The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance. Fund The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance. The...

Foundation RGIA F 577
The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance 1861-1895
Identifier 8ef30ad5-ff5c-4840-a721-74c62a200f95
Text Language rus
Dates 1861-1895
Volume 89587 Units
Organization 52 Inventory
Level Foundation

It was founded on October 27, 1861, during the implementation of the peasant reform for the management of the exodus Noah operation on the Status of the repurchase of 19021861 g to 02081862 g Held in St. Petersburg preserved treasury, then at the Ministry of Finance under the control of public credit by the Council in the composition of the Main Redemption Institution includes representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two deputies from the nobility Main Redemption Institution has issued the authorization to issue loans on the considered and approved in peasant institutions with the participation of representatives of the financial administration of redemption transactions, disposed of procurement state five-percent bank notes and certificates and their delivery to provincial redemption institutions (before 01011884) For state-owned five-percent banknotes, it held circulation with issuing capital on tickets issued in circulation (before 01011884) Annually (until 15011885, since 1865 jointly with the Council of Peasant Institutions ) The main redemption institution compiled a report on the redemption operation The main redemption institution permitted difficulties arising from the application of the Regulation on redemption of 19021861 and presented through the Special Office for Credits itnoy part to the Minister those whose resolution exceeds the competence of the institution (with 22,011,882 Chairman of the Main Redemption Institution directly reported to the Minister in order to reduce the census and the acceleration of the reform) Since 1868 the case to monitor the receipt of redemption payments, in particular the case for General Affairs transfer of peasants for redemption and drawing up of reports on redemption payments were transferred to the Department of overhead fees. The main redemption institution considered new projects and proposals for the conduct iju redemption operation; from 22011882 grams of the Special Office of the credit of the transferred proceedings for additions, changes and explaining the rules of the Regulation on the redemption, on drawing up guidelines Exchequer From 01011884 g in his charge were consideration and approval of buyout transactions and acts in a part of the Main Redemption Institution operated departments ( I-VIII, X, Office of General Affairs), Office and Accounting)It was abolished from 0107 1895 with the transfer of functions to the Department of Fixed Assets. The fund includes the cases of redemption of land allotments for temporary liable peasants: Astrakhan Bay (op 1), Bessarabia Bay (op 2), Vilna Bay (op 3), Vitebsk lip (op 4), Vladimir lip (op 5), Vologda lip (op 6), Volynskaya lip (op 7), Voronezh lip (op 8), Vyatka lip (op 9), Grodno lip 10), the Ekaterinoslavskaya Bay (op 11), the Kazan Bay (op 12), the Kaluga Bay (op 13), the Kiev Bay (op 14), the Kovno Gub (op 15), the Kostroma Bay (op 16) 17), the Minsk region (op 18), the Mogilev lip (op 19), the Moscow gub (op 20), the Nizhny Novgorod gub (op 21), the Novgorod gub (op 22), the Donskoy region (op 23), the Olonets lip (op 24), the Orenburg gulf 25), the Oryol lip (op 26), the Penza lip (op 27), the Permian lip (op 28), the Podolskaya lip (op 29), the Poltava lip (op 30), the Pskov lip (op 31), the Ryazan lip (op 32 ), The Samara lip (op 33), the Saratov lip (op 34), the St. Petersburg lip (op 35), the Simbirsk lip (op 36), the Smolensk lip (op 37), the Stavropol lip (op 38), the Taurida lip (op 39) , Tambov Bay (op 40), Tver Bay (op 41), Tiflis Bay (op 42), Tula Bay 43), the Ufa Bay (op 44), the Kharkov Bay (op 45), the Kherson Gulf (op 46), the Chernigov Bay (op 47), the Yaroslavl Gulf (op 48), the same, the Terek Bay (op 49) ; Correspondence of the chairman of the Main buy-out institution MK Zeymern with private persons about redemption operations - materials of the Chancery; cases of extradition of redemption loans - materials of I VIII, X branches; on redemption transactions, on the retention of money for the payment of private debts - materials of the General Affairs Department Cases on bookkeeping Statutory instruments Lists of redemption transactions For the years 1861-1895 (op 50) Cases of service; demanding statements (op 51). Magazines of meetings of the main redemption institution; statements on permitted redemption transactions; personal accounts of receipt of redemption payments; accounting calculations for redemption transactions; affairs about the landlord structure of peasants; detailed statements on the turnover of loans for redemption operations (by gubernias); registration system (op 52)

Funding agent Russia Ministry of Finance
Organization-writer of the record RGIA
Storage Digest RGIA 577
Note Also used materials of the site "Russian State Historical Archive" (http: // fgurgiaru / startdo)
The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of the Pavlova VL of the village of Barabanov and the village of Gladka of the Kashirsky Uyezd, the village of Marygina of the Venevsky Uyezd of the Tula Province [Case]: March 2 - July 4, 1866 - 1866 -80 l; 36,5х26 cm - (Fund of the Ministry of Finance's main buy-out institution Inventory No. 43) -
Orig. Headline: Pavlov's VN caseTula province of the Kashirsky district of the village of Barabanov and the village of Gladkoy, the Venevsky district of the village of Marygina March 2, 1866 - July 4, 1866
I Russia Ministry of Finance The main redemption institution
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: РГИА Ф 577 Оп 43 Д 3386

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