Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. The case of the Odessa almshouse of the compassionate sister...

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Foundation RGIA F 768
The Imperial Philanthropic Society 1804-1918
Identifier bd07c863 -da40-46a9-b6da-9bc42002404a
Text Language rus
Dates 1804-1918
Volume 1884 Storage Units
Organization 3 Inventory
Level Foundation

Rescript of Emperor Alexander I May 16, 1802 in St. Petersburg was formed a charitable society On August 30, 1814, renamed to the Imperial Philanthropic Society, the First Chief Trustee of the Society, Prince AN Golitsyn, proposed the creation of a Council of the Society and developed a draft of its organization, which was supremely approved on July 16, 1816. The Council was subordinated to the Medical Philanthropic Committee (founded in 1802 d) and the Trustee of the Poor Committee (founded in 1805), and their chambers constituted one office of the Council. The Society engaged in the organization and provision of shelters, almshouses, educational, medical and other charitable institutions in St. Petersburg and the province in 1916, in charge of the Company was 278 formed at different times, charitable institutions, the maintenance of which is annually consumed more than 2 million rubles together with its subordinate entities The Company is a special department from 1824 to 1912, the main trustees of the Company is the metropolitans St. Petersburg; in 1913-1916 - dts, senator V I Markevich, since 1916 - member of the State Council, senator, dts P Kobylinsky By the decree of the Provisional Government on May 12, 1917 the Society was included in the Ministry of State Charity. The Foundation joined the EGAF in 1918, / p>

The fund includes: the highest edicts and rescripts; statutes, regulations and staffs of institutions subordinate to the Company; merchant fortresses and donations for property acquired by the Company and donated to him in 1804-1916 (Op 1) Reports of the Company, the Accounting Committee Committee and charitable and educational institutions; cases on the establishment of charitable and educational institutions, medical institutions, on the donation of property to the Company by different persons; materials on personnel; plans for the houses of 1816-1918 (Op 2)Magazines of meetings of the Society Council, the Medical Philanthropy Committee, the Estate Committee for the charity of the underage poor and the Economic and Technical Committee; reports of the society council, the Medical Philanthropic Committee and medical institutions; the most recent reports of the society council, cases concerning the activities of charitable and educational institutions, donations in their favor; Materials on the personnel of 1854-1913 (Op 3)

Fundholder The Philanthropic Society
Record creation organization RGIA
Storage number RGIA 768

The materials of the RGIA website are used: http: // wwwfgurgiaru / object / 27611885

RGIA (http: // wwwfgurgiaru / object / 27611885): The Humanistic Society

The case of the Odessa almshouse of the compassionate sisters [Case]: 1858 - 1858 -76 liters; 36.5x26 cm - (Fund of the Imperial Philanthropic Society Inventory No. 2)
I Russia Imperial Philanthropic Society
Source of electronic copy: PB
Source storage place: RGIA F 768 Op 2 D 170

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