РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 1. Certificates and notices of rewarding D.I. Ilovaysky and on his election as an honorary member of various societies and commissions |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 10. Letters of different persons and organizations to the editorial office of the newspaper Kremlin |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 100. A letter from Vasilii Osipovich Klyuchevsky, a professor at the Moscow University, D.I. Ilovayskiy with gratitude for the copy of the Ilovaisky book sent to him |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 101. Letters of Alexandra and George Kolonozhnikov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 102. Letter A. Karboner (without the beginning) D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 103. Letter I. Kornilov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 104. Letter D. Korsakova D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 105. Letter of N. Kornilov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 106. Letter from Mikhail Borisovich Krasnyansky (Rostov-on-Don) Ilovaysky on February 28, 1910 on the establishment of the Society for History, Antiquities and Nature under the Rostov City Museum and on the election of D.I. Ilovaysky his honorary member; with a request for expulsion |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 107. Letter to Yu. Krachkovsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 108. Letter Krasovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 109. Letter P. S. Kazan D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 11. Letters of different persons and organizations to the editorial office of the newspaper Kremlin |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 110. Letter G. Laskin D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 111. Letter of a priest N. Levitsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 112. Letter Lindeman D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 113. Letter of Ivan Lubensky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 114. Letter Lyzlov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 115. Letter of engineer D. Lyubavin D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 116. Letters from Ivan Martynov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 117. Letter of Vasily Markovich D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 118. Letter of Elena Markova D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 119. Letters D. Maslovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 12. Black notes by D. I. Ilovaysky on historical topics |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 120. Letters D. Maslovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 121. Letter M. Mayer D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 122. Letter to P. Melioransky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 123. Letter Melnikov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 124. Letter of Scheudurov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 125. Letter I. Mosolov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 126. Letter P. Mrokek-Drozdovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 127. Letters Muravyov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 128. Letters of I. Nekrasov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 129. Letter to E. Nefedova D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 13. Extracts from the journal of the Academic Committee of the Ministry of National Education of May 26, 1908 on the prohibition of publishing a book by D.I. Ilovaysky's "Brief essays of Russian history" with a letter of D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 130. Letter of N. Novikov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 131. Letters of Nikolai and Alexei Ovsyannikov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 132. Letter of Katerina Mikhailovna Ograva D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 133. Letter Oshmyantsev D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 134. Letters of E. Orlovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 135. Open Letter A. Pavinsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 136. Letter from Yakov Stepanovich Perepelkin, owner of the cork factory in the city of Ryazan, D.I. Ilovaysky, dated May 21, 1905, describing a new type of submarine that he invented |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 137. Letters of N. Polyakov, Moscow second guild of the merchant, D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 138. Letters to P. Ponomarev D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 139. Letter S. Popov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 14. Critical notes of Orlovsky about history textbooks written by D. I. Ilovaysky in 1892-1893. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 140. Letter Prokhorov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 141. Letter Rodopov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 142. Letters Remezov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 143. Letter of E. Rudolf D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 144. A letter from Ivan Prokopievich Savchenko, a peasant from the village of Solovevka of the Kiev province, a self-taught writer, D.I. Ilovaysky on November 6, 1908 with a congratulation on the 50th anniversary of his scientific work |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 145. Letter Sax D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 146. Letters gr.E. Saliasa de Tustemir D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 147. Letters of D. Ya. Samokvasov D. I. Ilovaysky with the application of the article by Samokvasov "Museum named after his Imperial Majesty Sovereign Heir to Tsesarevich" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 148. Letter I. Samchevsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 149. Letter Senkovsky D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 15. The article by Loganova, addressed by D.I. Ilovaysky, about their dispute over the identity of Falsdmitry I |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 150. Letter M.V. Solomatin D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 151. Letter of Mikhail Sokolov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 152. Letter of V. A. Fuchs D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 153. Letter of M. Stasyulevich D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 154. Letter of Strakun D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 155. Letter of Professor N. Sumtsov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 156. Letter of the barons of Taube D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 157. Letters M. Troitsky D. I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 158. Letter of Tutolmin D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 159. Letter Uvarov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 16. Copies of the schemes of content of works N.Ya. Novoberberskogo "The Word and the Case, the State" and "Essays on Improvement in Moscow Rus of the XVII Century" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 160. Letters of Countess Uvarova D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 161. Letter of Orest Ivanovich Fomin Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 162. Letter G. D. Filimonov, archaeologist, D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 163 а). Letters by N. Tsvetaeva D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 163 б). Letters of I.V. Tsvetaeva D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 164. Letters D.V. and I.V. Tsvetaev D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 165. Letter A. Shakhno D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 166. Letter Pavel Sheremetev D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 167. Letters S. N. Shubinsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 168. Letters I. Shulgina D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 169. Letter D. I. Evarnitsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 17. Speech of the Chairman of the Moscow Slavic Charitable Society IS. Aksakov about the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. and the signing of the San Stefano peace treaty, delivered at the general meeting of the members of the Society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 170. Letter from Vitaly Osipovich Einhorn, State Councilor, teacher of the 1st Moscow Gymnasium, D.I. Ilovaisky from March 2, 1901 on receipt from the Department of Public Education of a printed catalog of textbooks with a list of textbooks compiled by D.I. Ilova |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 171. Letters from Henrietta Vladimirovna (born Gorhover) and her husband Sidney Williams (D. and AA. Ilovayskiy about his return from Russia to England in connection with the outbreak of World War I, about his work on collecting donations for the Committee for the device |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 172. Letter P. Yurchenko D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 173. Letters with illegible signatures (including A. Bychkov) D. I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 174. Certificate issued by the Office of the 2nd section of the Arbat part of Moscow AA. Ilovayskaya, for obtaining a foreign passport |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 175. The statement of A. A. Ilovayskaya in the Central Committee for the appointment of her pensions, with the application of a copy of the review of the scientific works of D. Ilovasky professors Bakhrushin, Gauthier, Veselovsky and others |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 176. Draft letter AA. Ilovayskaya Sidney Williams and his wife Henriette Vladimirovna (born Gorhover) on October 13, 1916 with an expression of joy on the occasion of their arrival from England to Moscow; with the intention to see them and best regards |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 177. Letters AA. Ilovayskaya son Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky about his stay in Davos (Switzerland) with his daughter Nadezhda; with a proposal to come to them on vacation; with a request to make necessary economic purchases |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 178. Letter A.A. Ilovaiskaya children Olga, Nadezhda and Sergei Ilovaisky from August 25, 1897, with the order to leave and errands on the way from the estate of E.V. and M.P. Remezovy Remezovka Sapozhkovsky district of Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 179. Letters from AA Ilovaiskaya mother Maria Semenovna Kavraiskaya describing her journey on the steamship "Finland" on the route St. Petersburg - Abo - Stockholm - Christiania - Copenhagen |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 18. Protocol of the meeting of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities on the report of the Treasurer of the Society for 1878 and on the estimate for 1879. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 180. Letter A.A. Ilovaiskaya Vladimir Mitrofanovich [Alexandrov], senior non-commissioned officer of the Staro-Pimenovsk parish infirmary (Moscow), dated March 9, 1915, with gifts for the wounded for the Passover |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 181. Letters of Hope Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, daughter, to AA. Ilovayskaya with reports on the management of the house and the maintenance of the house in Moscow, on the cost of food and the payment of wages to the servants; about trips to the estate of Spasskoye in Zvenigorodsky district of Moscow province; with |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 182. Letters from Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, daughter, to AA. Ilovayskaya with household reports on the house in Moscow and the Spassky estate of Zvenigorodsky district of the Moscow province; about their studies, pastime, with information about relatives and friends (mention |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 183. Letters (children's) Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky, son, to AA. Ilovayskaya about her studies at the 7th Moscow Gymnasium, about trips to summer vacations in the estate of E.V. and M.P. Remezovye Sapozhkovsky district of the Ryazan province; about studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscoe |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 184. Aleksandrov’s letter to D.I. and A. A. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 185. A letter from Anatoly, a nun of the Novodevichy Convent (Varvara Aleksandrovna Ilovaiskaya, mother-in-law), to AA. Иловайской with gratitude for the letter and a photo of grandchildren |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 186. Letters from Peter Ivanovich Bartenev, editor of the "Russian Archive" (Moscow), AA. and D.I. Иловайским with gratitude for the sent photos |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 187. Letters from Henry Baur to AA. Ilovaiskaya about her stay in Arosa, Davos (Switzerland) and Nervi (Italy) and treatment for tuberculosis in Professor Penzold; with thanks for the letters and the photos sent; best regards |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 188. Letter A. Bezrodlinoy, housekeeper, to AA. Ilovaiskaya with a congratulation on the New Year and with the economic report on the Ilovaysky house in Moscow and the Spassky estate of the Zvenigorodsky district of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 189. A letter from Nadezhda Mikhailovna Berezovskaya (born Remezova) to A.A. Ilovayskaya from January 23, 1901 about the receipt of her letter from Davos (Switzerland) and about moving to a new apartment |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 19. Circular of the Council of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society on the internal unit of the Company for categories |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 190. Letter from the maid Barbara to AA. Ilovayskaya from May 18, 1914 with a request to leave her in the service |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 191. Open letter to O.K. Vengrovsky, a serviceman of the 1st company of the 107th Troitsky Infantry Regiment; Ilovaiskaya from April 28, 1915 with gratitude for the gift for the Easter holiday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 192. Letters from Petr Vasilievich Veselov, State Counselor, inspector of the 6th Moscow Gymnasium, to AA. Ilovayskaya on trips to rest in the estate Lull of the Ufa province; about employment by gardening, cultivation of cattle, a mowing, etc .; about health and study of son Dmitry |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 193. Letters from Alexandra Dmitrievna Weidenbaum (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovayskaya on her trip to St. Petersburg for the New Year holidays; on the health and study of children, Nina and Boris; about the death of her husband, the state councilor, architect A.G. Weidenbaum |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 194. Postcard E. Guevskaya (Vilna) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from January 1, 1914 with a congratulation on the New Year |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 195. Letters from Ekaterina Ivanovna Givartovskaya to AA. Ilovaiskaya personal character: about his health; about trips to rest in Crimea and on a summer residence (item Klyazminsky of the Moscow province); with information about relatives and friends (mentioned Givartovskie, Gorhover, Il |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 196. Letters from Petr Andreevich Giltebrandt, the actual state councilor, a member of the Imperial Archaeographic Commission, and his wife, Maria Maksimovna to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the sent publications D.I. Ilovaysky; congratulatory; with condolences |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 197. Letters from Vera Stepanovna Glinka-Yanchevskaya (Petrograd) to AA. Ilovayskaya on the distribution of the newspaper "Kremlin" in Petrograd and the works of D.I. Ilovaysky; about the illness of her husband S.K. Glinka-Yanchevsky, editor of the newspaper "Zemshchina" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 198. A letter from [Vladimir Khristianovich] Gross, [collegiate assessor, senior factory inspector of the Moscow province], to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from April 21, 1904 about a joint rest in the boarding house Schultz in Yalta, with gratitude for the pictures sent, about his visit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 199. Letters from Alexandra Andreevna Gorhover (born in Givartovskaya) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters; with the invitation to visit; congratulatory |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 2. Decisions (copies) of the Senate and the Moscow Noble Assembly on the introduction of the Ilovayskiy family to the noble genealogy book.Metric certificates of family members of the Ilovaski |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 20. The project of exhibits in the Russian Military Historical Museum |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 200. Children's congratulatory letters of Dmitry Vladimirovich and Tatyana Takopulo (Simferopol of the Taurida Gubernia) to A.A. Ilovayskaya with the Angel Day and the Feast of the Passover |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 201. Letters to A.A. Ilovaiskaya: 1) Varvara M. Delmas with congratulations on the New Year; 2) Anna Rogers-Dubovski (Rogers-Dubovski) with the offer of her services as an English teacher |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 202. Letter from M. Eletskaya, the housekeeper of the Spasskoye estate of the Zvenigorod uyezd of the Moscow province, to A.A. Ilovayskaya from May 16, 1903 with the delivery to Moscow of parcels with food |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 203. Letters from Nikolai Pavlovich Zavyalov, the court counselor, the District Overseer of the Imperial Moscow Educational House, to AA. Ilovaiskaya with the recommendation of the home coach VN. Panova and with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 204. A letter from Olga Dmitrievna Zaikovskaya (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 205. Letter [Alexander Ivanovich] Ivanov, caretaker of the house of the heirs AP. Kavraysky, to A.A. Ilovayskaya from July 19, 1905 on the conditions of hiring workers for excavation and carpentry in the estate Spasskoye Zvenigorodsky Uyezd in the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 206. Letter of George Ilins A. A. and D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 207. Letters from Alexander Pavlovich Kavraisky, father, to AA. Ilovayskaya about her illness, with a request to visit him, with a list of necessary medicines and products; with forwarding a parcel with gifts for grandchildren |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 208. Letters from Anna Fyodorovna of Kavraiskaya and Maria Alexandrovna Koshkareva (Sapozhok of the Ryazan province), to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from February 2, 1905 with condolences in connection with the death of his son, Sergei Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 209. Letters from Vladimir Danilovich Kavraisky (Leningrad) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters; about his studies at the Academy of Arts; about receiving letters from EF. Kavraiskaya, who emigrated from Russia to Sweden, then - to France; with a description of the floods in the Len |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 21. Alphabetical list of full members of the Rostov Society of History, Antiquities and Nature at the City Museum |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 210. Letters from Varvara Aleksandrovna Kavraiskaya to AA. Ilovayskaya on her trip to Moscow; about visits to relatives and friends (Batashov, EI Givartovskaya, Gorhover, Ilovaisky, Kavraisky are mentioned); with gratitude for letters and sent gifts |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 211. Letters to A.A. Ilovaiskaya: 1) Varvara Semenovna Kavraiskaya (town of Klin, Moscow province) of a related nature, about trips to her estate near the village of Guryev in the Staritsa district of the Tver province, on farming, selling hay, milk, butter, etc .; with grace |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 212. Letters from Ekaterina Fedorovna Kavrayskaya, daughter-in-law, to AA. Ilovayskaya about the state of health of members of the Kavrayski family (including the illness and death in 1902 of his father, AP Kavraisky); about trips to the estate of Otrada of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow province; about travel |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 213. Letters from Natalya Mikhailovna Kavraiskaya to AA. Ilovayskaya with household reports on the house and estate Spasskoye Zvenigorodsky uyezd of the Moscow province during the departure of Ilovaisky from Moscow; on the state of health of A.P. Kavraisky and his death (1902); with a summary |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 214. Letters from Pavel Aleksandrovich Kavraisky, brother, to AA. Ilovaiskaya family character: about his father's illness, A.P. Kavraysky, and his death (1902); on the registration of documents for inheritance; with reports on the disposition of monetary amounts from income from home to |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 215. Letters from Sergei Aleksandrovich Markov, collegiate counselor, sister, Alexandra Aleksandrovna Markova (teacher of Varvara Dmitrievna Tsvetaeva (born Ilovaiskaya) and her mother, Varvara Nikolayevna Ilovaiskaya), about her service as the head of the Kielce Directorate |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 216. A letter from L. Kedrovoy (Lugansk, Ekaterinoslav province) to A.A. Ilovayskaya from February 9, 1905 with condolences in connection with the death of his son, Sergei Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 217. Letter A. Clark (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from February 2, 1905 with condolences in connection with the death of his son, Sergei Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 218. A letter from Dmitry Kalabanov, a serviceman of the 1st Company of the 107th Infantry Troitsky Regiment, to AA. Ilovaiskaya from April 30, 1915 with gratitude for the gifts sent for the Easter holiday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 219. Letters from Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kornilov to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters from Yalta (Crimea); about a trip to his sister, VA. Mesnyankinoy, in the city of Stavropol and on vacation - in the boarding house of Immer in Sukhum |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 22. Appeals (3) groups of students at Moscow University with a call for a political struggle against the reaction |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 220. Letters from Eugene Stepanovna Krilichevskaya (Moscow) to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and cards from Davos (Switzerland) and Yalta (Crimea); with concern about the state of health. and S.D. Ilovaysky; congratulatory |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 221. A letter from Elizaveta Nikolaevna Kramareva (born Tutolmina), a cousin to AA. Ilovayskaya from February 8, 1912 with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 222. Letters from Asenefa Ivanovna Kushnereva, a housekeeper, to AA. Ilovayskaya with economic reports on the estate Spasskoye Zvenigorodsky uyezd of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 223. The letter of Ekaterina Ivanovna Givartovskaya (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovayskaya from June 12, 1900 with an invitation to his dacha at the station Klyazminskaya of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 224. Letters from Mikhail Pavlovicha Lastochkin, Archpriest, to A.A. Ilovayskaya about his illness and with gratitude for the butter sent to him |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 225. Letters from Wilhelm M. Linden, Colonel, and his wife, Vera Semenovna (born Kavrayskaya), to A.A. Ilovayskoy related nature: about the health and study of children Alexandra, Olga and Vladimir; about trips to rest in Alushta (Crimea); with the recommendation of the resort |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 226. Letters from Elizaveta Semenovna Kavraiskaya (Simbirsk), aunts, to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the reception given during her trip to Moscow, and for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin"; with condolences in connection with his mother's illness, M.S. Kavrayskaya, and death |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 227. Postcard Natalia Lutskova (Goslavl Smolensk Province) to A. A. Ilovayskaya dated December 23, 1913 with congratulations on Christmas |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 228. Letter from E.I. Merchansky, ensign, (city of Lviv) to A.A. Ilovayskaya from January 23, 1915 with gratitude for the gift sent as a gift |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 229. Letters from Vera Alexandrovna Mesnyankina (born Kornilova) to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and photos; with condolences in connection with the death of his son, S.D. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 23. Appeal of a group of students of the Moscow University "To comrades" about the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the death of NA. Dobrolyubova |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 230. Letter V. Meter (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovayskaya from May 20, 1901 with the recommendation of the pulmonary resort of Lovisa in Nyaland province (Finland) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 231. A letter from Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kornilov to AA. Ilovayskaya from January 8, 1905, about his vacation in Yalta (Crimea); with thanks for the congratulations on the New Year and the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 232. The letter of John Muraviev, priest of the village of Kryukovo of the Zvenigorod district of the Moscow province, to AA. Ilovaiskaya from March 24, 1905 with condolences in connection with the death of children, S.D. and N.D. Ilovaysky; with gratitude for the new vestments sent to Praz |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 233. Letters from Maria Aleksandrovna Bruzinskaya (born Kavraiskaya) (St. Petersburg), sisters, to A.A. Ilovayskaya related character: about the service of her husband, A.Ya. Bruzinsky, staff captain of the 1st company of the Izmailovsky Regiment; economic news: about moving to a new one |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 234. Letters from Anastasia Semenovna Poltoratskaya (born Kavraiskaya) to AA. Ilovayskaya related character: about the service of her husband, S.P. Poltoratsky, zemstvo chief of the 6th section of the Dnieper uyezd of the Tauride province; about vacation at a cottage in Alushta, with a guest |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 235. The letter of Anna Nikolaevna Neronova (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovayskaya with the recommendation of a good servant |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 236. Letters to A.A. Ilovaiskaya: 1) Olga Semenovna Tutolmina (born Kavraiskaya) (St. Petersburg), aunts, related nature: with information about children and grandchildren, health status, pastime, guest visits, dinners, holidays (mentioned Bruzins |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 237. Letters from Olga Nikolaevna Protopopova (born Tutolmina) to AA. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters and information about relatives (Brusinsky, Kavraysky, Poltoratsky); about his illness; with the intention to see on vacation in the city of Sochi |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 238. The letter of M [aria Pavlovna] Ostrovskaya (Moscow) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from January 10, 1904 with gratitude for the congratulations and about his illness |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 239. The letter of Pavel Aleksandrovich Kavraisky, brother, to A.A. Ilovayskaya from July 24, 1905 on the receipt of one pood of wire at the station Kryukovo Nikolayevskaya railway for household needs in the estate Spassky Zvenigorodsky Uyezd in the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 24. Charter of the mutual aid fund for Moscow University students |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 240. Letter from Elizaveta Ivanovna Pokrovskaya (Moscow) to AA. Ilovayskaya from July 20, 1927 on his trip to Sochi for rest and treatment |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 241. Letters from Elizaveta Ivanovna Popova to AA. Ilovayskaya on his vacation and treatment in Italy; about returning to Russia; with concern about the health of children, N.D. and S.D. Ilovaysky; with thanks for the letters |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 242. Letters from Olga Nikolaevna Protopopova (born Tutolmina), cousin, to A.A. Ilovayskoy related character: about his life in the estate of Nizhnie Dubrovki Porkhov Uyezd Pskov province; on the health and education of the children of Kira and Oleg; about the service of her husband |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 243. Letters of Lyubov Pushechnikova to AA. Ilovaiskaya with congratulations on the New Year and Easter holiday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 244. A letter from Anna Nikolaevna Razvettova to AA. Ilovayskaya from January 10, 1901 with a congratulation on the New Year |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 245. Letters from Helena Vissarionovna Remezova (born Karandeyeva) to AA. Ilovaiskaya personal character: on the management of the estate in the estate Remezovka Ryazan province with information about mowing, harvesting, breeding cattle, etc .; with an invitation to a summer holiday together with children |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 246. Letters from Catherine Piquet (Piqiet), a Frenchwoman, former governess, to AA. Ilovayskaya with congratulations on his birthday; about his vacation in Nice and with his address in Paris |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 247. Letters from Georgii Aleksandrovich Saks, State Counselor, Russian Consul to Fr. Malta and his wife, Sophia Petrovna, to AA. Ilovaiskaya about her life on about. Malta, the service of GA. Saks, on his retirement for health reasons (1905) and moving to live |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 248. Letters from Yuliya Vladimirovna Skornyakova to Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters sent from Davos (Switzerland); with concern about the health of children, N.D. and S.D. Ilovaysky; with information about common acquaintances (mentioned Bers, Wigand, Golitsyn, Linguistic |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 249. Letters from E. Smirnova (Saratov) to A.A. Ilovayskaya about his stay at the Moscow clinic of Professor VD. Shervinsky and the treatment of tuberculosis in Dr. TG. Lukin; with a request to visit her; with concern about the health of his son, S.D. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 25. Report of the Bessarabian Provincial Vowel. Purishkevich at the Bessarabian Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on elections to the State Duma |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 250. Letters from Konstantin Evstafievich Statelov (Varna, Bulgaria) to A.A. Ilovaiskaya about the intention of her daughter Eugenia to enroll in the medical faculty of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses and on its definition in the American Women's Gymnasium in the town of Lovcha |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 251. Helena Ivanovna Strolman's letter to AA. Ilovayskaya from December 21, 1911 with a report on the disease VS. Kavrayskaya and with gratitude for the money sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 252. A letter from Taisiya Vasilievna Samokvasova to AA. Ilovaiskaya from March 6, 1913 with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 253. Letter of N. [Ikola Alexandrovich] Tretyakov, [Colonel, Commander of the 3rd East Siberian Regiment, the tract of Novokievskoe of the Primorsky Region], to A.A. Ilovaiskaya from August 26, 1903, gratitude for the sent books on Russian history, published by D.I. Ilova |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 254. A letter from Nikolai Nikolaevich Tutolmin, a cousin to AA. Ilovayskaya on October 27, 1906 with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 255. Letters of Antonina Frolova (Moscow) to A. A. Ilovayskaya about his return with his daughter, expensive from Yalta to Moscow and the transfer of parcel for Ilovaisk;With congratulations on Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 256. A letter from Natalia Ivanovna Cherkasova to AA. Ilovayskaya from May 31, 1903 with the request to grant her a post in the estate of Ilovaysky Spasskoye in Zvenigorodsky district of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 257. Letters of Dmitry Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, professor of Warsaw University, and his wife Elizabeth Evgrafovna;Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaeva and his wife Maria Aleksandrovna (nee Maine) to A.A.Ilovayskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 258. Letter from Alexandra Gavrilovna Shakhno to AA. Ilovayskaya from 24 October without a year with a request to take her to work as a maid |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 259. Letter Schmidt Marty Ferdinandovna A.A. and D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 26. Characteristics of 3 thoughts and poems on the political topics of Pavel Ponomarev |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 260. Yulia Zhekhovskaya's letter to AA. Ilovayskaya from September 22 [1901] about the successful operation made to her husband, P.V. To Zhekhovsky, in Moscow |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 261. Letters to A.A. Ilovaiskaya: A.K. Anderson (Riga, Province of Livonia); HELL. Weidenbaum (Moscow); E.I. Givartovskoy (Moscow); G.A. Gokhover (born in Givartovskaya); A. Evstigneeva (Tsarskoye Selo of the Petersburg province); A.F. The Kavrai; V.S. The Kavrai; E.F. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 262. Telegrams of relatives and acquaintances (including DI Ilovaysky, MA Kavrayskaya, LV Kochubey) with reports of the death of his father, A.P. Kavraysky, and the funeral arrangements; congratulatory; about sending correspondence and money |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 263. Personal documents of Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 264. Handwritten journals published by S.D. Ilovaysky, with stories and poems |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 265. Gymnasium works on the literature of S.D.Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 266. Letter from S.D. Ilovaisky grandfather, A.P. Kavraysky, about his trip to rest and treatment in Davos (Switzerland) on the route Moscow - Warsaw - Thorn - Berlin - Nuremberg - Munich - Davos and about sightseeing |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 267. Letters from Alexandra Aleksandrovna Ilovaiskaya, mother, S.D. Ilovaisky about a trip with his daughter Nadezhda to Switzerland (Davos) for the treatment of tuberculosis; about returning to Russia through Italy, Malta, Turkey; about receiving letters from relatives and friends; with ra |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 268. Letters of Hope Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, sisters, S.D. Ilovaysky about his stay and treatment in Davos (Switzerland) and the description of New Year's holidays in Moscow |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 269. Letters from Sergey [Matveevich] Kobylinsky S.D. Ilovaysky with concern about the state of his health and with gratitude for the letters; about his studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University; about rest in the estate of N.P. Polivanova Nadezhdino Dmitri |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 27. A letter of 105 vowels to Alexander II in connection with the cancellation of certain articles of the Treaty of Paris. List |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 270. Children's letter to Konstantinevich Krasnovushkin. Ilovaysky on March 7, 1895 with a request to rewrite for him the task of the German language |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 271. Letters from Trifon Grigorievich Lukin, doctor, S.D. Ilovaysky with concern about his health, with recommendations for treatment in the Crimea; with recipe application |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 272. Letters from Nikolai Aleksandrovich Andre S.D. Ilovaysky about a trip to Kislovodsk in the Tersk region, about his pastime |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 273. Letters from Elena Vissarionovna Remezovoy S.D. Ilovayskiy with gratitude for the photos sent, with an invitation to spend the summer at their estate Remezovka Ryazan province; about his intention to visit the Ilovaysky family in Moscow and the Spassky estate of Zvenigorodsk |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 274. A letter from N. Rupnevsky, the manager of the Miskhor estate of Princess Olga Petrovna Dolgoruka (born in the Countess Shuvalova), the former Count P.P. Shuvalov, in the Crimea, S.D. Ilovaysky on January 25, 1905 with the transfer of two bottles of red wine |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 275. Letters from Valeria Ivanovna Tsvetaeva: 1) D.I. Ilovaysky on September 17, 1905 on the departure of Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya from Yalta and her secret wedding with SM. Keselman in the city of Tomsk; 2) S.D. Ilovaysky about his vacation in Tarusa, Kaluga province and Yalta (the Crimea |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 276. Letters from Nikolai Semyonovich Abushitsa S.D. Ilovaysky with gratitude for letters from the Crimea; on attending lectures at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University; about their studies and pastime |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 277. Certificate No. 732 of the Moscow Nobility Assembly, issued by N.D. Ilovayskaya, about entering it into the third part of the genealogical book and affirming the nobility's dignity |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 278. Works by N.D. Ilovaiskaya about the Paris Commune of 1871 and on other topics |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 279. Letter from Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky, father, to N.D. Ilovayskaya from August 10, 1903 on his departure to Tver for participation in the Archaeological Congress and indicating the address for forwarding correspondence |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 28. "The word before the first commemoration of the newly-crowned sovereign Tsarevich Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich, said in the church of Moscow University professor of theology, the priest NA Sergievsky" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 280. A letter from Alexandra Aleksandrovna Ilovayskaya, mother, to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from January 11, 1904 about his stay in Yalta (Crimea), about the treatment of S.D. Ilovaysky; with gratitude for letters and sent newspapers |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 281. Letters from Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, sister, ND Ilovayskaya on trips to rest to Tsvetaeva in the town of Tarusu of the Kaluga province and to Remezov in the Remezovka estate of the Ryazan province; about his pastime |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 282. Letters from Anatolia, nuns of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent (Varvara Aleksandrovna Ilovaiskaya), grandmothers, to ND. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters; with condolences in connection with the death of M.S. The Kavrayskaya (1897); with concern about her health condition, |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 283. Letter N. N. Avilova (Moscow) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from March 22, 1898 with a request to inform her the address of A.D. Vineyard |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 284. Letters from Anna Alexandrovna Adler (Moscow) to N.D. Ilovayskaya with invitations to visit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 285. Letter from Alvina Karlovna Anderson (Riga) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from September 26, 1904 with gratitude for the money sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 286. Letters of Olga Hish (Olga Hisch, born Bettikher (Baetticher)) AA, ND and O.D. Ilovaysky with gratitude for the letters; with concern about the state of health. and S.D. Ilovaysky; about his trip to Germany; about his illness; with family news |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 287. Letters from Elena Nikolaevna Bedareva (Kiev) to N.D. Ilovayskaya about the termination of the course of treatment in Davos (Switzerland) and return to Kiev; on the state of their health and on a trip to the estate of M.S. Lavrovoy in the village of Radushnoye Velikie Luki County Pskov province; |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 288. Letters from Erna Andreevna Bergman (Moscow) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya about her studies at the 4th Moscow Women's Gymnasium; about trips to rest in the place Grintengof near the town of Pernov of the Province of Livonia; about his pastime; congratulatory |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 289. A letter from Catherine Bordan (born Fulda) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from July 26, 1904, about her departure together with her husband from Moscow to Austria-Hungary; about studying Hungarian and getting acquainted with the Hungarian way of life; with thanks for the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 29. The word Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, uttered at the time of his elevation |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 290. A letter from Fany Brunhen to ND. Ilovayskaya from May 8, 1903 with a report on the receipt of a telegram from her |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 291. Letter from Alexandra Dmitrievna Weidenbaum to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from March 19, 1902 with gratitude for the photos sent from Davos (Switzerland); with condolences in connection with the death of his grandfather, А.P. Of the Kavrai |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 292. Letters from EG Verbera (Kharkov) to N.D. Ilovayskaya with memories of a joint holiday in Yalta and about her trip to Gugenburg for treatment; about studying in the Kharkov [veterinary] institute; with thanks for the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 293. A letter from Jesse Whisker, a teacher of English (Moscow), to N.D. Ilovayskaya from August 16, 1904 with concern about the state of her health; with gratitude for letters from the Crimea; with wishes for a speedy recovery |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 294. The letter of Natalia Vokach (Moscow) to ND. Ilovayskaya with a list of homework assignments in German and French, the law of God and other subjects of the gymnasium course |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 295. Letters of W. Haeubler to N.D. Ilovayskaya with memories of a joint holiday in Italy; with gratitude for letters and cards; about the state of their health; with a description of the sea voyage on the steamers "Andalusia" and "Prince Friedrich"; with escorts |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 296. Letters from Emilia Albertovna Gelferic to N.D. Ilovaiskaya about her stay in Switzerland and treatment of tuberculosis; about the return to Kharkov and the state of health; with thanks for the letters |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 297. Letters from Pyotr Andreevich Giltebrandt, a real state councilor, a member of the Imperial Archaeographic Commission (St. Ilovaiskaya with congratulations on Angel Day and with gratitude for the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 298. Letters to Ilovaiskaya ND: 1) Arthur Karlovich of Herzberg about rest in the estate of N.K. Moshnina Kalinovka Bolhovskogo Uyezd of the Orel province; about his pastime; with gratitude for the invitation to the estate of Spassky, for letters and photographs; 2) Nicholas Car |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 299. Letters from Emilia Goetschel to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and cards from Davos (Switzerland); with concern about the state of her health; family news: about his vacation at the dacha in Sokolniki, about the health of his mother, sister and nephew |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 3. Spiritual Testament D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 30. Переводы статей финской прессы |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 300. Letter A [lexe Vladimir Vladimirovich] Gulyaev to N.D. Ilovayskaya from November 6, 1903, about his trip to Tsvetaev in Tarusa, Kaluga province, and with gratitude for the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 301. Letter of Eduard Adolfovich Davidson to ND Ilovayskaya from February 22, 1905 with concern about her health condition and with wishes for a speedy recovery |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 302. The letter of V. Dolinsky (Moscow) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from December 5, 1904, on the organization of the evening in favor of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses; about his departure to the Volyn province; with wishes for a speedy recovery |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 303. Julia Zhekhovskaya's letter to N.D. Ilovayskaya from December 17 [1901] with gratitude for the letter from Davos (Switzerland); with concern about the state of her health; about the illness of his daughter Tanya scarlet fever |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 304. Paul Senewall's letters to N.D. Ilovayskaya with memories of their acquaintance during his trip to Constantinople; with a description of his travels on the French ship "Congo" to the Middle East, by bicycle to Normandy and Brittany, to a motorcycle |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 305. Letters of Anna Fedorovna Kavrayskaya, Trownyn Aunt, to N.D.Ilovayskaya about the rest in the country in the village of Schlitsk Estland province;With gratitude for letters from Davos (Switzerland) and information about the state of health S.V.Linden;congratulatory |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 306. Letters from Varvara Semenovna Kavrayskaya to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters from Davos (Switzerland) and information about S.V. Linden; about his health, visits of relatives and friends (mentioned Lebedev, Linden, Poltoratsky, EI Strolman); with blessing |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 307. Letters from Maria Aleksandrovna Kavraiskaya, aunt, to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters from Davos (Switzerland) and with concern about the state of her health; with information about relatives and friends (mentioned Gorhover, Dolnikov, Kavraysky, Lebedev, Paul |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 308. Letters from Natalia Mikhailovna of the Kavrayskaya to N.D. Ilovayskaya on the state of grandfather's health, А.P. The Kavraysky; with household reports on the Ilovaysky house in Moscow: on the purchase of food, cleaning the premises, putting laundry into the laundry; with thanks for the letters from Davo |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 309. An open letter from Vera Alexandrovna Filippova to N.D. Ilovayskaya from July 24, 1900 on his departure to rest in the estate of his uncle, N.N. Filippov, at the Katav-Ivanovo factory of the Ufa province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 31. Poems of various authors in Russian, French and German |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 310. Letters to N.D. Ilovaiskaya: 1) Ekaterina Vasilievna Kavraiskaya with gratitude for letters and photos from Davos and Locarno (Switzerland); about his life in Moscow: studies, holidays, visits to theaters and concerts, dinners; with information about relatives and a sign |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 311. The letter of Maria Alexandrovna Kologrivova to ND. Ilovaiskaya from March 19, 1902, about her stay in Davos (Switzerland) after the departure of the Ilovaiskys; about the intention to continue treatment in Zurich |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 312. Letters from Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kornilov to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and photos; with concern about the state of her health; about his vacation in Yalta (Crimea) in the boarding house Schultz (mention Gorbunov, Klimov, Shvedov, etc.) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 313. Letters from Nina Valerianovna Kishinets to ND Ilovayskaya about her studies at the gymnasium in St. Petersburg; about trips for the summer holidays to his father in the town of Rivne, Volyn province, about trips to rest and treatment in Guggenburg, Zheleznovodsk, Crimea, Germany; with thanks |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 314. Letters from Evgenia Stepanovna Krilichevskaya to ND Ilovayskaya with concern about the state of her health, with gratitude for the sent theater tickets; with congratulations on the Day of the Angel |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 315. A letter from Nina Valerianovna Kishinets to ND. Ilovayskaya from August 30, 1900 on trips to rest and treatment in Hugenburg and Zheleznovodsk; about returning to St. Petersburg and beginning classes in the gymnasium |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 316. Letter from Elena Andreevna Lamensova to ND. Ilovaiskaya from January 3, 1905 with a congratulation on the New Year |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 317. Letters from Adolf Lasson (Adolf Lasson) to N.D. Ilovayskaya about his rest and treatment of tuberculosis in Locarno (Switzerland); about his return to Berlin and teaching activities; on the study of the Russian language and on his intention to visit Russia; about st |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 318. Letters Boris [Ivanovich] Lebedev to N. D. Ilovayskaya with happy birthday and Christmas greetings;With concern about her health;About your departure from Moscow to rest in Rostov Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 319. Letters from Alexandra Levine N.D. Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 32. Record from the serf book of the notary archive of the city of Moscow to buy a house in Moscow by D. Ilovaisky near N.P. Polyakov |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 320. Letters from Semen Wilhelmovich Linden, cousin, to N.D. Ilovayskaya on the treatment of tuberculosis in Switzerland, about his series of operations at the clinic of Professor A. Kocher in Bern; with a description of the "Russian colony" in Switzerland, with the forwarding of photos; about |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 321. The letter of Tryphon Grigorievich Lukin to N.D. Ilovayskaya from August 9, 1903 on his departure for the summer in the estate of Prince AP. Kugusheva Alexeevka of the Tambov province; with concern about her health condition and medical recommendations |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 322. Letter S.Meyn (S.Meyn) to N.D. Ilovayskaya from June 3, 1903 with concern about the state of her health; about his trip to rest and treatment in Neuchâtel and Lausanne (Switzerland); with a request to write to her; with the address |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 323. Letters from M. [aria Mikhailovna] Mikhailova Ilovaiskaya N.D. about his admission to the Moscow Higher Women's Courses; with gratitude for letters and invitation to visit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 324. Letters to N.D. Ilovaiskaya: 1) Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva about her studies in the 4th Moscow Women's Gymnasium, classes, examinations, organization of the prom; on admission to the natural-mathematical department of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses; about your time |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 325. Letters from Anastasia Semenovna Poltoratskaya (born Kavraiskaya) to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the photos sent; about rest on a summer residence in Alushta (Crimea); about his arrival in Moscow; with an invitation to visit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 326. Open letter N. Avilova to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from May 10, 1899 with the request to send her notes with works by Chopin and Schubert |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 327. A letter from Olga Semenovna Tutolmina (born in the Kavrayskaya) to N.D. Ilovayskaya from June 23, 1902 about his move to the summer for the estate of Nizhnie Dubrovki of the Porkhov district of the Pskov province; with gratitude for the sent photo |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 328. The letter of Maria Pavlovna Ostrovskaya to N.D. Ilovayskaya from June 17, 1902 on his departure from Moscow for the summer; with thanks for the letter and photos |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 329. Letters [to Pelageya Andreevna Gracheva] to N.D. Ilovayskaya with forwarding of abstracts and textbooks, with the schedule of examinations in the 4th Moscow Women's Gymnasium; about his intention to continue his studies at the natural faculty of the University of Zurich; with the request |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 33. Correspondence of D.I. Ilovaysky with the construction department of the Moscow City Council |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 330. Letter from Helen Osipovna Pepper to ND Ilovayskaya from August 24, 1901 on his treatment for tuberculosis in Switzerland; with gratitude for the letter and wishes for a speedy recovery |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 331. Letter from Elizaveta Ivanovna Popova to ND. Ilovayskaya from July 15 [1903] with gratitude for the letter and with the forwarding of his photo; with application of diary entries |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 332. Letters from Anna Petrovna Prozorova to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letters from Bern (Switzerland) and with concern about her health; about the service of his father, P.I. Prozorov, a valid State Counselor, a member of the Warsaw Trial Chamber and his life |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 333. Letters of Lyubov [Petrovna] Pushchechnikov to ND Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and photos from Davos (Switzerland); with congratulations on the New Year, the holiday of Easter, the Day of the Angel |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 334. Letters from Helena Vissarionovna Remezovoy (born Karandeyeva) to ND Kuznetsova. Ilovayskaya with concern about the state of her health; with gratitude for letters and photos from Davos (Switzerland); with an invitation to his estate Remezovka Sapozhkovsky district Ryazan Gubernia |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 335. Letter of Georgy Aleksandrovich Saks, State Counselor, Russian Consul to Fr. Malta, to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from 5/18 January 1904 with gratitude for the congratulations on the holidays, with the wishes of all the best |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 336. Letters from V. Sakornov, a photographer, to N.D. Ilovayskaya on the transfer of ordered photographs, indicating the cost and postage costs |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 337. Letters from Vladimir Semenov to N.D. Ilovaiskaya from February 9-10, 1905 with memories of a joint holiday in Yalta (Shultz boarding house); on his admission to the position of the account clerk of the railway accounting in the city of Rostov-on-Don; with condolences in connection with the laughter |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 338. Letters from Maria Semenova to N.D. Ilovayskaya with concern about the state of her health; with an invitation to visit and with best wishes |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 339. A letter from Natalia Smirnova to ND. Ilovayskaya from September 17, 1904 with congratulations on the Day of the Angel |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 34. Reports on the house of the heirs AP. Of the Kavrai |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 340. Letters from Olga Evgenievna Stepanova to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for the letter; with memories of joint rest and treatment in Italy (mentioned EI Pokrovskaya, EI Popova); with congratulations on the Easter holiday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 341. Letters from Yuliya Vladimirovna Skornyakova to N.D. Ilovaiskaya with gratitude for letters and photos from Davos (Switzerland); with information about her visits to Moscow by friends and relatives (Bers, Mitrofanov, Prilukovs are mentioned); about the disease and death of A.P. Kavr |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 342. Letters from Maria Smirnova to N.D. Ilovayskaya on her trip with her parents and sisters to the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra; with gratitude for the invitation to the estate Spassky Zvenigorodsky district of the Moscow province to Ilovaisky; congratulatory |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 343. Letters of B [Oris] L [eonidovich] Fan-der-Flaas to N.D. Ilovayskaya on her return to Russia after the completion of the course of treatment in Nervi (Italy); about his intention to move to St. Petersburg from Moscow to Moscow or Kiev; with thanks for letters and photos |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 344. Letters from Karl Schwartz to N.D. Ilovayskaya with memories of joint rest and treatment in Davos (Switzerland); about returning to Germany, working at the steelmaking and machine-building plant in Düsseldorf, about trips to the parents in Stuttgart; about treatment for a bed |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 345. Letters from Valeria Ivanovna Tsvetaeva to N.D. Ilovaiskaya about her studies in the 4th Moscow Women's Gymnasium, about her admission to the history and philology department of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses; about his studies painting, reading; about rest in the estate E.V. and M.P. R |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 346. Letters from Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev and his wife, Maria Alexandrovna (born Maine), to N.D. Ilovayskaya with the transmission of the first two issues of the magazine "Yugend gartenlaube"; about leaving to rest in the town of Tarusu of the Kaluga province and with a request to forward a letter to them |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 347. Letters from Henrietta Vladimirovna Gorhover to Nadezhda and Olga Ilovaisky with gratitude for photographs and letters from Davos (Switzerland), Nervi (Italy) and Yalta (Crimea); about his life in Moscow: music lessons, visits to theaters and concerts, guest visits, |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 348. V.Yudin's letters to N.D. Ilovayskaya on her trip to rest and treatment in the Crimea (Yalta, Alupka); with information about common acquaintances: M.A. Kornilov, Shultz, E.G. Werbere; with concern about the state of her health; with thanks for the photos sent |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 349. Letters from different people to N.D. Ilovaiskaya: E. Hafeli, doctor, owner of the sanatorium in Davos (Switzerland); Alviny Karlovny Anderson, governess; Anna Feodorovna of the Kavrayskaya; Maria Aleksandrovna of the Kavrayskaya; Sergei Matveyevich Kobylinsky; Eugenia Stepa |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 35. Power of Attorney issued by D.I. S. Ilovaisky, the attorney in charge of the district of the Moscow Trial Chamber, S.P. Kurenkov for the conduct of his court cases |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 350. A letter from Nikolai Nikolayevich Zavyalov, an out-of-court adviser, teacher of the Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences, to O.D. Ilovaiskaya from April 3, 1905 with condolences in connection with the death of her sister, N.D. Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 351. Letter to [Asilia Ivanovich] Grekov, [an official of the Moscow Judicial Chamber], to Varvara Aleksandrovna Kavraiskaya with a request to warn D.I. Ilovayskogo on the transfer of an agreed amount of money |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 352. Letters from I. [P] odovski and Ilya Okonkov [Nikov], former workers in the estate of D.I. Ilovaysky Spasskoye Zvenigorodsky uyezd of the Moscow province to AI. Kushnerevoy, the housekeeper, on January 9, 1917, about his demobilization and with a request to recruit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 353. Letter from Alexandra Dmitrievna Muromtseva to Varvara Dmitrievna Tsvetaeva (born Ilovaiskaya) about changing the time of the dress rehearsal |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 354. Helen Vissarionovna Remezova's letter to Valeria Ivanovna Tsvetaeva from January 9, 1898, congratulating her on her birthday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 355. Letters from an unidentified person with the signature "Sasha", the adjutant of the headquarters of the 8th Infantry Division, to Vera Alexandrovna Klochkova about her departure from Petrograd to the Romanian front; with concern for her health, asking him to write to him, indicating the field number for |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 356. Rough disparate records, receipts, invoices, medical prescriptions, fragments of letters, addresses of relatives and friends of Ilovaisky, business cards, incl. Letters: Alexey Alekseevich Gatsuk, member of the Society for the Distribution of Useful Books in Moscow; M.E. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 357. Photos of Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 358. Photos of his wife and children Ilovaysky on vacation in Switzerland |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 359. Photos of Alexandra Aleksandrovna Ilovaiskaya (born Kavraiskaya) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 36. Lay-sheets and summons on payment of D.I. Ilovaysky arrears of land collection from the estate Spasskoy Eremeevskoy volost Zvenigorodsky Uyezd in the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 360. Photos of Nadezhda Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 361. Photos of Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 362. Photos of Sergey Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 363. Album of photos of members of the Ilovayski family, their relatives and friends |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 364. Album of photos of members of the Ilovayski family, their relatives and friends |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 365. Album of photos of members of the Ilovayski family, their relatives and friends |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 366. Album of photos of members of the Ilovayski family, their relatives and friends |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 367. Group photos of members of the Ilovayski family, their relatives and friends |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 368. Photos of Konstantin Aleksandrovich Varlamov, Honored Artist of the Imperial Petrograd Theaters |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 369. Photos of Pavel Aleksandrovich Kavraisky and his wife Catherine Feodorovna |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 37. List of Austrian prisoners of war sent to work at the disposal of D. I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 370. Photo of Ekaterina Vasilievna Takopulo (born in Kavraiskaya) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 371. Photo of Yevgeny Arkadyevich Lepkovsky, actor of the Korsha Theater (Moscow), dressed as a Roman patrician |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 372. Photos of Semen Wilhelmovich Linden with a dedication inscribed by N.D. Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 373. Photo Makarii (Nevsky), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, with dedicatory inscription O.D. Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 374. Photo of the Empress Maria Alexandrovna in the late 1870's. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 375. Photo of the future Empress Maria Feodorovna, nee Princess Dagmar |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 376. Photos of the opening ceremony of the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III at the Imperial Moscow University in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and members of the imperial family: the Empress Maria Fedorovna, Grand Dukes Dmitry Constant |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 377. Photo of Andrei Ivanovich Tsvetaev in childhood |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 378. Photo of Varvara Dmitrievna Tsvetaeva (born Ilovaiskaya) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 379. Photo of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaeva with a dedication inscription AA. Ilovaiskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 38. The conditions for the sale of D. I. Ilovaisky P. I. Ivanov for the cutting of the estate of Spassky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 380. Photo of Eduard Stolzenberg |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 381. Photos of Henrietta V. Williams (born in Gorhover) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 382. Photos of different persons (men) including: 1) Sergei Eleazarovich Berezovsky, State Counselor, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Moscow University; 2) Sergey Dmitrievich Ilovaisky; 3) Alexander Pavlovich of Kavraysky; 4) Albert Koher, doctor of honey |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 383. Photos of different persons (women), including: 1) Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya; 2) Maria Aleksandrovna of the Kavrayskaya; 3) Ekaterina Vasilievna of the Kavrayskaya; and etc. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 384. Photos of children of relatives and friends of Ilovaisky, including: Kiry Sergeyevna Protopopova and Tatiana Vladimirovna Takopulo |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 385. Photos of different persons, including: 1) Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky as a member of a group of students of the Faculty of Law of Moscow University; 2) Petr Vasilievich Veselov and his family members on vacation in the estate of Zatisie Ufa province; 3) Vladimir Pavlo |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 386. Photos with types of sanatorium in Davos (Switzerland) and its surroundings |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 387. Photos of the estate "Spasskoye" Kryukovo station |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 388. Photos with views of Rome, Florence, Sevastopol, Kiev and other cities |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 389. Pictures of paintings, frescoes, mosaics, icons, incl. copy of the Miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin? newly emerged in with. Kolomenskoye of the Moscow district in 1917; paintings by Italian artists Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Carlo Dolci from the art galleries of Genoa "Gal |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 39. Materials describing the estates of different persons for sale |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 390. Photos from the portraits of Polish kings and statesmen: Stefan Batory, Jan Sobieski, Stanislav Poniatowski, Jan-Kazimir, Sebastian Lubomirsky, Ignatii Pototsky, and others. |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 391. Photos with views of the cities of London, Edinburgh (England); Venice, Genoa, Milan, Pisa, Pompeii, Rome (Italy); Bern (Switzerland) and Constantinople (Turkey) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 392. Photos with views of the cities of Naples, Milan, Palermo (Italy); Marcel (France); Budapest (Austria-Hungary); Constantinople (Turkey); types of Crimea (Alupka, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the estate of "Tiktash-Dere") |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 393. Portraits of D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 394. Portraits of Nadezhda Dmitrievna and Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 395. Drawings of Hope, Olga and Sergey Dmitrievich Ilovaisky and Elizaveta Ivanovna Popova |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 396. Drawings of Nadezhda Dmitrievna and Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 397. Student drawings depicting flowers, "heads" and children's portraits of M. Sabashnikova |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 398. Children's drawings of Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaysky and decals |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 399. Cuttings from periodicals with portraits of representatives of the imperial family, writers, historians; specific |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 4. Ticket number 98 for the entrance to the Moscow English Club, issued by D.I. Ilovaysky, in 1901 |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 40. A.A. Ilovayskaya |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 400. Album engravings with the views of Rome "100 vedute di Roma" ("100 species of Rome") |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 401. Plan of Paris "Plan garanti complet on le guide dans Paris" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 403. Cutting from newspapers and magazines, advertisements of various companies and other printed materials |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 404. Business cards of different persons |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 405. Envelopes of letters of different persons, editorial offices of journals, societies, companies and partnerships addressed to D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 406. A proclamation with the signature of "the old Cossack of the quiet Don" and the appeal of the "campers, the Don" with a call to "service to the tsar and fatherland" (the Black Hundred) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 407. Diploma of D.I. Ilovaisky about an increase in rank |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 408. Diploma of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society on the election of D.I. Ilovaysky honorary member |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 409. Diplomas of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University on the election of D. I. Ilovaysky as a full member of society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 41. Telegram D.I. Ilovaisky wife A.A. Ilovaiskaya from April 11, 1902 with a report on the deportation of money to Locarno (Switzerland) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 410. Address lovers and admirers of Russian history Ilovayskiy in connection with the 25th anniversary of his scientific activity |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 411. Decree of the Society of History and Antiquities of Russia, at Moscow University on the election of Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky, a member of this society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 412. Diploma of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities on the election of D.I. Ilovaysky is an active member of the society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 413. Diploma of the Historical Society of Nestor the Chronicler at the Kiev University of St. Vladimir DI Ilovaysky on his election as an honorary member of society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 414. Diploma of the Slavic Bosnian-Ducchovinian society Ilovaysky on his election as an honorary member of society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 415. Evidence of the Kuban military ethnographic and natural-historical museum D. I. Ilovaisky with gratitude for the donated collection of antiquities |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 416. The laudatory certificate of the 2nd degree of the Pedagogical Council of the Moscow 7th Gymnasium, issued to the student of the 7th grade, Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 417. The laudatory certificate of the 2nd degree of the Pedagogical Council of the Moscow 7th Gymnasium, issued to the 4th grade student Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 418. The laudatory leaf of the 1st degree of the Pedagogical Council of the Moscow 6-class gymnasia, issued to the 3rd grade student Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 419. The laudatory certificate of the 2nd degree of the Pedagogical Council of the Moscow 7th Gymnasium, issued to the 5th grade student Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 42. Letter of D. I. Ilovaysky to the son of S. D. Ilovaysky dated May 23, 1900, with an instruction, to invite a veterinarian to inspect the horse and browned for the repair of stroller and span;With a message about his arrival in Moscow |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 420. Portraits of Sergei Dmitrievich Ilovaisky and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. Lithography |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 421. Photos of Nadezhda Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya on her deathbed |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 422. Photographs of a group of persons, including D. I. Ilovaysky and his daughters |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 423. Letter from Emelia Getshel to AA. Ilovayskaya on her trip to the estate Remezovka Sapozhkovskogo uyezd of the Ryazan province together with N.D. and O.D. Ilovayskim, about visiting Remezov and Gottshalkov. In German |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 424. Letter from Evdokia Evlampievna Tarasova, nurse (Moscow), dated July 13, 1904, with gratitude for the gifts sent and about her transfer to a new duty station, with the address |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 425. Article V.V. Rozanova "From everyday and literary trifles" (New time, 1903. 21 and 22 January) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 426. The letter of Empress Catherine II to Colonel of the Don army Vasily Ilovaysky on dismissal from service |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 427. The address of employees and students (children of refugees from the Kholmskaya province) joinery workshop of the 1st Moscow branch of the All-Russian society for refugee care D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 428. Diploma of the Slavic Mutual Support Society in Moscow Ilovaysky on his election as an honorary member of society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 43. Letter of D. I. Ilovaisky "Konstantin Grigoryevich" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 44. Letter of D. I. Ilovaysky "Fedor Nikolaevich" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 45. Letter to A. A. Ilovayskaya to the husband D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 46. Letters of Varvara Ilovayskaya D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 47. Letters of I. Ilovaisky, father, son of D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 48. Letters of Olga Ilovayskaya parents A.A. and D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 49. Letters of N. D. Ilovayskaya (daughter) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 5. Address of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, presented by D.I. Ilovayskiy in connection with the 50th anniversary of his scientific activity |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 50. Letters of S. D. Ilovaysky (son) |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 51. Letter of A. Adamov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 52. Letters from Anna Alexandrovna Adler DI Ilovaysky with a proposal to buy "pianola" from AI. Monina and with the recommendation of the gynecologist S.Ya. Boyarkina |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 53. A letter from [Nikolai Mikhailovich Tsvetaeva] Ilovaysky about his vacation in Yalta (Crimea) and with gratitude for the sent numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 54. Letter A. Andreononov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 55. Letter of the Svystravyninokini Anthony, the abbess of the Moscow Novodevichy Monastery, D. I. Ilovaisky from [March 18, 1905] Congratulatory on Easter holiday |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 56. Letter of Archpriest John Arsenyev D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 57. Letters P. Bartenev D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 58. Letters from Barsukova D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 59. Letter of Evgeny Belov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 6. Materials on the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the scientific and literary activities D. I. I. Ilovaiski |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 60. Letter O. Berg D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 61. Letter Zhezhkov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 62. Letters of Bestuzhev-Ryumin D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 63. Letter V. Bilbasova D. I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 64. Letter of Sergey Bobin D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 65. Greeting card Nick [Olaya] Bobcheva (Sofia, Bulgaria) and D.I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 66. Letter Buldin D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 67. Letter Bulich D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 68. Letter P. Budinsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 69. Open letters of Ivan Sergeevich Vasiliev D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 7. Certificate No. 208, issued by the Main Directorate for Press Affairs, the actual state adviser D. I. Ilovaisky, certifying that he is the publisher of the newspaper Kremlin |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 70. Letter to L. Vasiliev D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 71. Notification of the marriage of A.V. and F. E. Veligorsky, addressed to D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 72. Letter Lieutenant General Vendrich D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 73. Letters P. Veselov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 74. Letters G. Voskresensky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 75. Letters A. de Vitt D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 76. Letter A. G. Vysheslavtsev D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 77. Letter to V. Ganshina D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 78. Letter to E. Gaevskaya D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 79. Letters of P. Giltrandt D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 8. Two lectures by D. I. Ilovaisky about the origin of the Russian state and the Slavs of Russia read in the Moscow department of the Imperial Military Historical Society |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 80. Letter S. K. Golokhvostova D. I. Ilovaysky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 81. Letter I. Golyshev D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 82. Letters from Henrietta Andreevna Gorhover, D.I. Ilovaysky with an invitation to visit |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 83. Letter Daughter D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 84. Letter E. Dubrovova D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 85. Letter of the priest A. Efimov D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 86. Letter of Yulia Evshevskaya D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 87. Letter A. Zhelokhovtseva D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 88. Letters of A. and I. Zhekhovsky D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 89. Letter L. Zmeeva D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 9. Granks of the articles of the newspaper "Kremlin" with amendments to D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 90. Letter to N. Ivanova D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 91. Letter of V. S. Ikonnikov, professor of Kyiv University, D. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 92. Letter of Irlavin D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 93. Letter V. Istomin D. I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 94. Letter to E. Kavrai D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 95. Letters AA. and D.I. Ilovaisky: 1) Maria Aleksandrovna Kavrayskaya, sister, about the state of health of the father, А.P. Kavraisky, about his death (1902) and the arrangement of the funeral; about his pastime: receptions of guests, the organization of holidays, dinners; with information about the |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 96. Letters of Natalia Kaurayskaya D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 97. Letters of Fyodor [Vasilyevich] Kavirei D. I. Ilovaysky with congratulations on the holiday of Easter and Merry Christmas;With gratitude for the sent newspaper "Kremlin" |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 98. Letter Remezov D.I. Ilovaisky |
РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 99. Letter Y. M. Kiselev D. Ilovaisky |