Identifier 70c7304f-cf89-4a57-8a64-4694bdd44686 Title Inventory archive of the Arseny Andreevich Zagrevsky Dates 1796 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 660 / 1 Cataloguing source РГИА Extent 156 единиц хранения Fonds Zakrevsky Arseny Andreevich, Graf (1783-1865) File РГИА. 660 / 1 / 1. Inventory of images, bequeathed to Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky his father РГИА. 660 / 1 / 10. Letters (2) of Count Alexander Khristoforovich Benckendorff to Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and the latter's letter of reply about the acquisition of Zakrevsky's estate near Moscow and the alleged grant him 50,000 rubles РГИА. 660 / 1 / 100. Letters (11) of the Chairman of the State Council of Illarion Vasilyevich Vasilchikov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 101. Notes (2) of the wife of Illarion Vasilyevich Vasilchikov Tatyana Vasilievna to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 102. Письма (70) начальника Главного штаба князя Петра Михайловича Волконского графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 103. Letters (44) from the Chief of the General Staff of Petr Mikhailovich Volkonsky to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 104. Письма (67) начальника Главного штаба князя Петра Михайловича Волконского графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому и черновики ответов (4) последнего РГИА. 660 / 1 / 105. Письма (92) наместника его императорского величества на Кавказе графа Михаила Семеновича Воронцова графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 106. Письма (65) наместника его императорского величества на Кавказе графа Михаила Семеновича Воронцова графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 107. Письма (103) организатора партизанских отрядов 1812 года Дениса Васильевича Давыдова графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 108. Letters (45) of the organizer of partisan detachments of 1812 Denis Vasilyevich Davydov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 109. Letters (18) from Count Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 11. Correspondence about the construction of Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky in the Count's dignity РГИА. 660 / 1 / 110. Letter from Count Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky with the application of printed Izvestia for the army in operation from July 27 to September 23, 1828, and the layout of the army of General Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev РГИА. 660 / 1 / 111. Письма (54) наместника его императорского величества на Кавказе генерала Алексея Петровича Ермолова графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 112. Письма (52) наместника его императорского величества на Кавказе генерала Алексея Петровича Ермолова графу Арсению Андреевичу Закревскому РГИА. 660 / 1 / 113. Letters (29) of the governor of his Imperial Majesty in the Caucasus, General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov, to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 114. Letters (2) of the director of medicine Pavel Nikolaevich Kildyushevsky to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 115. Letter from the Minister of State Property Pavel Dmitrievich Kiselyov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 116. A letter from the real State Councilor Fyodor Kornilovagra to Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the occasion of the last lithographed portrait showing the list of persons who participated in its publication РГИА. 660 / 1 / 117. Letters (2) of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 by Yakov Petrovich Kulnev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 118. The letter of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna with the expression of gratitude for the two copies of the "Travels of the Emperor Alexander I" sent to her, etc. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 119. Letters (40) of the Minister of the Sea, Admiral Prince Alexander Sergeevich Menshikov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 12. Correspondence about the entry of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky into the noble genealogical book of the Penza province with the right of permanent participation in the affairs and elections of the noble assembly РГИА. 660 / 1 / 120. Letters (27) of the Minister of the Sea, Admiral Prince Alexander Sergeevich Menshikov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 121. Letter from Pyotr Ivanovich Miller to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 122. Letters (20) of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and [drafts] of letters of reply (2) from the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 123. Letters (2) of the professor of the Moscow University, Doctor Matvey Yakovlevich Mudrov, to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 124. Letters (102) of the Chairman of the State Council, General Count Alexei Fedorovich Orlov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and drafts of replies (46) of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 125. Letters (102) of the Chairman of the State Council, General Count Alexei Fedorovich Orlov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and drafts of replies (46) of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 126. Letter from the secret adviser of Fyodor Lukich Pereverzev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 127. Letters (4) of the member of the State Council of Baron Eduard Andreevich Ramsay to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 128. Letters (26) from Count Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 129. Letters (57) from the general infantry of Ivan Vasilievich Sabaneyev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 13. Diplomas (4), the rescript of Emperor Alexandra II and the correspondence about the award to Count Arseny Andreyevich of Zakrevsky's medals and other awards while he was Moscow Governor-General РГИА. 660 / 1 / 130. Letters (57) from the general infantry of Ivan Vasilievich Sabaneyev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 131. Letters (30) of the Adjutant-General of the Count Emmanuil Franzevich of Saint-Prix to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 132. A letter from Count Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov, member of the State Council, to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and a draft of the reply of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 133. Letters (2) of the Archbishop of Kazan's Filaret (Amfiteatrov) to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 134. Letters (7) of the adjutant-general of Prince Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 135. Letters (5) of Lieutenant-General Ivan Vasilyevich Chertkov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 136. Letters (4) of the member of the State Council of Fedor Ivanovich Engel to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and drafts (3) of the replies of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 137. Letters (5) of Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly, S. Blinov, Count Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov, member of the State Council of Count Dmitry Alexandrovich Guryev, and Commander-in-Chief of the Garabagh Khanate of Prince Valeryan Grigorievich Madatov, Count Arsen РГИА. 660 / 1 / 138. Letters (23) of Lieutenant-General Alexander Yakovlevich Knyazhin, Kondraty Vasilyevich, Moses Andreev, Prince Sergei Trubetskoi, inspector of the Transdanubia District Lieutenant-General Ilya Bibikov, Vasily Bykov, adviser to the Auditorium Department РГИА. 660 / 1 / 139. "The last day of the life of the Empress Catherine II and the first day of the reign of Emperor Paul I": From the notes of Count Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin РГИА. 660 / 1 / 14. Materials on the election of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky as an honorary member: 1) Yaroslavl Charity House; 2) Moscow Society of Naturalists; 3) Free economic society; 4) the Belarusian Economic Society; 5) The Imperial Kazan РГИА. 660 / 1 / 140. Сборник рескриптов и писем императора Александра I Алексею Андреевичу Аракчееву РГИА. 660 / 1 / 140. Collection of rescripts and letters of Emperor Alexander I to Alexei A. Arakcheev РГИА. 660 / 1 / 141. The case in respect of the secret adviser Mikhail Muravev about Colonel Nauendorf, asking for an increase in pensions РГИА. 660 / 1 / 142. Correspondence on the admission of retired colonel Pavel Stepanovich Burnashev to the service РГИА. 660 / 1 / 143. Copies of ten manifestos issued in 1806 on the occasion of the outbreak of war with the French РГИА. 660 / 1 / 144. Memorandum of the Minister of Internal Affairs Viktor Pavlovich Kochubei to Emperor Alexander I on the shortcomings of administrative management in the provinces and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The latest copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 145. Collection "Different poems and memorable papers" with a detailed appendix РГИА. 660 / 1 / 146. The letter of Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky to Emperor Alexander I from Perm. Copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 147. Speeches delivered at the opening and closing of the Sejm in Warsaw in 1820 and 1825 by Emperor Alexander I and members of the Seimas, with an annex of the documents РГИА. 660 / 1 / 148. Extract from the draft constitution, compiled by the captain of the General Staff Decembrist Nikita Mikhailovich Muravyov. Copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 149. Spiritual testament of the official Aleksey Ivanovich Neratov РГИА. 660 / 1 / 15. Papers relating to the election of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky as an honorary member of the agricultural societies of South-Eastern and Southern Russia, Moscow University and the Moscow Art Society РГИА. 660 / 1 / 150. Letter from the Caucasus governor General Nikolai Nikolayevich Muraviev to former deputy governor General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov on the state of the Caucasus region and objection to the contents of a letter from an unknown РГИА. 660 / 1 / 151. Letter from Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to nephew Platon Ivanovich (the name is not identified) about personal relationships between them РГИА. 660 / 1 / 152. Inventory (non-operational) of the materials of the Fund No. 660 "AA Zakrevsky" for the years 1796-1860 РГИА. 660 / 1 / 153. Letters from Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to unidentified persons (with the address "Vladimir Petrovich" and without reference). Russian and French РГИА. 660 / 1 / 154. Letter from Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to the Minister of Finance P.F. Brok with a petition for the award of the merchant E.V. Molchanov to the rank of commerce adviser РГИА. 660 / 1 / 155. Explanatory note of the general from the infantry of Count M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov to the Minister of War РГИА. 660 / 1 / 16. A letter from Gabriel Stepanovich Popov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky about the inscription he composed to the portrait of the latter, and a copy of Zakrevsky's reply letter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 17. Collection of business papers of the Commander-in-Chief of the Moldavian Army, Count Nikolai Mikhailovich Kamensky, containing copies of the highest rescripts on awarding the Count of Kamenskiye medals and other awards, timetables, reports on the status of the troops in operation, etc. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 18. "Journal of marches and actions" 17th Division 2nd Division during the Swedish campaign РГИА. 660 / 1 / 19. Journal of movements in Finland of the troops corps of his Excellency Lieutenant-General Count Kamensky 2nd РГИА. 660 / 1 / 2. Six form lists of Count Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky and materials for their compilation, namely: forms, the highest edicts on the order of compilation, letter of transmittals and other РГИА. 660 / 1 / 20. Magazine of the siege of the fortress of Sveaborg unidentified military compound РГИА. 660 / 1 / 21. The log of military operations of unidentified military units participating in the Swedish campaign. Written partly by the hand of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 22. The collection of "Additions to the St. Petersburg State Sheets" containing journals on military operations in Finland from June 12 to November 13, 1808 РГИА. 660 / 1 / 23. Estimates for the maintenance of the Moldavian army, a statement on the quantity of supplies, the state of transport, orders and other materials for the history of supplying the Moldovan army to the campaign of 1810-1811. Copies РГИА. 660 / 1 / 24. Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Moldavian Army Prince M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky to take to St. Petersburg secret papers of the late Count Nikolai Mikhailovich Kamensky. Personal signature of Golenishchev-Kutuzov РГИА. 660 / 1 / 25. Copy from the decree of the Governing Senate on the spiritual testament of Count Nikolai Mikhailovich Kamensky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 26. Collection of various papers on military administrative issues: a report on the activities of the officers of the Guards General Staff for 1817-1818, correspondence on the sending of letters and parcels to the army in 1814-1815, the list of curfews РГИА. 660 / 1 / 27. Letters (42) of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich to Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 28. Letters and notes (15) of Nikolai Pavlovich's heir to the duty officer of the General Staff Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on sending to the regiment of Nikolai Pavlovich writers and musicians, on the production and appointment of officers of his brigade and on other issues РГИА. 660 / 1 / 29. Дело о волнении Семеновского полка в 1820 г. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 3. Certificate on the service of Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky adjutant under Count Nikolai Mikhailovich Kamensky, issued by the general on duty at the Moldavian Army Ivan Vasilievich Sabaneyev РГИА. 660 / 1 / 30. Letter from an unidentified person to Count Alexander Khristoforovich Benckendorff about the papers of Vasily Nazarievich Karazin, who was arrested in 1820 in connection with the unrest of the Semyonovsky regiment РГИА. 660 / 1 / 31. Receipt in receipt of "a known use" 40 000 rubles, issued by the Chairman of the State Council Illarion Vasilievich Vasilchikov Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 32. The report and letter of Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to the Chief of the General Staff, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky, about the illness of Adjutant Prince Trubetskoi, Count Vielgorsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 33. The report of Adjutant-General Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky on the management of his duty of the General Staff of his Imperial Majesty from December 12, 1815 to September 1, 1823. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 34. Letters from Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to various officials with the transmission of his report on the management of the duty of the General Staff and the letters of reply (8) with the notification of receipt РГИА. 660 / 1 / 35. The most beloved report of the Finnish Governor-General Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky about the rejection by the Finnish Senate of some of the highest orders announced by the Governor-General, with the application of the report of the Finnish Senate to the emperor РГИА. 660 / 1 / 36. Letters (4) and the rescript of Emperor Nicholas I to the Governor of Finland Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and the report of the last in Finnish cases on the admission of representatives of Finland, the fire in the city of Abo and the alleged trip of Nicholas I to Finland РГИА. 660 / 1 / 37. Memorandum (3) of the Finnish Governor-General Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I on the "riotousness" of students at the Universities of Abos and Alexandrov РГИА. 660 / 1 / 38. Memorandum (3) of the Finnish Governor General Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I with his resolution on the administration of Finland: on reducing the number of cases submitted to the highest resolution; on the provision of the governor-general РГИА. 660 / 1 / 39. Systematized inventory of decrees relating to the administration of the Grand Duchy of Finland РГИА. 660 / 1 / 4. A certificate of the production of Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to the rank of Lieutenant-General РГИА. 660 / 1 / 40. A letter from the chief of the gendarmes, Alexander Khristoforovich Benckendorff, to the Governor-General of Finland, Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky, about the mission of Major Ehrenstolpe to Finland to reconnoitre the way people think. Copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 41. Rescripts (4), letters (3) of Nicholas I's co-ordinator and the order of his Chief Staff to Interior Minister Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and the report of the latter on measures to protect and fight cholera in Russia and Finland РГИА. 660 / 1 / 42. Rescripts (7) of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and letters of reply (9 copies) of the latter on measures to combat the spread of cholera in Russia РГИА. 660 / 1 / 43. Memorandum notes (4) of the governor of Finland Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky and a letter from Emperor Nicholas I about the unrest in Finland and Sweden's plans to reject the latter from Russia in connection with the epidemic of cholera РГИА. 660 / 1 / 44. Correspondence on the closing of the presence of places in the city of Mitau on the occasion of the appearance of cholera. Copies РГИА. 660 / 1 / 45. Суточные и общие ведомости о больных холерой в Москве с октября 1830 г. по март 1831 г. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 46. Memorandum of the Korachan landowner Alexander Nikolayevich Popov to the Minister of the Interior Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the preventive measures against cholera with the resolution of the Imperor Nicholas I РГИА. 660 / 1 / 47. Letters (2) of Emperor Nicholas I to Minister of Internal Affairs Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and memorandums (3) on the last administrative issues: on awarding orders, appointing audiences, forwarding cases, etc. РГИА. 660 / 1 / 48. Correspondence of Comrade Interior Minister Dmitry Vasilievich Dashkov with Minister of Internal Affairs Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the order of communication of the comrade with the Minister and the Ministry with a note by D.V. Dashkov and AA's report. Zakrevsk РГИА. 660 / 1 / 49. Correspondence of Nicholas I with Interior Minister Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the case of the clash between the Governor-General of Livonia, Marquis Phil. Os. Paulucci and Livonian civil governor Pavel Vasilievich Ghana in connection with the wrong РГИА. 660 / 1 / 5. Rescript of Emperor Alexander I to Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky with rejection of his request for dismissal from the service for the administration of Finland РГИА. 660 / 1 / 50. Correspondence of 1829 on the adoption of the illegitimate children of the general from the infantry Ivan Vasilievich Sabaneev РГИА. 660 / 1 / 51. Memorandum of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I on the appointment of time for the reception of governors with the resolutions of Nicholas I РГИА. 660 / 1 / 52. Докладные записки министра внутренних дел Арсения Андреевича Закревского императору Николаю I по делам управления Финляндией и Министерством внутренних дел: о служебных перемещениях чиновников, их назначениях, о форме служебных рапортов и другое РГИА. 660 / 1 / 53. The letter of Emperor Nicholas I to Minister of Internal Affairs Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the need to take measures against the plague in Odessa, the memorandum (2) of the latter with the emperor's resolutions and secret orders to the governors of the southern provinces РГИА. 660 / 1 / 54. Letters from Emperor Nicholas I to Interior Minister Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and memoirs (7) of the latter about his dismissal on vacation and the appointment of the actual secret adviser to Fyodor Ivanovich Engel as his temporary deputy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 55. Rescripts (2) of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and letters of reply (in copies) of the latter about the appointment and admission to educational institutions of different persons РГИА. 660 / 1 / 56. Memoranda (3) of the Minister of the Interior Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky and the letter of Emperor Nicholas I to him concerning the attempt to bribe the Arkhangelsk Governor РГИА. 660 / 1 / 57. Correspondence on the involvement of Interior Minister Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to participate in the secret committee "on strengthening military methods in Russia," with a note and a statement on the purchase of horses for the army РГИА. 660 / 1 / 58. Memorandum of the Minister of the Interior Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I on the amounts needed for the erection of the Aland fortifications, with the autograph resolution of Nicholas I РГИА. 660 / 1 / 59. Memorandum of the Minister of the Interior Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I with the Emperor's own resolution and the all-pending petition of the Kursk governor Pavel Demidov on the adoption of the pupil of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 6. Two rescripts of Emperor Alexander I to Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky on dismissal of him for ill health from the post of the Governor-General of Finland and the Minister of Internal Affairs РГИА. 660 / 1 / 60. A letter from Prince Petr Georgievich of Oldenburg to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky, expressing gratitude for the plans for arranging settlements and a magazine published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs РГИА. 660 / 1 / 61. Memoirs of Minister of Internal Affairs Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Nicholas I on administrative issues: on the complaint of the Volyn governor to chamberlain Bekteev, about the production of the Irkutsk governor Decembrist Muraviev, about the appointment of the aud РГИА. 660 / 1 / 62. Correspondence between Minister of Internal Affairs Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky and Chief of Gendarmes Alexander Khristoforovich Benckendorff on bribery and unlawful seizures of peasants in Kazan province РГИА. 660 / 1 / 63. Correspondence on the granting of certain rights to governors and on raising the salaries of maintenance to the governor's chancellery, provincial government and others РГИА. 660 / 1 / 64. Correspondence on the appointment of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky as Moscow military governor-general, on granting him the right to wear the uniform of the Life Guards of the Finnish Rifle Battalion and about his primacy before all military commanders in Moscow РГИА. 660 / 1 / 65. Rescript of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna on the appointment of Count Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky as an honorary trustee of the Moscow Elizabethan School РГИА. 660 / 1 / 66. Rescript of Nicholas I to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on his appointment as a trustee of the Moscow Practical Commercial Academy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 67. Rescript of the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich to the Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and the latter's letter of reply (in a copy) about the addition of the loan advisor Bashilov's secret debt РГИА. 660 / 1 / 68. Rescripts (8) of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich to the Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and the response reports and letters (8) of the last (in copies) on military administrative matters: on the status of the lower ranks, on appointments, award РГИА. 660 / 1 / 69. Rescripts (4) of the Crown Prince Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich, Commander-in-Chief, Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on military administrative matters and the answers of the latter: appointments and displacements for officers, РГИА. 660 / 1 / 7. A note on the annual salary of salaries and canteens, received by Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky as the Governor-General of Finland РГИА. 660 / 1 / 70. Rescripts of the Tsarevich Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the award of 5,000 rubles in favor of the poorest inhabitants of Moscow and a letter from AA. Zakrevsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 71. Rescripts (2) of Emperor Nicholas I to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the suppression of the Hungarian uprising and return letters-addresses of the latter on behalf of the residents of Moscow РГИА. 660 / 1 / 72. Rescripts (2) of Emperor Nicholas I to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky expressing gratitude to him and his assistants for the efforts to stop cholera in Moscow РГИА. 660 / 1 / 73. Plans for parts of the city of Moscow with the indication of the alleged water from the Sokolniki and Mytishchi keys with an enclosed note by Pavel Maksimov. Watercolor РГИА. 660 / 1 / 74. Correspondence about the device at Nikolayevskaya Izmaylovskaya military almshouse in Moscow, a special branch for disabled people РГИА. 660 / 1 / 75. Сметы на постройку корпуса для отделения семейных инвалидов при Николаевской Измайловской военной богадельне в Москве РГИА. 660 / 1 / 76. Rescripts (2) of Emperor Alexander II to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky with orders for the upcoming visit to Moscow and the coronation РГИА. 660 / 1 / 77. Extract from the spiritual testament of Emperor Nicholas I with the expression of gratitude for the faithful service to the Adjutants General and others. Certified copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 78. Rescript of Emperor Alexander II to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on free education of children of poor residents in the Craft School РГИА. 660 / 1 / 79. Rescript of Emperor Alexander II to the Voskovsky Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky on the establishment in Moscow of the Committee for the Arrangement of the Life of the Landlord Peasants РГИА. 660 / 1 / 8. Rescripts (6), certificates (6) and other accompanying documents on the award of Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky with Russian orders, medals, the highest gifts and other awards РГИА. 660 / 1 / 80. Statistical summary of the number of factories, plants and workers in Moscow and the Moscow province on January 1, 1858. Copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 81. Statistical summary for the years 1854-1858 on the infants admitted to the Moscow educational house. Copy РГИА. 660 / 1 / 82. Всеподданнейшие адреса (23) московского генерал-губернатора Арсения Андреевича Закревского императору Николаю I с поздравлениями по поводу различных семейных торжеств в семье Романовых и ответные рескрипты Николая I РГИА. 660 / 1 / 83. Congratulatory letter from Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna on the occasion of her daughter's marriage and Elena Pavlovna's letter of reply РГИА. 660 / 1 / 84. Letters (2) of the Moscow Governor-General Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to Emperor Alexander II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna expressing condolences on the death of Emperor Nicholas I and response rescripts РГИА. 660 / 1 / 85. The most recent addresses (10) of the Moscow Governor-General Arseniy A. Zakrevsky to Emperor Alexander II with congratulations on various family celebrations in the Romanov family and the response rescripts (10) of Alexander II РГИА. 660 / 1 / 86. Congratulatory letter from Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolaevich on the occasion of his engagement and the rescript of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 87. Congratulatory letters (2) of Arseniy Andreyevich Zakrevsky to the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich on the occasions of his marriage and the birth of his son and the rescript rescripts РГИА. 660 / 1 / 88. Сборник материалов (брошюр, программ, стихотворений и прочее), относящихся к устройству в доме московского генерал-губернатора Арсения Андреевича Закревского обедов, спектаклей, живых картин, маскарадов и других торжественных собраний в память войны 1812 РГИА. 660 / 1 / 89. Materials relating to the meeting in Moscow in 1856 of the Black Sea Fleet crews, and about various festivals arranged on this occasion (programs, poems, invitations and other) РГИА. 660 / 1 / 9. Diplomas (2) and notifications (2) on awarding Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky with foreign orders (Bavarian, Württemberg, French, Prussian) РГИА. 660 / 1 / 90. Brochures, announcements, speeches, toasts, poems of 1816 on the occasion of the capture of Paris on March 19, 1814 and the same materials about the celebration in 1859 of the 45th anniversary of the event in Moscow РГИА. 660 / 1 / 91. Materials about farewell dinners given to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky military and civil officials, senators and Moscow merchants: lists of guests, speeches, toasts and other РГИА. 660 / 1 / 92. The letter of the Moscow Governor-General to the Tsarevich, Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, and the letter of the latter about the portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich, found in the Countess Efimovskaya РГИА. 660 / 1 / 93. Letters (5) of Arseny Andreyevich Zakrevsky to the Chief of the General Staff, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky, about the unrest in the Semenov regiment. Copies РГИА. 660 / 1 / 94. Letters (24) of Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to the Chief of the General Staff, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 95. Two collection of letters (53) of Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to the Chief of the General Staff, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky РГИА. 660 / 1 / 96. Letters (2) of Arseniy Andreevich Zakrevsky to the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich with the congratulations of the Grand Duke on his marriage and on the collection of donations in favor of the pilgrims to Palestine and the response rescripts (2) of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 97. Letters (3) of Count Alexei A. Arakcheev to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky with a reply letter from the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 98. Letter from Ober-Hofmeister Victor Aleksandrovich Bibikov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky and a draft of the answer of the latter РГИА. 660 / 1 / 99. Letters (117) from the St. Petersburg Postal Director Konstantin Yakovlevich Bulgakov to Count Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky Display format Archival description RUSMARC