscientious service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 467. The case against the Riga, Lifland and Kurland Governor-General regarding the removal of apartments to the widows of military officials six weeks after the death of their husbands
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 468. The case, transmitted by the chancellery of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the petition of the elders of the Old Believers' Society of Zhytomyr for permission to send them recruitment separately from the Greco-Russian society
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 469. The case against the governor of the Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces to allow residents of Vitebsk to send underwater duties through cash folds
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 47. The case of the name of the four columns of the Police Department of the executive senior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 470. The case, according to the highest order issued by the Minister of War to leave the soldier's son Polyakov in the civil department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 471. The case on presentation of the incumbent Perm Civil Governor regarding the reckoning of recruits who did not arrive during the recruitment
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 472. Case in relation to the military minister regarding the transition of recruit parties by police officials
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 473. The case on the proposal of the Pskov civilian governor about whether to release from the military residence of chamberlains, chamber-junkers and other court officials
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 474. The case under the decree of the Governmental Senate concerning the issue of reference prices to the troops, not average in counties, but general, approved by the provincial presence
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 475. The case, according to the highest order issued by the Minister of War, about the proclamation to the Governor-General of Vilna, Grodno, Białystok and Minsk, Prince Dolgorukov, and to the Vilnius provincial leader of the nobility, the Toad of the Most Gracious His Majesty,
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 476. The matter in relation to the Minister of War concerning the production of payments for military service to residents of Brest-Lithuanian forstates
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 477. The case against the Minister of Finance on the credit of persons who entered the recruitment for concealment, in the service of their families
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 478. The matter concerns the military minister about whether in some families, or especially consider single-peasant farmers with their assistants in the administration of recruit service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 479. The case on the presentation of the Ryazan civilian governor on the meritorious deed of the peasant Mary Nikiforova, who informed the authorities about the escape from the military service of her son, Ivan Novikov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 48. The case, at the request of the titular adviser Deinek, about his identification with the Executive Police Department, immediately and about his dismissal from the department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 480. The case on the submission of the Voronezh civilian governor about the increase of the amount for satisfaction of various military needs
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 481. The case on the highest military command announced by the military minister on the establishment in Minsk of a commission for erecting hospital buildings
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 482. The case under the decree of the Government Senate about the complaint of staff-captain Obolonsky about the wrong disposal of the Chernigov provincial government in recovering money from him, donated by the nobility to military schools and withheld by his father
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 483. Case on the request of the owner of Dubno, Privy Councilor, Prince Joseph Lubomirsky, concerning the relief of the inhabitants of Dubno on the departure of the military
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 484. The case, according to the highest military order announced by the Minister of War, about the appointment of a flat with heating and lighting, dismissed from the service of Major Spindler
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 485. The matter concerns the Minister of Finance's attitude to be represented in the recruit's presence for examination of ordinary people recognized by the societies of the Western peasants as incapable of military service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 486. The case for the submission of the Ryazan Treasury Chamber about the issuance of passports to state peasants, although not the next, but close to the queue
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 487. The case was reported by the St. Petersburg military governor-general, Dr. Flori's proposal for a thorough medical examination of the eyes of the recruits
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 488. The case on the proposal of the Vyatka civil governor about the commendable act of the peasant son Stepan Voroszov, who voluntarily entered into recruits for his father
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 489. The case, according to the highest command declared by the Minister of War, that the nobles of Vitebsk province 11, Mogilev 5 and Smolensk 1 st uyezd, according to their desire, have one boarder in the Polotsk cadet corps
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 49. The case of determining the police department of the executive office of Josepha Mozhevskogo, immediately about dismissing him from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 490. The case on the presentation of the incumbent Perm civil governor about where exactly to pay the money collected from the perpetrators, spent on presenting recruits to inconsequential people
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 491. The case against the Minister of Justice tangential reception in the recruitment of people who have an expansion of the umbilical ring
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 492. The case against the Minister of the Imperial Court, with the transmission of a copy from the highest decree given to the Government Senate, about the transfer to the state department of the peasants of 18 provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 493. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance for the entry of military exkuction in the execution of executions, persistent in the non-payment of
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 494. The case is on the report of the Vyatka civil governor on the orders of him and the provincial government on the subject of collection of taxes and arrears that fall on the responsibility of members of the city and zemsky police and other places of presence
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 495. The case against the commander of the internal guard corps department about the sequestration of the estate of Lieutenant Colonel Matskevich and recovery from it into the treasury 24.481 rubles 66 kopecks
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 496. The case against the governor of Vilna, Grodno, Białystok and Minsk governor-general on the subject of the recruitment of Jews into recruits for tax arrears, which are registered in their society, and about Jews as culprits
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 497. The case on the proposal of the Ryazan civilian governor correcting the post on permission to use state and landlord peasants to build a highway for earning taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 498. The case on the report of the Vitebsk Civil Governor on the tenders made for the return to the city of Vitebsk of the Jewish box collection
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 499. The case, at the request of the outward counselor Neusndal, about the amount sought by post commissar Mevess at the Livonian nobility, from which the part must follow Neusndahl
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 5. Case on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior on the rules for the adoption of pledges
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 50. The case of the journal of the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the riots on the city police and zemstvo courts in the Kharkov province and about the shortage of clerical ministers in the Tomsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 500. The case, on the proposal of the Moscow Civil Governor requesting permission, in what form must his Imperial Majesty be presented with a statement on the costs of the zemstvo duties for the period that has elapsed and on what else
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 501. The case against the St. Petersburg provincial marshal of the nobility on the assumption of him about the collection of zemstvo duties from the amount of unsettled immovable estates that bring income to their owners
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 502. The case in relation to the Kiev military governor, Podolsky and Volyn Governor, about the use of military execution in him in entrusted to him for the recovery of filters and arrears in various sectors of state fees
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 503. The case on the proposal of the Livland civilian governor about the assumption of him about the most successful receipt in the treasury of taxes and arrears for the province there, and also about the testimony of them in the statements presented to the emperor by the emperor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 504. The matter concerns the Minister of Finance regarding remarks made by the State Council when considering the estimate of zemstvo duties of the Vilnius Province from July 1, 1836 to January 1, 1840
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 505. The case in relation to the chief executive in Georgia on the assumption of him about tax arrears, consisting of residents of the Transcaucasian region, subjected to a plague infection
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 506. The case in relation to the 2nd branch of the Department of the Executive Police with the forwarding of the case on the highest order, which followed the request of the wife of retired Major Mordvinov regarding the recovery from her husband of her subsequent money and other things
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 507. The case against Vice-Chancellor Count Nesselrode about the residents of the border Persian possessions, passing on the basis of the Turkmanchay Treaty of residence in Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 508. The case in relation to the Count Nesselrod about the remuneration of Dadassovich and his comrade of his pharmacist for the losses incurred by them on the occasion of the arrest of the first in the Chernihiv province, purchasing leeches there
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 509. The case against the Medical Department for the delivery of the conclusion of the Department of Police Executive, whether it is possible to consider the collection from the Crimean Tatars along with the city incomes and other things
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 51. The case against the Moscow military governor-general about the deputation of the deanery of an interpreter to the Moscow Administration
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 510. The matter concerns the attitude of the Minister of Finance on the delivery of an opinion on the shortage of the zemstvo collection, which is registered on peasants who were resettled in Siberia from the Russian provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 511. The case, by decree of the Governing Senate, with the preferably of the Highestly established estimated estimates on the Zemkoy Mantles for three years since 1837
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 512. The case against the civilian general-staff-doctor about the delivery of the opinion of the Executive Police Department concerning the establishment of a pharmacy in Petrozavodsk and other matters
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 513. The case on the proposal of the Tavrichesky leader of the nobility about the failure of the provincial authorities to report on the expenditure of the sums of the zemstvo collection in the past two trienniums
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 514. The case in relation to Adjutant-General Kiselyov concerning the establishment in Kursk of a commission to disclose the correctness of arrears exacted from state-owned villagers and other things
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 515. The case of the relation of the Minister of Finance, transmitted from the Economic Department, about the delivery of an opinion of 8.5 kopecks 25 kopecks, incorrectly spent by the kagal city of Vitebsk from box fees
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 516. The case against the Warsaw military governor with the transmission of a request from a certain Shnebelli about the spiritual testament of General Klichka
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 517. The case on the report of the Kharkov Civil Governor on the death of the foreigner Gaussman and about the property left after it
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 518. The case on the proposal of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor on the resolution of it, so that those cases on the chancellery of his search for various persons are considered finished, for which he received full information from his subordinate places, except for St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 519. The case towards the Count Nesselrod about delivered to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of certificates of born in Russia and the marriage of French subjects
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 52. Case in relation to Count Levashova about the state for the office of Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkiv Governor-General
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 520. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the release of the landowner Kosobudsky from the performance of duties under the contract for the work on the Kovenskoye highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 521. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the satisfaction of the peasant Mameyev and coachman Agafon Bychkov for the correction of the Pskov road in Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 522. The case against the Minister of Finance about the imposition of the 1.444 rubles 40 kopecks imposed by the Saratov state treasury, which were released in 1828 from the zemstvo collection, on those guilty of wrong actions to rectify postal stations Shirokinskaya, Sokurskaya and others,
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 523. The case in relation to the Kiev Governor General about the termination of the case of improper use of governorates former Volyn civilian governor Gizitsky and Vice-Governor Lubomirsky
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 524. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the petition of the former advisers of the Olonets provincial government to release them from recovery for some omissions in the case concerning the construction of 14 bridges in the Olonets province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 525. The case on the request of the State Councilor Skuderi on her release from the recovery of 1.150 rubles, needed to repair the post station in Krasnoye
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 526. Case in relation to the management of communication and public buildings about the fraud
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 527. The case against State Secretary Taneyev, following the highest order to continue from 1837 to 10 years of leave from the sum of the zemstvo collection of each province of the Free Economic Society at 1000 rubles a year for the spread of vaccination
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 528. The case in relation to the minister of finance to deliver a conclusion regarding the omissions that were discussed in the observation of reports of the Lifeland and Ezelian Landrart-Collegium for 1834 on the Zemkoy Mantles and Folding Money
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 529. The case in relation to the State Secretary of the Grand Duchy of Finland on the establishment of stagecoach between the cities of St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Helsingfors and Abo
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 53. Case for review by civilian governors entrusted to them
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 530. Дело по высочайшему повелению об учреждении почтовой станции в Подгорном Пулкове и содержании 134 лошадей на Царскосельской почтовой станции
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 531. The case on the highest command, reported by the Total Graph, on improving shipping on the Northern Don
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 532. The case is in relation to the 1st department of the Executive Police Department, with a transcript of the extract from the note received by the chief of the gendarmes, about navigation along Lake Baikal and communication between Irkutsk and Kyakhta
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 533. The case on the memorandum of the correcting post of the Novgorod Civil Governor on the renewal of the Volkhov road running from the village of Gruzino through the counties Novgorod, Krestetsky, Tikhvinsky and Borovitsky to the town of Borovichi
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 534. The case of the highest command about the placement of the station and the construction of postal houses on Dinaburg highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 535. The case against the chief superior of the Postal Department about the new supposed Count Vorontsov distribution of the postal routes of the Bessarabian region for the most convenient communication of the city of Chisinau with the Moldavian principality and the county towns of the region
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 536. The case on the proposal of the correcting post of Novgorod Civil Governor to allow merchants: Moscow's Novikov and Novgorod Solovyov to open the office of stagecoaches in Novgorod
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 537. The case on the proposal of the correcting post of the Novgorod Civil Governor on the allocation of funds for the construction of the highway in Novgorod along Sofia Street and Chudintsovskaya Street
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 538. Case on the proposal of the St. Petersburg military governor-general on the construction of hotels in the Gorovets village on the Dinaburgskoe highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 539. Case on the proposal of the Pskov governor on the construction of a station house with a hotel in the village of Katezhno on the Dinaburgskoye highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 54. The case of the journal of the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the installation of a fire department in the city of Pskov
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 540. The case of the landowner of the Koriov about the permission to contain in the estate of his crossing on the Dubyshe River and charge money passing through it
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 541. Case by the highest order, reported to the Chief of the Postal Department, about the introduction of uniform clothing for coachmen on the Dinaburgskoe highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 542. Дело по высочайшему повелению, объявленному статс-секретарем Танеевым, о разделении по Московсому шоссе тех станций, которые имеют расстояния более 26 верст
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 543. The case in relation to the compliant on the post office on the introduction of briquettes and samples, the highest approved
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 544. The case in relation to the mining ways of communication and public buildings on production in class ranks and distribution to the civil engineering service issued in 1836
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 545. The case in relation to the main control ways of communication and public buildings about the loan of the required amount for the device of the Taurochye highway
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 546. The matter concerns the Economic Department's decision to allow Staff-Captain Zagryazhsky to make some changes in the contents of the sidies and increase the fee for places
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 548. The case in relation to the compliant over the Postal Department of Changes in the Duc
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 549. The case in relation to the compliant over the post office on the construction of a postal hotel
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 55. The case on the proposal of the Minsk Civil Governor on the purchase of fire-fighting tools for the city of Minsk and on the arrangement of the Minsk fire brigade
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 550. The case on the highest command, the reported managing military ministry, on holding the provincial highway from the city to the city in the direction of the kingdom of Polish to Grodno and north to Dinaburg through Svetzian and Heriers
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 551. Дело по отношению управляющего путей сообщения и публичных зданий о производстве в классные чины и распределении на службу гражданских инженеров, выпущенных в 1836 году
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 552. Case on the report of the Mogilev Governor's Governor's correction in the town of Gomel Floating Bridge
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 553. The case of the identification, dismissal and transfer of officers of the Department of the Executive for 1836
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 554. The case against the Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs with the transmitting an extract from the Ministerial Committee magazine on the traffic police movement
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 556. The case in relation to the Economic Department of supplying the city of Pyatigorsk with exemplary facades
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 557. The case on the preparation of estimates and expenses for 1838 in the department of the executive police with the places subordinate to him
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 558. The case against the Minister of Finance on the subject of the disagreement of the Kronstadt military governor on the return to the state income at the office of his sums from regular and extraordinary expenses for 1836
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 559. The case of the Office of the Police Department of the executive on taking measures to protect the treasury from losses and reduce the value of the deposited in charge of estimates
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 56. The case against the Governor-General of Vitebsk, Mogilev and Smolensk about the establishment of another branch at the Chancellery
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 560. The case of reporting the noble leaders and deputy assemblies
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 561. Meeting of circular regulations
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 562. The case at the suggestion of the Minister of Internal Affairs with the presence of the highest established rules and reporting forms in the amount of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 563. The case of harassment of the Livonian governorate, so that the reporting rules, supremely approved on May 25, 1836, were put into effect in the Province of Livonia since 1838
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 564. The case of permission regarding the testimony of the books of the Office of the Riga Military, Liflyandsky, Estland and Courlya Governor-General
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 565. The case of establishing an executive counting office under the Police Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 566. The case of the accession of the collegiate adviser Berman to the post of the head of the enumeration department of the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 567. The case on the proposal of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the appointment of the State Councilor of Orzhevsky as the ruler of the affairs of the committee on the imposition of the Charter of Zemstvo duties; and orders on this subject
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 568. The case against the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general about changing the postal routes from Mariupol through Taganrog to Rostov and from Taganrog to Bakhmut
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 569. The case of the executive police department who left the department of the Department of Police, in debt of money issued by them on receipts to the scope of a salary
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 57. The case on the report of the incumbent Perm civil governor on the replacement of office clerks with cantonists for lack of officials
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 570. The case of gifts granted by Kamchatka Tyons and elders and the awarding of the Chukchi Tyon Jatargin for assisting the Chukchi to the citizens of the empire caftan made of red cloth with a glee and a saber with a brilliant decoration
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 571. The case of awarding Thai Pavel Batarov and Honokhodor's Schulengi's god of the Kosomov of the Alatvsky Office of the Foreigns (Buryat) of the Irkutsk district for the distribution of barking, Christianity and so on
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 572. The case of awarding the Tyshinsky assistant of the Alatsky department of foreigners (Buryat) of the Irkutsk district of Khrugan Ubugunova
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 573. The case of awarding the Ober-officer's rank of Thai Zananga Hamakov for breeding in the Tunkinsky branch of the burial
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 58. The case on the report of the Orel civil governor on the destruction of some cases from the provincial archive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 59. The matter in relation to the Minister of the Imperial Court on the election of rural assessors from the specific peasants of the Simbirsk Gubernia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 6. The case under the orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Director of the Police Department of the Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 60. The case under the decree of the Governmental Senate on various disorders in Simbirsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 62. The case in relation to Count Vorontsov on the establishment of disabled teams in the cities of Bobrinse and Ananya
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 63. The case in relation to Count Vorontsov on hiring for the Orzhevsky and Soroksky Zemsky vessels of the Kalarashi of foot soldiers
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 64. The case in relation to State Secretary Taneyev with the transmission, by the highest order, of a note by the Kazan military governor about the appointment to Kazan of the temporary chairman of the provincial government
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 65. The case against Count Vasilchikov about the subordination of the cities of Pochinki and Belovodsk to the city authorities
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 66. The case in relation to the management of the Committee of Ministers with the transmitting an extract from the magazine of this Committee, held by the report on the head of entrusted to him submitted by the Caucasus Region
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 67. The case against the Minister of Finance on the removal of the assessor of the Zemsky court titular adviser Stankevich
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 68. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the staff of the 3rd police and the 2nd fire department in Tsarskoe Selo
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 69. The case in relation to the 2nd branch of the department of the police executive with the transmitting the relationship between the Moscow military general governor's state for Moscow prison hospitals
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 7. The case, at the request of the titular counselor Tokarev, about his identification as an official of special assignments, immediately on his dismissal on leave and on his secondment to the Kursk governor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 70. The case in relation to the Vilen Military Governor of Prince Dolgorukova on the division of some counties of the Vilen province and about the city of Troops
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 71. The case against the Minister of Finance about the purges of officials passing through the Caucasus region to Georgia
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 72. The case in relation to the State Secretary Taneyev and Vilensky Governor-General Prince Dolgorukov on the abolition of the city of Vidzee and the transfer of this city to the town of Yezerosi with the name Novoaleksandriv
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 73. The case in relation to the economic department on pupils of orders of public charity, which can be commissioned in remote provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 74. The case against Prince Dolgorukov on the increase in the Rossiensky Zemsky court clerical ministers
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 75. The matter concerns the Minister of Finance regarding the non-appointment of diurnal money to some officials
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 76. Case on the presentation of the Tver Civil Governor on the Definition of Rzhev to Help in Governing Two Quarter Warders
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 77. The case is based on a note by the director of the Chancellery of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the office of the Orenburg military governor
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 78. The case against the Economic Department on the assumption of the landowner Kossova on the establishment of a military commission to improve the welfare of the villagers
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 79. The case against Count Benckendorff about the transfer of the city of Zhytomyr to another place
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 8. The case at the request of the 10th grade Makarov on his appointment to the service of the Executive Police Department, immediately and on his dismissal on leave in Novgorod province, and on recovering money from him, and on dismissal from the Police Department of the executive
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 80. The case of reporting the Arkhangelsk military governor about the Finnish and Norwegian Lapars living in the Kola district
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 81. The case in relation to the chief superior in Moscow, Count Tolstoy on an increase of 10 thousand rubles for salaries to officials of the deanery authorities. Immediately, and about the reorganization of the Moscow Board of Deanery and the salary of the Chief Police Officer
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 82. The case against the Governor of the Military Ministry on the establishment of invalid teams in the cities of Orel and Soroca
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 83. The case against the Governor of the Military Ministry on the inclusion in the estimate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the content for military ranks holding civil positions
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 84. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the border between the Estland and Courland provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 85. The case on the proposal of the Tver civilian governor concerning reprimands made to officials for omissions
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 86. The case on the proposal of the Vyatka civil governor about the presence at the bidding in the Treasury Chamber of the incoming civilian governor during his review of the province
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 87. The case on the note of the Adjutant-General of the Yablockov on the establishment in the Mogilev provincial rule of the temporary department to solve old cases
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 88. The matter concerns the Minister of Finance regarding the content of the defendants who come back to the service
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 89. The case on presentation of the Taganrog Mayor on the strengthening of the amount for the maintenance of his office
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 9. The case of determining the nobleman Overshetkov in the Department of Police Executive.Immediately about dismissing it from the Department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 90. The case against Baron Palen on the appointment of salaries to the guard of the Riga Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 91. The case against the Office of the Police Department of the Executive On Furnivation of the Yakutsk region and the Kirensky district
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 92. The case in relation to the Economic Department on the increase in akkermanskoy police private bailiff for the police department in the village of Toulouse
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 93. The case against the Vilensky military governor on the determination in rural courts of rural assessors from the government
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 94. The case in relation to the Economic Department of the payment for use in military hospitals of cantonists, consisting in the civil department
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 95. The case in relation to the Department of State Treasury on the amounts appointed by officials over the state, and the new staff of the Brest Police
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 96. The case in relation to the military minister to eliminate the Russian police from the influence of residents confiscated in the Podolsk and Kiev provinces of estates
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 97. The case on presentation of the Olonets civil governor in office on his release from the consideration of cases of buildings, made by members of the Olonets Construction Commission
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 98. The case against the Astrakhan military governor about the presence of the gof-broker in the sale of state-owned goods
РГИА. 1286 / 6 / 99. The case under the decree of the Government Senate on the determination in the place Berdichev special solicitor
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